A/N: Hello! This is my 2nd story! This one is based on Vampire Knight, I hope you enjoy!"


Chapter 1: It's all a blur

"Where am I?"

"It's cold..."

The small girl cracked open her eyes and sat up slowly.


White blankets of snow covered the ground. The sky was dark grey and she didn't see a source of life anywhere. All she saw was white and grey.

"Who am I anyways..?" She wondered.

"Oh yeah, My name is Kairi...What did it mean again?...Who named me that? Who are my parents?..."

Kairi was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't realize that a boy about a year older than her appeared behind her.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

Kairi jumped and turned around to face the boy.

He had short silver hair and purple eyes. The boy was a good 5 inches taller that her.

"Who're you?" she asked cautiously.

"My name's Zero Kiryu. You'll catch a cold in this weather wearing that kind of clothes."

Kairi looked down at her clothes.

She was wearing a light jacket, boots, jeans and a scarf.

Zero held out his hand to her and she took it hesitantly.

She walked towards him and he took off his outer trench coat and wrapped it over Kairi's shoulders.

"Arigato.." She whispered.

"No problem..." he replied.

"Why are you out here anyways, Zero?"

"Because I-"


Kairi lazily lifted her head up from her desk.

The teacher stood in front of her.

"What?" She asked rudely.

"Don't you 'WHAT' me! Supplementary classes for you, Kiryu, and Cross!" He bellowed.

Yuuki shot up at the sound of her last name.

"I'M NOT SLEEPING!" she cried.

All the students but the 3 disciplinary committee members snickered.

"Would you stop yelling Yuuki?"

Everyone's attention shot over to Zero who yawned.

"It's amazing how you guys even made it this far in school." The teacher mumbled.

"How can you, Kiyoshi, and Kiryu make perfect scores on the tests I give but never bother to do any other kind of work?!"

"I dunno." Zero mumbled.

"The test scores are really what matters in school anyways so we don't really care about class work.." Zero looked over at Kairi as she leaned on him sleepily.

The silver haired boy played lazily with the younger girl's onyx, shoulder length hair.

"Grr, damn you teenagers..." The teacher mumbled and returned to the chalk board.

"Ne, ne do you think that Zero-kun and Kairi-chan are dating?" A girl whispered to her friend.

"I doubt it. Haven't you seen his relationship with Yuuki-san?" The friend whispered back.

Kairi cringed at their words.

Suddenly a sharp pencil landed between the girls.

The two of them, Kairi, and Yuuki turned to look at Zero who was now leaning back onto the bench like chairs.

"Stop gossiping, it's annoying. I don't like either of them, they're just people close to me." he said bluntly.

Somehow Kairi felt hurt because of Zero's words. He didn't even bother to say that they were friends. She wondered, what exactly was she to this silver haired teen?

The bell rang and all the students left except for the 3 prefects.

"Now let's start our supp-"

Zero kicked down the door to the classroom and left with Kairi following behind him, silently looking at the ground.

"Ah, um I'll asked them to fix that later! Thank you for your time sensei!" Yuuki stuttered and left leaving the teacher stunned.

To the Moon Dorms:

"I wonder how my beautiful fan girls are this afternoon!" Aido sighed and drank from his glass of dissolved blood tablets.

"Hm..I wonder how Kairi-chan is." Shiki wondered aloud.

"What is that girl to you, Senri?" Rima asked hiding her envy of the fellow female.

"Isn't she just a human?" Ruka asked.

"I heard that she was in the same incident as Kiryu." Akatsuki said adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves.

"The Pureblood incident?" Aido wondered.

"Yeah."Akatsuki replied.

"Then how come she smells human?" Shiki asked.

"From the records, people say she wasn't bitten but used as hostage against Kiryu-kun." Takuma said closing his manga and placing it on top of his other class books.

"Kairi only speaks when appropriate. She's pretty quiet"

"And she's hot." Aido said happily while swirling the red liquid in his glass around.

"Make a move on her and I'm sure Kiryu would kill you Hanabusa." Akatsuki said.


All the aristocrats turned their heads to the top of the stair case where Seiren and Kaname stood.

"Kaname-sama." They all bowed except Shiki.

"Yo, cousin." He said bluntly.

"I think it's time to go." Kaname said putting on his mysterious-like smile.

"Yes, Kaname-sama." The aristocrats chanted and stood up.

They all took their usual places.

Kaname in front with Akatsuki and Aido at his sides and the rest of the vampires behind him.

The doors opened and they walked to the gate where Kairi stood waiting for them as Zero and Yuuki held back the girls.

Her job was to escort the vampires to their first class, then to go join Zero and Yuuki on patrol.

"Good afternoon girls~ !" Aido said waving at the mobs of females.

"Ah! Aido-kun!" The girls responded.

The blonde aristocrat turned to Kairi and took her chin in his slender fingers.

"Hello, Kairi-chan." He said in a soft voice.

The girl had a small look of discomfort in her eyes.

Zero had always told her to avoid vampires. He said that they were evil and that they were beasts in human form.

"Good afternoon, Aido-kun..." She whispered.

"Don't scare the poor girl Aido."

The two turned their attention to Kaname.

"Ah..um gomen Kairi-chan, if I was scaring you." The blonde said giving her a truthful smile.

"It's okay I'm fine...Arigato, Kaname-san for worrying." The black haired girl said quietly.

"No problem, Kairi." The pureblood replied.

Kaname Kuran. A rare pureblooded vamprie. They say that purebloods are like rulers or kings and queens of other vampires. Their blood doesn't have a single drop of human D.N.A in it.

He was one of the main vampires that Zero wanted her to avoid.

"Shall we go now?"

Kairi snapped her head up at the pureblood. The 2 pairs of crimson eyes met.

"Ne, Kaname-kun Kairi has the same eye color as you!" Takuma exclaimed.

"No I disagree. Her eye color seems more like a gentle rose unlike Kaname's who's is more deadly red." Shiki said in his usual blunt tone.

"Hmm, I guess you're right Shiki-kun!" Takuma said smiling.

Kairi's face had turned as red as her eyes when they talked about her.

"Um, Let's get you all to class now..." She said, her bangs hiding her eyes as they walked.

As she walked the vampires to class, Zero spotted Kairi's blushed face.

"What did those damned beasts do to her?" He asked himself.

That Night During Patrol:

Kairi sat in a tree nearly falling asleep.

She had finished her patrols and felt very tired.

"Hey Kairi-chan!"

The poor girl fell out of the tree and braced herself for impact but landed in someone's soft yet strong arms.

"Yuuki, don't scare her."

Kairi opened her eyes and her red ones met familiar lavender ones.

"You should be more careful, Kairi." Zero said as he set he down on her feet.

"Gomen..." She whispered and slid down the tree with her knees up to her chest.

"Did you have another dream?" he asked.

"Yeah..." She replied.

"What are you talking about, Zero?" Yuuki asked.

"It's kinda complicated but...she doesn't remember her past like you. She forgot everything prior of age 5." he replied.

"But it's kind of harder on her because...never mind."

Zero took Kairi's arm and pulled her up.

"N-Nani?!" She exclaimed.

"You finished your patrols right? Then go help me with mine's." he said and the two of them walked away.

Yuuki walked to the balcony and stared off.

"Kairi-chan doesn't remember her past either? And...Zero never told me how it's worst on her." She thought to herself.

She suddenly saw 2 girls on the ground below.

Yuuki jumped down and swung on a branch to make the impact less powerful.

"Give me your class numbers and names." She said to the 2 girls.

"Ah! It's one of the prefects!" One of them exclaimed.

"We just wanted pictures of the night class.." The other said.

"You aren't suppose to be out at this time!" Yuuki said and saw that one of the girl's knees was bleeding.

"Oh no, you're bleeding! That isn't good, please go back to your dorms quickly!"

There was slight rustling and Yuuki turned around.

"Who's there?!" She called and extended her Artemis rod.

"The headmaster has trained you well."

There stood Akatsuki Kain, and Aido Hanabusa.

"Ah! It's Akatsuki-senpai and Aido-senpai!" The other two girls squealed.

"Calm down Yuuki-chan...we only came because we smelt blood..." Aido said smirking.

"Ah..you smell so delightful.."

"Oh my god he said we smelt nice!" One of the girls squealed.

"Aido, if you harm one of those girls I'll-" Yuuki was cut off when Aido placed his hand on top of hers.

"Did you fall?..The blood I'm smelling..." The aristocrat lifted her hand up and sniffed the wounded part.

"Is yours Yuuki..." He finished.

He showed his fangs and slowly pushed them into Yuuki's wrist.

The girl flinched as it broke through skin.

"Aido-senpai is a vampire?!" The other girl cried.

"L-let go!" Yuuki struggled but Aido broke her grip on the silver rod and pulled her to him so that her back was against his chest.

"Mm..Your blood is tasty...May I...partake from your neck..?" He asked , his eyes shining crimson.

"N-No! Aido stop-!"

There was a clicking of a gun, jingling of chains and rustling of clothes.

Zero stood there with his fun pointed at Aido's head.

Kairi had her short anti-vampire sword out and pointed at Akatsuki's neck while she held one of his big wrists in her smaller hand.

"Let. Go. Of. Her. Now." Zero said gritting his teeth together.

"Where you vampires drunken by the smell of blood..?" Kairi asked quietly.

"Looks like we got caught, Hanabusa." Akatsuki stated bluntly.

"Yes. But you see, Kiryu-kun, her blood was so tempting..."Aido said and licked her neck.

That's when Zero snapped.

"No, wait, Zero don't!" Yuuki cried.

There was a sound of a gunshot.

Aido had duck and covered.

Yuuki stood there with her hand on the Bloody rose making it point up.

"You should put that away...Kiryu.."

Everyone's attention turned to the Pureblooded vampire that appeared.

"You should know that those kind of weapons are a great threat to us..."

Zero pulled away from Yuuki and put away his gun but Kairi didn't lower her weapon. These beasts...they tried to harm someone important to Zero. She'd never forgive them.

A big pale hand was placed on her small wrist.

She looked up at the taller pureblood and glared daggers at him.

Kaname simply brushed off her threatening eyes.

"It's alright..I'll handle it from here Kairi." He said giving her one of his mysterious smiles.

The girl reluctantly lowered her sword and it returned to its normal state as a small dagger hidden in her sleeve.

She walked over to Yuuki and took off her own ribbon to tie around the girl's hand.

"Arigato, Kairi-chan." Yuuki whispered.

Kairi nodded and turned back to look at the 2 unconscious girls that lay on the grass.

"They must've passed out from shock." Kairi said quietly.

"I shall take care of that...Seiren." Kaname called and the short haired girl came and erased their memories.

There was a slapping noise.

Aido had been slapped by Kaname.

"Gomen...Kaname-sama." the blonde said shamefully.

"You are to blame too Kain."


"You did not stop Aido so you are to blame as well."

"I will deal with these two. Have a nice evening, Kairi..."

The vampires disappeared.

"Let's go. This place reeks of blood and vampire..." Zero said and pulled Yuuki away to follow him.

The two didn't mean to, but they left Kairi standing there alone.

Once again, she felt that tug on her heart. She always felt that tug when Zero was with Yuuki, but she never knew why she felt that way.

In the Headmaster's Bathroom:

Kairi slid down the wall and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"What am I to Zero..?"

That question ran through her mind as she painfully tried to find answers.

The bathroom door opened to reveal Zero.

His white dress shirt wasn't buttoned and showed the pale toned skin under it.

"What're you doing on the floor, Kairi?" He asked.

The girl quickly stood up and turned away so that her back was to him.

"B-Betsuni..." she replied.

(Betsuni = Nothing)

She was about to walk away from him into the shower but he grabbed her wrist.

Kairi turned around but avoided his lavender eyes.

She knew he had 'that face' on.

The one that says, "tell me what's wrong please?"

"I-I need to go take a shower..." She said trying to pull away.


His firm voice made her freeze.

He pulled her into an embrace.

"Why have you been avoiding me..?"

She paused and asked, "Zero...what am I to you..?"

This made the older boy freeze and she pulled away from him.

"I won't take long in the shower...I'll leave some hot water for you." Kairi said changing the subject.

She walked into the shower with her clothes on and stripped down.

Zero looked at the shower curtain and watched her shadow remove its clothes.

Kairi threw her uniform over the top of the shower and it landed perfectly in the dirty clothes basket which was located next to the sink.

The tall silver haired teen took off his dress shirt and leaned on the marble counter.

"Zero..what am I to you?"

Her question rang in his ears.

"What is...Kairi to me..?"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Review, follow, pm etc.! :)
