Author's Note:

This fanfic was based on a inside joke between me and a friend I call Wolverbit (Wolverine and Gambit). This fanfic takes place after the first X-Men movie and before the X-Men:The Last Stand. In this fanfic Havoc is a major character even though his character doesn't appear until First Class. But hey guys its a fanfic, there are no limits when it comes to the imagination:) So without further ado, I hope you enjoy this fanfic!



Logan was sitting on a barstool, smoking his cigar in between sips of his third bottle of beer. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the barman glaring at him as he exhaled another cloud of smoke. Logan didn't care that he was causing the barman inconvience. Where was a sign that said 'no smoking allowed'?

Logan was deep in thought about . . . everything. His amnesia . . . S.H.I.E.L.D . . . Jean . . . Jean's beautiful face bloomed into his mind. Just as he was thinking about her and Cyclop's relationship, he was pulled out of his thoughts by a young woman's voice. Logan had not realized that he had been lost in his memories of Jean Grey.

"Sir," the young woman's voice said. "D'you want another beer?"

Logan looked at the yound woman. She looked to be in her late teens. She was wearing a black tank top covered by a gray hoodie half zipped up and jeans. Her name tag read "SOPHIE".

Logan nodded his reply.

"All righty then," Sophie said in a cheery tone as she walked past two other customers, both middle-aged men. Logan noticed that when Sophie walked past the other two customers one of them reached out his hand, touching her waist. Sophie stopped in mid-step. She turned around to face the man that had touched her.

"Can I get you something?" Sophie snapped, her dark blue eyes flashing.

The man stood up, towering Sophie by at least half a foot. The man exhaled in Sophie's direction. Logan saw Sophie's nose twitch as she smelt his drunken breath.

"You should come with me Pretty Lady," the drunken man said.

Sophie stepped back. Her face clearly saying that she was harrased. "No," Sophie said firmly.

The drunken man grabbed Sophie's wrist. Sophie glared at the drunken man. She tried to wriggle her wrist from the drunken man's grip but to no avail. Logan turned, still in his seat, ready to step in if things got out of hand.

"Hey," the barman said warningly at the drunken man. "Let my Sophie go."

Sophie turned her head to her employer. "I got this Jerry."

"Yeah Jerry, don't worry I wouldna hurt Little Miss Sophie," the drunken man's words were becoming slurrier.

Then the drunken man pulled Sophie close to him. As in her chest was tightly against his. He had pulled so tightly that Sophie could barely move. Logan had had enough of just sitting around witnessing this young woman's distress. Logan was on his feet ready to defend Sophie three feet away from her and the drunken man.

"Let me go Marcus," Sophie said calmly to the drunken man, Marcus.

"Now why would I let a pretty thing like you go?" Marcus stated.

"I said, 'Let me go', Sophie growled.

"I won't take lip from you," Marcus said menacingly. He raised his hand as thought to strike Sophie on her face. Logan, along with Jerry, was about to intervene. Logan ready to unleash his claws but then stopped when they saw Sophie spring into action. She stepped on Marcus's foot first. Marcus yelped in pain, Sophie used this time to get away from his hold.

Logan felt himself gape at Sophie as he saw her unleash claws out of her knuckles, bone claws.

So much like his original claws.

At that moment Logan and the rest of the bar understood what Sophie was.

A mutant.

Just like Logan, in more ways than one it seemed, literally. They shared at least one power.

How could that be?

Sophie growled as she lunged at Marcus, slamming him against the bar counter.

"When I say," Sophie growled, at that moment she put one of her bone claws on Marcus's throat. "Let me go. I mean-"

She pressed her claw down harder against his throat, causing him to choke.

"-LET ME GO!" Sophie bellowed.

She then released Marcus. But not before she kicked him in his manhood for good measure.

Logan would have chuckled but he was in too much of awe of Sophie.

So was the rest of the bar, which consisted of just Marcus, Jerry, and the other customer.

Logan gaped at Sophie.

His eyes met hers. She looked away first, her face redening as the stares pelted her. She looked to the barman, Jerry.

"I guess this means I'm fired," Sophie mumbled.

Jerry was too stunned to say anything. He clearly didn't know that one of two of his waitresses was a mutant. He nodded. Indeed yes Sophie was out of her job. For the third time.

"Can I still have my paycheck?" Sophie asked.

Jerry shook his head. No, Sophie couldn't have the money she had rightfully earned. Sophie let out a sigh, her shoulders slumped. Her dark blue eyes glistened, as though she might cry if she let herself.

"Look Jer, I need that money. I've nowhere to go. I don't have a ride. I have no one. I need the cash. Please . . . "

Logan could hardly stand Sophie's pleading, and he was just an observer. Jerry grabbed his shotgun that had been hanging on the wall behind him.

"Get out, Mutant," Jerry spat. "Your kind ain't welcome here." Jerry cocked his shotgun.

Logan stepped in between Jerry and Sophie.

"Whoa. Easy! Easy!" Logan said, trying to convince Jerry to lower his shotgun. "Look Bub, I don't think it'll hurt anyone if you give Sophie her money."

"Stay out of this Stranger," Jerry snapped, pointing his shotgun at Logan for a split second.

"Easy Bub," Logan said. He gave up on trying to make Jerry lower his weapon. He turned to Sophie. He wanted to know why this young woman had the same mutation as he did. "Hey Kid come with me."

Sophie hesitated. After that scene with Marcus, Logan didn't blame Sophie for being cautious on who she walked out of a bar with. "I just want to talk."

Sophie nodded. "All right," she said after a moment. Jerry picked up what Logan guessed was Sophie's messenger bag. He chucked harshly at Sophie's face.

"Get your filth outta here," Jerry snapped.

Sophie caught her bag by the strap. She glared at her former employer before she left the Pop-In Bar with Logan.