I'm sorry for not writing anything about the children, but I thought that this story would be too long. So for those who wonder what all of the twelve children are called and what house they were in.

Here they are:

Twin pair 1: Ajax David and Tristan Daniel

Twin pair 2: Juno Aileen and Ione Alina

Twin pair 3: Helios Damon and Midas Dennis

Twin pair 4: Elektra Amber and Epona April

Twin pair 5: Castor Dylan and Pollux Derek

Twin pair 6: Selena Alexis and Tara Alice

Ajax, Elektra and Castor made Slytherin.

Juno, Tara and Tristan made Gryffindor.

Helios, Selena and Epona made Ravenclaw.

Ione, Midas and Pollux made Hufflepuff