(A/N. Sorry this took so long guys. I was in the middle of nowhere. I presumed nowhere had an internet connection. I was wrong.)

Chapter Four: Reunion

"Bart? Bart!" Oliver bent down, confused as to what had happened. He'd merely hugged the boy, who was now writhing in pain on his hallway floor.

"Not... Not your fault. B-Broken rib..." Bart assured him through his barred teeth.

"What do I do?!" Oliver yelled at no one in particular, panicked. He wasn't really sure how to handle a situation like this. he was an idiot- he'd had a doctor check Bart out last night, but he'd only stitched him up. They didn't even do any x-rays... He felt so stupid.

Bart, meanwhile, was already propping himself up against a wall and seemed to have calmed down quite a bit. "Can you just get me some tylenol or something?" he requested calmly.

Oliver feigned calmness himself. "Oh, oh, okay Bart. Sure I'll get you some tylenol because this clearly happens to you a lot or something. Oh wait no. WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!" he ordered, getting out his cellphone.

"It's fine..." Bart whined, pulling himself up to a standing position. "This has happened before. You just take a shit load of tylenol and try not to move too much."

The older man gave a skeptical look as he shoved the cellphone back into his pocket. By the time he'd returned with a bottle of painkillers, Bart had made his way over to the couch.

The boy gratefully swallowed twice the daily dosage recommendation of pills before moving on with his day. Bart realized he was hungry once again, but didn't bother with telling his host this. Oliver was probably already confused as to how he'd consumed a whole pan of macaroni and cheese only a few hours earlier.

The doorbell rang, signifying someone was in the elevator. Probably something business related, Bart thought, and took the opportunity to go scope out the kitchen for a snack.

Whilst stuffing various types of meat and a jar of mayonnaise between two slices of bread, the boy swore he heard his name being mentioned several times. Curiously, he took his sandwich and crept stealthily around the corner. Someone was already doing the same thing though, trying to get a peek into the kitchen from the other side. It was because of this that Bart found his nose squished against someone's muscular chest and the ingredients of his sandwich spread across the tiled floor, having dropped it in surprise.

"Bart!" the guy he crashed into smiled gave him a light hug.

"OW! OW! OW!" Bart jumped in pain and backed out of the embrace. "Why do people keep doing that..." he mumbled, rubbing the sore spot on his side.

"Are you alright, Bart?" the guy quickly asked in an apologetic tone. The teenager realized he recognized the voice, and was of course already confused as to why this guy knew his name. There wasn't exactly a boat load of the people he spent most of his time with, people just as down on their luck as he was, that could drop in unannounced at Oliver Queen's apartment.

"Clark Kent?!" he jumped in shock at the sight of the familiar face. It had been a goodyear since his first and last stay with the Kent family. He wasn't normally one to remember the people he saw only once, but there was something about meeting the only other person, or at least to his knowledge, that had the same ability as he does. Someone who was somehow even more of a freak than Bart himself. "See I told you he was the right kid!" Clark bumped Oliver on the shoulder playfully. Oliver looked surprised and just as confused as Bart over this turn of events. In fact Clark was the only one in the room who seemed to think this was totally normal.

Oliver shook his head. "Okay, you two, now that we've established that you're best buddies, mind explaining how exactly you know each other?"

Clark leaned casually against the wall " Well remember, I told you last night. You had this kid on a roof, knocked out for whatever reason, and I told you Oliver, that's Bart Allen. And you told me to come over when he was conscious to see if he knew who I was."

" Yeah, I know what happened last night, thank you very much. I'm just saying you never knew actually explained how yourself and Bart Allen became acquainted." Oliver pressed. How did Clark Kent, who rarely ventured into Metropolis in the first place, know this kid who lived in the slums of the city?

Bart was beginning to get annoyed, he was being discussed, but neither man took the time to look him in the eyes. "Uh hey, yeah- over here. Before we delve in MY life story... mind explaining how you two know each other? I mean, no offense farm-boy, but how do you have connections with Luthor AND this guy? Geez, how connected could you be?"

"Umm... I... his mom is my business partner..." Oliver mumbled quickly. Truthfully, he met Clark after stealing a diamond necklace from his mother as the Green Arrow. Through an agreement to keep one-other's secret identities, the two had eventually developed a sort of friendship.

Bart looked bored and disbelieving with the response, but decided to ignore the lie. He could probably get something more interesting out of Oliver once he'd known the guy for more than a couple of hours. It occurred to him that they were still essentially strangers, brought together only by the guilt of a rich man knowing he was some kind of helpless child. Whatever, it wasn't like this would be a permanent setup, and the two would soon part ways.

Seeing the supposed boredom in his ward's eyes, Oliver took such as a signal that it was his turn to go along with the questioning. "Alright Bart, if you care so much. How about you tell me why farm-boy is your best buddy. Seems to me it's just as unlikely Clark knows some homeless kid in metropolis as he does a rich guy. Then again... Smallville is the capital of unlikely." He said that last part a little more quietly. Clark gave off a quite grunt of laughter at the comment. Unbeknownst to Queen himself, Bart was also in on the meteor-freak knowledge.

" Same way you know me, Robin Hood." he gave a sly smile. Suddenly his eyes got wide though, realizing he probably shouldn't have mentioned so obviously his knowledge of Oliver Queen's secret alter-ego.

The room was suddenly very awkwardly silent. "Does he...?" Clark whispered to his friend in a hushed tone. Oliver was normally very careful about keeping his secret identity just that, a secret. To his knowledge, Clark was the only one who knew.

Seeing Oliver's nod in response, Bart realized the significance of the exchange that had just happened between the men. "Wait- Clark, you know?!" he shouted in surprise. Geez, for a stealthy thief, Green Arrow was incredibly crapy at keeping secrets. "Well then... someone likes to kiss and tell.." he mocked, bending down to pick up the pieces of salami from the floor. "Well now that we're sharing... I guess I should tell you Bart knows about me too..." Clark mumbled, a little embarrassed. Seeing Oliver's shock, Bart flashed him an annoyingly arrogant smile, popping a piece of floor-meat into his mouth. Yum, bologna.

" Seriously Clark? As far as I could tell, you guys met for like, a day!" Oliver ranted. He was pretty sure Clark still hadn't told that Lana girl he was always talking about. "And stop doing that, Bart- there's more in the fridge!" he yelled, aggravated after seeing Bart eat the bologna from his floor.

" Same with you, Ollie! Listen, either way- I guess we all know about each other now. We're like a club or something." Typical Clark, thought Oliver, always looking on the bright side.

" Wait. All of us? Bart, tell me, are you also an alien?" Oliver looked at him, dead serious. Bart knew that he could tell his host everything, but being coming from his background, he didn't much like to tell people everything at once.

"No, of course not. Clark just meant we're all keeping both of your secrets." Bart lied swiftly, eager to leave the situation before Clark spilled the beans. What was up with these two? It seemed like both had unsuspectingly trusted him with their deepest secret. "I'm uh, I'm gonna go finish up with that sandwich..." he mumbled, returning to the kitchen.

Leaving Oliver and Clark to ponder what to do with the kid who knew the secrets that could get the both of them killed.