Dear Ryuga, I heard you died. Anyway what are your thoughts on Sakyo and his Ronin Dragoon? I hate him, no one can possibly replace you and L-Drago. Also you may have been gone for a while but people still fear you.

Sincerely, Vic The Super Saiyan. P.S. I think you should add Ronin Dragoon to your Beys to Annhilate list. and then ell me how it went.

Dear Vic The Super Saiyan,

Yes. I have heard of this Sakyo Kuroyami character. I've seen one of his battles. The kid is excellent and has the potential to be the next Dragon Emperor. However, I'm not ready to give up the title just yet. *smirks* if he wants it, come and get it!

Ha! Glad to know my reputation as one of the most feared bladers has stayed intact.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear Ryuga,

You're like a totally awesome blader! You're wicked not in a bad way how old are, you look 15 or you battle my OC's Cythia, her bey is Electric Wolf and Tai, her bey is Flame Tigress.

Cythia: Hi, can't wait to battle 'RE GOING DOWN!...sorry for the you're wondering (probably not) but I'm related to Doji, I'm his glad he's gone, he was insane from the start!

Tai: What up! Don't say the sky! Me and Cythia are Cythia are gonna show you who's powerful!

Me: Watch out for Tai she's kinda a chatter box and wild like her boyfriend Kyoya.

Love Sab

Dear Sab,

He, thanks for the compliment. Not that I need it or anything. I KNOW I'm an awesome blader. I'm the best one there is.

Ha! Let me see you try! L-Drago and I will pound you to the ground!

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear Ryuga,
Hiya! How are ya doing? I have a couple questions for you, so could you please answer them?
1) When you "died" how did you evaporate? How did L-Drago do that as well?
2) Do you like Hikaru? (Skylark, you can hit him with a baseball bat if he says no. SHIPPER GIRL!)
3) When do you plan to make a return? My little bro cried when you died.
Thanks very much!
P.S: Skylark, if he says no to number two, you can also bring Whitney in.

Dear GeminiWielder200,

It's an anime kid. Anything can happen. Even people disintegrating into thin air. (Skylark: You just broke the fourth wall)

You can hit me with a baseball bat all you want. There is no way I like that girl. I mean, she fears me. I'm not the type of person who'll force himself on someone who is obviously not interested in you. Maybe once she gets over her fear of me, then we'll see. For now, she's just another blader I happened to crush.

Meh. Might be a while. I'm still in a bit of a slump after the whole Nemesis whatever thing, but rust me, the Dragon Emperor will come back and I'll be stronger than ever!



Just a few questions. First, I have a gift. *Gives Ryuga a pink bikini* please be an idiot and try this on. PLEASE! You would have increased chances of finding L-Drago. Oh yea, and will you go out with me? Pleeeeease?

Dear Beybladefan,

*slams head* What is it with all the fangirls and the weird costumes around here?! That's it! I'm outta here!

*walks out*

Sincerely, Ryuga

Helloooo there Ryuga!

Please tell us about it when you got posessed. No, this was an order. NOW. all of it. So, Do you like reading? if so, what genres? do you like creepypasta? If so, which are your favourites? What kind of music do you like? I listen to creepy songs and vocaloid horror. You look good.


Dear Misa014,

I'm only doing this because Skylark dragged me back here and threatened to hide L-Drago forever if I don't finish this.

Ha? You dare order me?! I am the Dragon Emperor! I answer to no one!

Yeah. Reading's enjoyable. My favorite genres are mystery and crime. So Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie are big on my list. I also dabble in a bit of poetry. As for creepypasta, well, I've already seen enough scary stuff in a lifetime, so no thanks. My music? I'm into rock right now and a bit of J-Pop and J-Rock as well. Especially Granrodeo. They're awesome.

Yeah. I know. I know I look good. Deal with it!



Oh huh, how the hell did I end up here?


You didn't survive, Don't fool us. What the fuck. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ALIVE!


Dear Ginga,

Ha? What's with this all of a sudden? You're the one who practically suffocated me with a hug when I woke up from that coma. Ba-ka!

Sincerely (not!),


Hello, dear Ryuga.

My my, what's this crossdressing all about?


Kyouya: Aww yiss, I love when people humiliate that pile of dragon shit.
Kyouya: *scared look*
Yuu: Yo-Yo got scared huh?
Me: Yuu, shut up. I have Questions to ask. GO TO YOUR ROOM.

Me: 'kay, They're gone. I'm a stalker; and I'm not afraid t admit it. I've been following you. Seriously, dude, get a room. I don't want to see it. (Just kidding.. or not.) So, What do you think would be the coolest of these: 1) Ability to use telekinesis (moving objects with your toughts) 2) Ability to Instantly know whether someone is a liar or not 3) Ability to create fire, allthough you couldn't really control it 4) or four (which is already speculated that you could be able to do), to teleport? And How are you? what have you been doing lately? what are your favourite bands / songs? I like Nightwish. What is your favorite food? how long have you been in school? These were my questions, thank you for answering them.
Kyouya: *whispers* I still saw you in a pink, frilly dress and make-up.
Kyouya: ALRIGHT, she's got the murder look. RUN, everyone, just RUN!

Sincerely, Kirei

Dear Kirei,

Pft! What's wrong Kyoya? Is the big bad lion scared of a fangirl? Mwahahahaha. Pathetic!

I guess I'll have to go with teleportation. That way I can scare everyone by appearing out of nowhere! He! Also, just imagine the places I could go train L-Drago without having to hitch a ride?

I'm fine. A little pissed, a little moody, but still my awesome self. As I've said I like Japanese bands like Granrodeo and Olcodex. And my favorite songs are 'Can Do' by Granrodeo and 'Start it Right Away' by Hyadain and 'Hitsuzen Maker' by One ok Rock. My favorite food is anything spicy or chocolate flavored. And I'm currently not going to school. Who has time for that when I've got a bunch of losers I have to crush?

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear Ryuga-san.
Have you ever seen Kung Fu Panda.
If not you should totally watch it...
Me and my beyblade Forbidden Falcon are coming to Italy and later Japan...perhaps we shall meet you there...
If not it will be to my regret as I am ready to try my hand against a stronger opponent than my brother Tsubasa.
Hope to meet you in the fall tournament.
Avery Otori

Dear Avery,

Eh? How many siblings do you guys have? I can barely count all of them!

Yeah sure. I'll battle you. See you when I see you.

Sincerely, Ryuga

P.S. Don't tell anyone but I've seem Kung-fu Panda and it's my favorite movie of all time.

You didn't hear it from me! Hmph!


Oh boy when's Julien's funeral I'll try to make
Anyway if you must know final fantasy is an rpg series of games produced by squaresoft which later became squarenix unfortunatly the games have gotten alot worse after final fantasy x hell they even apologised for one their games
Anyway tell Skylar if she likes twilight (or please kill me now as I call it) and the Harry potters she might like the Percy Jackson/heroes of olympus series but I wouldn't recommend the movie it's terribly inaccurate
And do you find confusing that your first dark move and not your ultimate move (which got renamed dragon emperor life destructor) got the award for best special move in skylars metal awards
Ps is it me or does benkie remind me of blob from xmen (if you've ever seen it)
Pss good luck with your relationship

Dear Makeanotherone,

Oh...i see. I'm not a video game person actually so...and Percy Jackson got confusing for me after a while...

Yeah. I know. I was there. I'm using the trophy I got from that as a doorstop.

X-men? Geez. I really need to brush up on my pop culture.

Thanks. Appreciate it.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Hey Ryuuga. Just to start things off, you are truly and utterly smexy. :)
And two, What would you do if you were stuck in Silent hill or attacked by zombies?

Just wanna know.
Yours truly,
Darkness Leviathan

Dear Darkness Leviathan,

Thanks. I know. *smirking*

Well first I would use L-Drago to blow every single one of their heads off before heading to whoever started that damn virus and demanding them to make a cure. You can't exactly take over the world when it's populated by the undead

Sincerely, Ryuga

dear Ryuga,

Julian : WHAT!? I LOST! I DON'T GET IT. * grabs a chair but is stopped by clause and wales* LET ME GO!
Wales: no, Julian the way your acting is absurd! Even King acts more mature than you are write know. * turns to Ryuga* heh heh sorry about that.
Sophie : anyways moving on, I heard you battled King how did that turn out?what do you think of the legendary bladers?
Sincerely (well most of us),
Team Exclaibur

Dear Team Excalidorks,

Oh yeah! Bring it on Konzern! i'll wipe that stupid pompous grin off your stupid pompous face!

King? Legendary Bladers? Yeah. They're good. Bot as good as me, but at least they put up a fight. It's less boring when I face them.

Sincerely, Ryuga.

Dear Ryuga,
Sure, let's fight in the Bey Park sometime soon! I'll make sure to beat you and your bey into the ground! And sorry for the spelling mistakes, I actually meant say hi to Ryuto for me! :)
Good luck with battling me,

Dear Lori,

Ryuto says hi too.

Ha! You think you can beat me? Tell that to all those other bladers I've defeated in the past. L-Drago and I will take you on!

Sincerely, Ryuga


Dear whoever the heck you are,

I've got a life. I just choose to share it to people who are worth my time. And what kind of insult is dragon-free wimp anyway? Original, but meh.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Hey there, Ryuga
I haven't been writing in a long time, but I'm totally bored now. How are you? I wonder if there is any Blader strong enough to defeat me and Panther... besides you... and Ginga... and Kyoya...
Well that's only three people. Someday, I am sure, I will surpass you all! Just wait a little longer until I finish my training in Germany. Believe it or not, there were actually a few people who were able to put up a decent fight...
But I reckon they wouldn't be a challange for you seeing as you defeated me in like 10 seconds... D:
Well, would you want to go to Germany sometimes? Also, do you like Soccer?
Miharu, Panther
PS: yes my Bey helped writing this...

Dear Miharu and Panther,

He, i'll be waiting to see your improvements. L-Drago and I will be waiting to beat you once again!

Sure, probably around Oktoberfest. I've heard those are wild. And yeah, I like soccer. If these wimps I'm surrounded by have some skills then I reckon we'll have a little friendly match.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear Supreme Dragon Emperor and Master of Death,

So, sorry I haven't written for a while, but I had to go get my bey fixed up from our battle. By the way, best battle EVER! That was so much fun, I've never had a more challenging opponent! I still can't believe we tied! Oh well, I've been training non-stop, and we'll have to have a rematch some time. We're you as shocked as me when S.H.I.E.L.D. showed up? I mean, come on, they EXIST? Anyway, I actually have a couple of questions this time... though they aren't very good ones...
1) Have you ever been on a caffeine high?
2) What is your favorite type of dragon? (L-Drago does not count)
3) Do you want to help me take out Doji's new HQ? I have the coordinates...
Onyx: We done yet? I'm bored.
Me: *sigh* No. I just needed to ask Ryuga to read the story I'm writing on Wattpad called "Travelers of Ragnarok" under the username "AquaDragon78". I also needed to ask him what he would do if Kenta and his girlfriend got caught by an evil maniac.
Onyx: Do I need to call the police...?
Me: Nah, it's just for a story I'm writing.
Onyx: Oh. I was afraid it would be like Fai D. Fluorite all over again... you ever going to let him and Kurogane out of the baseme-!
Me: SHUT UP! It was a CHALLENGE! They asked me to do that and you very well know it.
Onyx: He-He, I know. Tood-a-loo!
Me: Did the re-incarnated human form of the Dark Power just say what I think he said? Unbelievable.

Ciao From the Siren Queen,

P.S. Julian owes me a hundred bucks from a bet he lost to me. Can you make him give them back? Thanks.

Dear DragonGold,

I know right?! Damn. L-Drago and I have to step up our game. People like you are exactly what riles me up for a challenge.

I have once. I never want to experience that horrifying moment again. I had to bribe zryuto with some chocolate so he won't post that video to the internet.

Chinese Dragons. Just don't tell Team Wang Hu Zhong. I'll never hear the end of it.

Heck yeah! I'm up for a little destruction and chaos.

What? Who's the bastard that took Kenta?! I'll clobber him!

Sincerely, Ryuga

P.S. Sure. I'm on my way to Italy anyway. Don't ask why. Italian Nutella. That's all.

Be grateful that Ryuga is a fictitious character...or else you wouldn't have been able to read this review...coz dead people don't read reviews... :)

Dear you,

As you can see, dude. I am alive.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Hey, names Kro- *lights go out* &$?. Well, names Kronos, and was wondering- I CHALLENGE YOU! Me and my Smash Gigas will demolish you!
Sincerely, Kronos
P.S.- this would have been much more epic with the lights on.

Dear Kronos,

I look forward to our battle. And yeas, you kinda failed at the whole dramatic effect thing. Try lightning backgrounds. Or meteor showers. Those are classics.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Ryuga did you tell Yu i was ticklish -_- if you did im gonna get payback anyway i wouldn't there because you would be angry :) oh by the way Ryuto says hi


Dear Bird-boy,

Yeah. I did. I saw the video. ;)

Tell Ryuto I said hi and that if he wants Italian Nutella he should tell me.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear Ryuga,
you are the HOTTEST, BADDEST, SEXIEST, people alive!
I'm the twin sister of Kyoya and he doesn't like it that I think you are the way you are but I don't care
please battle me I'm a strong, confident, loyal, blader who stand for herself and friends. Also I'm a wiz in the kitchen *winks* I know that you like girls who are good in the kitchen and bed
See ya later hot ass!


Dear Roxanna,

How? How many siblings?!

Man, I'm glad I only have Ryuto and Kenta.

He. As long as I'm pissing Kyoya off, why not?

Sincerely, Ryuga

Yello. I'm Jinx! Well that's my internet name anyways.

(You...probably don't remember us meeting in M-Fusion sooooo I'm not going to mention any futher. Ignore this and never ask. Really, don't ask.)

Sooo hi. How are you? I'm a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG fan of ya! I mean...not in M-Fusion, you're just goofy (and insane) there, no offence, but in M-Masters and M-Fury you're totally freaking epic! I'm glad you're alive. Julian Konzern is an idiot. Kyoya...he's a bit of a hot head. Gingka's cool, Kenta's awesome, in fact, EVERYONE in the Metal Series is awesome...except Doji and Ziggeraut, and every other BAD bad guy...they are HORRIBLE. I HATE THEM. :) I wonder where my bey is? I lost a week ago...cause I'm an idiot. XD I'm a total idiot and I'm a little crazy, just a smidge, but arn't we all? I've also got one little dark secret...that I ain't proud of. Don't. Ask. Or. I'll. Have. To. Kill. Someone. *one eye goes red* Wait what?

JinxAnimatia9902 (Youtube name, no vids, don't bother checking it out.)

Dear Jinx,

Hi there. Assuming the definition of fine means being forced to respond to these letters against my will by a crazy chocolate-obsessed fangirl, then yeah, I'm doing fine.

Thanks for the letter. Hope you find your bey soon.

Sincerely, Ryuga


man you are so creepy (sing-song voice) sometimes but do you think you and kyoya I mean you both are very creepy but if you battle with kyoyas fang Leon do you think you could win? and also did you win during your battle with king?

I watched orions whereabouts and when you appeared you looked a lot like when you where in control of l-drago ( lightning l-drago to be exact) what was that all about you looked pretty creepy.

Dear ddd,

Of course I can win against Tategami. He has nothing on me and L-Drago. I beat him once and I'll do it all over again until he gets it in his head that I am the best blader ever!

Yeah. I won against King. He kinda reminds me of Gingka and Unicorn Brat.

Heh. I never said anything about not being creepy.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear Ryuga,
I wanted to ask u that do you remember anything about your past... before you met Doji? And how did you meet Doji? i really really reeeeaaaally need an answer to that.

Dear Bia,

All I remember was that me and Ryuto were sent in different orphanages when I was thirteen and he was only eleven. Then, Doji found me and took me in to train me as a blader. And the rest is history.

Sincerely, Ryuga


Dear Fire Red,

I met him around the same time Gingka gave Zero his Ifrait bey. It seems fitting to find a successor and I can tell from Sakyo that he really wants to be the next Dragon Emperor.

I won't be battling him anytime soon though, probably when he's strong enough. Then, we'll see if he's worth giving the crown to.

That depends. Are you strong?

Of course I would win. Duh.

Sincerely, Ryuga


Dear Dark Ryuga,

Pft. Riff-off. Like I said, Sakyo has a long way to go before he can inherit my crown.

Sincerely, Ryuga


Dear Spectra Heruway,

*clicks tongue* those two got caught? Looks like I have no choice but to rescue them. If you'll excuse me I need the assemble the other Legendary Bladers. Operation: Rescue Chris and Gingka is a go!

Sincerely, Ryuga


Dear Spectra Heruway,

Huh? He thinks he's tuff? Does he? Huh? I'm the tuffest one there is!

Sincerely, Ryuga A.K.A. The tuffest blader in the world!

Dear Ryuga,
HI THERE! I'm Kia, your, Kyoya's, and Ginga's stalker! Well, actually, I stalk a lot of people (No, I am NOT going to tell you how I stalk multiple people at once) but that's not the problem. Hey, do you wanna battle? I wanna see what my Tigress can do. And can you battle my friend too? (She's creepy. Her bey can rotate left and right. And one of it's special move is copying the opponent's special move). Also, do you ever notice any of your stalkers? How do you feel about... Kyoya (jerk, annoying cousin!)
Kyoya: What are you doing?
Me: Get out of my room!
.. Kenta, Ginga, Tsubasa, and, um, Hikaru?
Also, can my other friend hit you with her bey? She wants to trow it at you.
Also, I'm so glad you're not dead. Seriously, I cried.
I absolutely do not believe you don't have anything against other left rotating beys.
If you found out you had a cousin you didn't know about, who's been searching for you her/his entire life, what would you do?
Speaking of brothers and cousins, how's Ryuto? Did you guys meet again?

Sorry for the long letter,
Kia (Kyoya's sister), Airin, and Kaylee

Dear Kia, Airing and Kaylee,

*shivers* fangirls...stalkers...and i thought Nemesis was evil.

Every single one of them are annoying idiots. (Save for Kenta. He's good. )

Wait, wait, wait. Don't hit the face! *dodges bey*

Eh? I have a long lost cousing? Man, my family's weirder than I thought. Um...okay? i'm not sure if i'll be a great brother though. I mean, it's been years since I last saw Ryuto and now that we're together again it's kinda hard adjusting to being someone's brother.

Sincerely, Ryuga.


*kisses cheek* Yay! You finally beat my cousin! And the movie was great, by the way...:D...ily. ;)


Dearest Akira,

Ily2. Bye.

Sincerely, Ryuga


Good job,'s about time. I knew if Kenta could do it, so could you. *clicks mouth*


Dear Rago,


Sincerely, Ryuga


Hihi! We're so glad you're back!


Dear Kenta,

Right back at ya kid. Video games later?

Sincerely, Ryuga

dear ryuga,
who do you think is a better blader? dynamis or kyoya?
on a scale of 1-10 how much do you volcanos?
it's a person
p.s. Konzren has a metal brakdown every time he loses!

Dear it's a person,

Can't say really, since I haven't seen Dynamis battle much. So I'll have to go with Kyoya.

How much do I volcanos? Oh well...i'll just give it a 10.

So I've heard. I watched a video. Ah, good times.

Sincerely, Ryuga

Heeey Ryuga!
How ya doing? I haven't seen you in AGES! As I'm the No.1 blader in the entire universe, I have finally decided to grace you with my presence! Tell Skylark I said hi!
What's your favorite food? I wanna know!

I'm gonna beat you one day,
Masumune (The BEST blader EVER!)

Dear Unicorn Brat,

Skylark says hi too.

Pft. No. 1 blader my butt. If anyone's No.1 it should be me. The almighty Dragon Emperor!

I like anything spicy and anything chocolate-flavored


Godess of stars chapter 29 . Apr 29, 2013

Dear Dragon Breath,
Let's fight! I'll be able to defeat you anytime! And what's this? You've actually got a girlfriend? My, how you've grown! :)

Dear Godess of stars,

Ha! Bring it on! L-Drago and I will crush you!

Sincerely, Ryuga

Dear my Holy Emperor:
... I played Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 from 3 pm to 11 pm, luckily, right after I saved the game, the electricity went off, same happened when I played Tekken 5 and Dead or Alive 5 for 5 hours...
Hmmm, Yumiko, maybe Himiko fits? oo Isamu... Does Asuma fits too? oo
Thanks for the advice, I found out it was a SPIDER WEB, A SPIDER WEB THAT IS HUNTING ME DOWN LIKE A CAT HUNTING A MOUSE! But it's cleaned now :D
P.S: I told Madoka you want to meet her at McDonald, because there are ice-cream out there unlike KFC, don't worry I sent you some money for the date (You can't cancel it I TOLD RYUUTO ABOUT THAT TOO!)
FAREWELL! My Holy Emperor...

Dear Ryu Katsumi,

Hn. Those are interesting names. Maybe Himeko?

Well, that solves that problem. Good job.

WHAT?! I never agreed to this! What?! I thought her and Gingka were a thing already. Grrr...

Sincerely, Ryuga

Hatred chapter 29 . Apr 27, 2013

's me, phone is being a jerk to me,so this is my new name.
1)How's Tsu-chan doing
2)I wanna battle!
3)Did in two of RyugaKowalskis' stories you get hurt.
4)Look up this video called mangaNext200up7

Dear Hatred,
Last I heard of bird-boy he's off on some training escapade at America with Yuu and Gingka.
Oh, you wanna battle, huh? Well, bring it!
Yes. I've seen those stories. I don't really fancy getting hurt, but hey, it's life.
Will do.
Sincerely, Ryuga

dear ryuga
did you appear in zero-g if you did then please tell me cause i haven't seen you anywhere I mean literally also have you battled konzern yet?

hey skylark could you hit ryuga on the head again?
private reasons

here is some blackmail stuff for you about kyoya
kyoya has a crush on hikaru and he hasn't told her yet

ryuga why don't you try beyblade soul eater
you and kyoya are brothers for some reason

Dear nekogirl4321,

I've battled Konzern before, yes.

I haven't made an official appearance yet. But so far, the others are handlIng the new generation pretty well.

Heh. That blackmail should be useful. Might as well set up Madoka and Gingka too.

What?! Me and him?! Brothers?! Pft. Ryuto is my only brother thank you very much. (And to an extent Kenta. Sort of. )

Sincerely, Ryuga.