More is coming! Eddie is gonna get it, just a small teaser. Half the next chapter is already done and should be up in a few days Thank you all!

Rose POV

I had never seen Carlisle like this, never once in the many many years I had been in his free willed coven, his family, my family. He was frozen, not a hard muscle moving, not a breath, for nearly and hour. An hour was not long for a human, but for immortals, those of us who could think faster, move faster, live forever, sixty minuets could be an eternity. I could see the panic in his face, in his eyes, and the sheer anger etched in his face. As well as the complete helplessness. His fingers were touching the once warm ground, now long cold, his clothing soaked from the moisture in the air.

I wondered what thoughts ran through his mind. The thousands upon thousands of thing he must have imagined. Where could Bella be? Where had Edward hidden her? What were his intentions? And the one that would plague him most of all: Why had he not been there to prevent it?

After Edward had cut her hair off he had spoken to us about closing the house, quitting the hospital, and leaving with her. We would come along as well, Em and myself. I very much enjoyed Bella's company. There was something that made people like her. I was drawn to her. Maybe it was some latent power, I wasn't sure. Nutty Edward could read minds, Alice the future, and Jasper his emotional capabilities. We all remembered some of our human existence, traits we had brought with us, and some had been amplified. Like my Em's strength. Maybe drawing people to her was a gift. Emmett had admitted to being drawn to her, but not sexually, more like that of a protective brother.

We should have followed our gut feeling and left when we had the chance.

Both Em and I heard it happen. The sneaky snake waited until we were distracted, our minds wandering while the teacher droned on and on about the Spanish Civil war. These were things we knew, repeating high school over and over. I was thinking of having another wedding. I loved being dressed in white, maybe with a bit more lace this time, and flowers. It had been nearly ten years since our last wedding and it would have been nice to live alone with Emmett again for a few years. Not too far from Carlisle and Bella, of course. But they needed a bit of privacy as well, after all that had happened, they needed a break.

The glass shattered. We could hear it tinkling to the ground, like little musical chimes. Our eyes met each others. We would have dashed out of the room, running at full speed, but we could not betray our human facade that we had so carefully cultivated. I shot my hand into the air. It seemed like forever until the teacher noticed me and I asked to be excused. I got up as fast as I could, without breaking a humans stride, and shoved the wooden door open.

"Kill the bastard," I heard Emmett whisper before the door closed. And I would if I was close enough. Em might be stronger, but I was vicious when I wanted to be. I brought stubbornness with me, yes I was hard headed, but I also brought a need for the weak to be vindicated. After I had been turned, when Carlisle saved me from my fiance, from my embarrassing death, I could not let those who deserved it go unpunished.

When I saw a man beating a woman, maybe raping her, I could not control myself. I could break their necks easily, and I did. Never did I once consume the dirty disgusting blood. Once I did have to kill a woman. She instigated the fight and he was too good to lift a finger too her, opting to try to hold her back. When she pulled a knife on him because he wouldn't 'fight back' I got edgy. When I heard her slice his arm as he went to defend himself I had to move. I could smell the coppery blood, hear the wet drip drip as I neared. Another slice, this time to his stomach. He went down. She didn't hear me coming. I made it look as if she tripped onto the knife. I had to, violence is violence. I could have done it all day long in the large cities, with being able to hear even a pin drop miles away, I could hear all the discord. It was one of the reasons I preferred living so far out in the woods. Humans had to live their own lives, I couldn't always help, and I didn't want to be a 'hero.' I was a predator, the further away the better.

Of course there had to be people in the hallways, it was so close to the school bell ringing and some of the classes had been released early. I dropped one hand to my belly and with the other I covered my mouth. I feigned needing to vomit and broke into a sprint to reach the bathroom faster.

I could smell his stench. It has always been to sickly sweet for me. That was probably the reason poor Bella had been heaving. She could tell he was close. He was just 'lucky' that Bella had gone to the restroom. He must have been stalking her, keeping a distance that we did not notice, waiting in the shadows for his moment to steal her away.

Alice must have seen this coming. Why did she not tell us? My mind was racing as I jumped through the window gracefully. I could see the bent and broken grass where his swift feet had carried her through the lawn. A strand of her hair that had fallen from her head, her scent was around, but faint. It had been 173 seconds since we heard the glass. That was more than enough time for him to escape, his lead on us was large.

In the distance I heard the school bell rang. Among the noise of lockers and chatter I could hear Em dial his phone. I am sure Carlisle could feel his mates panic, but he didn't know what caused it. Now he would know.

There began to a be a heavy mist, the wetness caressing my skin, coating me quickly as it became thicker, then turned to rain. My head whipped side to side, terror setting in, searching for their scent. The water was washing it away faster than my legs could carry me. Edward was faster than any of us and when he ran his feet touched the ground less and less, almost as if he were flying instead of running. I looked for anything, any trace of the pair. Maybe there was bent blades of grass or more of Bella's cropped hair. I continued in the direction he had taken, hoping. I could just barely smell their scent, but it was fading fast.

I knew Em was behind me, getting soaked in the now slowing rain. He would stay close, listening for me in case I needed help, but he would search another route that could have been taken. If Jasper and Alice were here we would fan out, covering ground faster, and Alice would have a clear picture of where he would have gone. But it was just us now, our family dwindling in numbers.

I let my legs carry me, my anger and terror growing, for what felt like forever. Oh how I would rip him to pieces. Maybe start with his perfect piano fingers, breaking them one at a time before pulling his arm off. Bella was my friend now, and more importantly, my family. I was ripped from mine so many years ago, so anyone I considered family was precious to me. I reached a road and stopped dead. I was close to where they had been, I could feel deep in me.

I scoured the road, until I found what I was looking for. The smell of disturbed dust filled my nostrils, as well as exhaust. The ground was warm from the pointed heat of the tailpipe. From the smell and feel, the car had been waiting for hours. Now there would be no way to trace them.

My golden hair was sopping wet, my clothing clung the perfect skin of my hard frame, and I shivered, but not from the cold. We had to find her. Heaven knows what he would do to her. And I loved Carlisle. He saved me, showed me a new life with a soul mate I adored. I loved his coven, his family. Edward would pay for this, for hurting Carlisle... my savior, my father.

Carlisle POV

There was nothing now. Nothing in this bleak colorless world for me. I thought I had found it once in Esme. The colors seemed a bit more vibrant, but those hues had faded after only a few short years. When I met Bella, my Isabella, the world became a place filled with extraordinary luster. Just the very thought of her existence seemed to make my world complete, as if I had been missing the last puzzle piece, and now it had been found.

Nothing. I could feel the rain as it poured down onto me. I could feel it seeping through the interwoven polyester of my lab coat, dispersing through the white cotton weaving of my button down shirt before it touched my frozen skin. It felt warm against me, as if the earth was trying to comfort me, to give me strength when I needed it the most. The heat the car had left was long gone.

What could he be doing to my Isabella? Was she already dead? Was this just an act of revenge? I had won out, I had been picked as the mate. My mate! Mine and only mine. I had made sure that night by the lake. I could feel her body yielding to my strength, her heart pounding against me as if it were my own and we were in sync. She had been made for me and I had been just lucky enough to find her. Her back had arched as I had taken her for the first time, begging me to go deeper, to fill her sweet we slit again and again, becoming one with her... I needed her. I needed my other half, that half that made me feel like I could be alive.

Why had I not been there for her when she needed protection the most? Our family was so caught up in the trying to fit in with the human world, trying to be a part of it, wrapped in our own little bubble, that we had forgotten that other vampires were out there. Vampires that did not share our views, vampires that could be unhinged like Edward.

But most of all I had forgotten my nature. I was a Vampire. I was a blood consuming, indestructible, killing machine. For years I had denied myself. When I met Isabella I could feel my dominant side clawing for release. She was so helpless and submissive, so fragile and lovely. And yet she was stubborn, with a temper that could so easily match my own if I just took that one simple step, just a simple slice off my teeth through her delectable skin.

I was not a human, though I respected life. Vampire. I was a Vampire. A vampire who had been wronged so many times. I thought my faith in others was in fallible and I had proven to be a fool. I would not be that fool again. I would save her, protect her, take her far away, not matter what would happen. We could deal with the aftermath later...

It was only a soft touch on my shoulder that brought me out of my heavy thoughts. A smell so familiar that my lips curled over my teeth and a wild snarl filled the air. I grabbed at the arm, and with little resistance, flipped the figure over my shoulder. He landed with a huff as the air escaped out of him. One of my arms pinned his jar sideways, and if he were human, would have cut off the air. The other hand tangled itself in locks of blond wavy hair. There was no resistance from him, his eyes were closed, waiting for the final blow.

"Jasper," I couldn't help it, his name came out in a gasp as his eyes opened. There was no maliciousness in his honey eyes, no contempt. We said words to each other that could only be understood with our eyes, with the loss of something we love. The instant I released him his arms were around me in a mournful embrace. He would not try to take my love, no harm would come to anyone save it be Edward. It was nice to have my son back, and I was going to need all the help I could get.