Before reading this story, go to or and check out the characters first before reading! Just look at the characters they have! It'll help c:

And finally, please enjoy my first Toshiro and Hinamori fanfic! c: And please review! [I DO NOT OWN ELSWORD!]

The last bell rang to release all of the students from 8th period. Everyone quickly dispersed from their classroom glad school was finally over. Momo stride down the hall. She twirled her braided hair around her pale fingers. She reached her locker and pushed her readers further up her nose and repeatedly repeated her combination in her mind. '13 8 19' she thought. She pulled out her Calculus and Physics text books. 'I have a lot of homework today…' Momo sighed.

As she stuffed the text books in her backpack, Renji, Ichigo, and Rukia skipped on up to her.

"Yo Momo!" The red head greeted the brunette with both of his arms resting behind his head.

Momo closed her locker. "Hey guys."

"So, we were wondering if you wanted to run some dungeons with us tonight." Ichigo asked.

Momo bit her lower lip. "I can't tonight."

The two boys raised their eyebrows while Rukia stared at the jocks then to Momo. "Why not?" Rukia questioned.

Momo pointed to her backpack. "Homework."

"Wow Momo, can't you just rest on that crap and have some fun once in a while?" Renji grunted at how the brunette never had any social or gaming time on her hands.

"Sorry but I have a test tomorrow so…"

"Who cares? No wonder you are a noob in the game!" The red headed boy snickered.

Momo halfheartedly rolled her eyes. "Renji, a 'noob' would be level 15 and below…I'm 42…"

"Well you're a lower level then us and you rarely go on Elsword." Renji shrugged. "No wonder you live up to your name as the geek. Never get to have a break and always doing homework."

Momo stared at the red head. She didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or get offended. Ichigo and Rukia violently elbowed Renji in the stomach and began to drag him to the front entrance. "Sorry about that Momo!" Ichigo nervously laughed.

"Urg…" Renji said weakly while being dragged to the door.

"Don't listen to this idiot. Just come on anytime when you feel like it or can. Matsumoto and Orihime will be joining us too. We'll see you later! Bye!" Rukia waved off.

Momo watched as her friends left. She sighed and headed out the opposite door of where her friends just currently left from. Her mom was coming in 5 minutes so Momo waited at the entrance of the school. As she played with her two braids once more, Momo suddenly heard a group of laughing girls. She rolled her eyes. 'Great it's the fan club…' She grunted to herself.

"Kya Toshiro-kun will you help me train my Elemental Master?"

"No, Toshiro-kun play with me tonight on my Code empress! I need help on my quest!"

"Do arena with me Toshiro-kun!"

"Add me as a friend Toshiro-kun!"

Momo leered at the girls swarming this guy named Toshiro Hitsugaya. He's the 'hottest' guy in school and also a gaming prodigy to the game, which the whole school is addicted too, called Elsword. It's so popular that everywhere you go, there will be gossips about it like when students talk about what they did on Elsword yesterday or what was new on the game. It's ridiculous.

Elsword is an MMORPG game and supposedly, the Toshiro guy seemed to have blurted out his character name so now everyone knows him at school. His user name is FrozenKnight and he's a 'Lord Knight'. (1) Toshiro is an SS and third ranked in PVP and is trying his best to reach the top. The problem is, the first top ranked in PVP is a well-known character with a name that goes by as Dreamy. She is a 'Void Princess'and is supposedly the BEST player in the game. What everyone doesn't know is that Dreamy is actually played by Momo in real life.

Momo hides the fact that she is the number one player in Elsword because everyone would make fun of her. Because Momo is the 'geek' of the school, everyone thinks she only has time for homework, but Momo has an alternative character (alt) which is known as MiniLove. She made the alt character because Momo wanted to let the school think MiniLove is her actual account but it really isn't. She rarely goes on MiniLove and makes up an excuse like 'I have homework' or 'I'm busy today' when she is actually on Dreamy, her main account.

Momo stared back at the group and sighed. 'Idiots…' she thought.

"Sorry ladies, but I'm kind of busy today." The white haired boy lied and smiled weakly at the girls. He quickly moved out of the crowd and jumped into his ride.

The girls sadly sighed. Toshiro was handsome Momo had to admit but she wasn't interested in him since he is always swarmed by a bunch of girls like leeches. Matsumoto, who seemed to know the guy, once said Momo should hook up with him.

'There was no way that would be possible.' The brunette thought. 'He was way out of my league and I'm not pretty either. Who would like someone like me?'

As she thought more about her ugly looks, Momo's car pulled up and she brightened in delight. The petite girl opened the car door and sat in the passenger's seat next to her mom.

"Hello dear, how was school?" Her mother asked while she put on her seatbelt.

Momo rested her head on the head rest and sighed. "Could have been better."

"Hmmm…" Her mother stepped on the peddle. "You're having your hair like that again…and not to mention those glasses. Momo why do you wear those fake get ups if you already have 20/20 vision?"

The girl twirled her hair. "I don't know mom. I always make my hair like this and wear these glasses. Why are you now complaining about them?"

"Oh I don't know honey," Her mother stopped at a red light and stared at her daughter. "Maybe it's because I think your letting your beauty go to waste. Dear, you are absolutely gorgeous but why don't you show it? I bet if you do have your hair down and throw those hideous glasses away; people will seem to notice you better. Not to mention the boys." She nudged me on the arm and winked.

Momo just rolled her eyes. "That's actually the whole point. I don't want to attract attention, and what beauty do I have to hide? I'm ugly either way."

Momo's mother frowned. "You're denying it. Momo listen to me, you're not ugly. Millions of girls would love to have your face and look! Respect what you have and treasure it for once."

"I'd be glad to trade my face and looks any day…" The brunette looked glumly out the window.

Her mother sighed at the failed attempt of encouraging her daughter. Momo just wasn't into the 'dress up' kind of stuff. She always aimed for casual and plain, and she didn't like the attention so her 'casual and plain' looks seemed to do the trick.

When she finally got home, Momo entered her two-story home, headed up the wooden spiral staircase to her room and threw her backpack at the corner of her bedroom, ignoring her homework. She then opened her red Sony laptop. Momo sat down on her leather office chair. She moved her mouse to the icon on her desktop with a red headed boy on it and double clicked. The load into the game wasn't long after Momo typed in her e-mail and password. When she was done, two characters showed up. Momo clicked on Dreamy and decided to go on MiniLove later when she 'felt' like it. She clicked on her nicely dressed Void Princess who was wearing the (2) red Diamond Yaksha set.

Momo smiled at her accomplishment. The set(outfit) took her about 2 weeks to achieve because of all the unlucky (3) Ice Burners she bought and they all seemed to fail at getting the set she wanted which was the Diamond Yaksha set.

Momo entered the game and she was still where she left off yesterday. She checked on how many of her friends were online. There were only 15/56 of her friends online. Momo had nothing to do on Elsword. She has leveled to the max level which is level 60. The GM's (game makers) informed the players that the next update for more levels will be in the next month, so for right now, Momo had nothing better to do than to PVP which isn't boring or sometimes she would help her lower level friends with quests.

When Momo was about to click on the sparring button, someone whispered her…

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: MOMO WUT R YOU DOING?

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: Lol I was about to spar, Matsumoto. Why?

Matsumoto knew about Momo's 'secret'. The brunette could trust her long time childhood friend. Matsumoto is ArchRose a Grand Archer and rank A in PVP. She has also reached her max level and the only thing she does is spar all day.

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: Well Renji is being a big d.i.p.s.h.i.t and doesn't have a sparring buddy.

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: So I was wondering if you could be his buddy

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: Uhhh

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: I think I'll pass…

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: I don't want to be Renji's sparring buddy Q A Q

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: WUT WHY NOT?

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: Well if you haven't noticed Renji often does all the work.

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: He gets mad when people get in the way :c

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: AWWW CMON! Ichigo's here with me right now!

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: Here, we'll switch partners! You can be mine and Ichigo can be Renji's!

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: Nuuuuuuu! RENJI'S GONNA KILL ME!

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: Wut do you mean he's going to kill you?

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: You r stronger then that ! You r a freaking rank SS for peats sake!

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: Srry but I don't wanna

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: He scares me…

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: Plssssss Momo! D':

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: ):

[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: I'm going to go find another room.

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: BABY COME BACK! DX


[WHISPER] to ArchRose from Dreamy: Farwell HUNNAYY! C:

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from ArchRose: Fine then! I don't love chu anymore! *broken heart*

Momo clicked on the sparring button and there were about 5 pages of PVP rooms that were either (4) waiting, playing, full, or join PVP rooms. Momo clicked on the (5) team death match button that was on the top left corner of the screen. Instead of 5 pages, it was reduced down to 3. Momo skimmed through the rooms to see which seemed most interesting to join. Then Momo spotted a room called 'Cookies'. Shrugging, the brunette clicked on the room that was waiting and entered. There, she found a load of rank F's E's and D ranking characters. (6) Momo was on the 'red' team and the blue team was one person short (the max number of people on each team is 4 so Momo's team already has 4 team members while the blue team only has three.).

The room seemed to be in good spirit because when she joined, they were already having a conversation.

(red team)Chris23: HIII DREAMY!

(red team)Chris23: (:

(blue team)44megabox: OMG AN SS?

(red team)PervyDrone: Sup Dream

(red team)BearHugXx: :O

(red team)BearHugXx: It's dream!

(blue team)44megabox: we gonna die QQ

(red team)Chris23: LOL

(red team)Dreamy: Hello guys c:

(red team)BearhugXx: Hiii

(blue team)XLOVEX: Hey :P

(blue team)Looney: Omg she's an ss? ToT

(blue team)44megabox: Dream come to the blue team!

(blue team)44megabox: COME ON OVA HERE!

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: YOOO Mini or should I say Dream?

Swagg is one of Momo's online friends that knows her secret. Mastumoto and Swagg are the only two people that knew about her Alternative character. Swagg is a Rune Slayer and a rank SS in PVP. He is the fifth rank in the PVP chart.

(red team)Chris23: No Dream stay over on the red team!

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: LOL Hi.

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: I told you to call me Dreamy you idiot!

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: XD

(red team)PervyDrone: No!

(red team)PervyDrone: Dream is staying over here!

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: I was kidding mang..

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: Didn't mean to bust ur balls! ;o


(blue team)XLOVEX: LOL

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: Hear what?

(blue team)Looney: XD Lol

(red team)BearHugXx: Dreamy don't go over there!

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: Frozen just bumped a rank on the PVP chart!

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: He's second place now

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: everyone says he's trying to get first place

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: what are you going to do?

(red team)BearHugXx: Back off losers!

(red team)BearHugXx: She's ours!

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: I really don't care o.o

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: WHAT?

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: YOU DON'T CARE?

(blue team)44megabox: Dream come over to the blue team!

(blue team)44megabox: we have cookies!

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: It's just a ranking thing. Doesn't really prove how strong you are

(blue team)XLOVEX: XD

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: Oohh okay than girlie :o

[WHISPER] to Dreamy from Swagg: Just making sure you're not gonna cry later e w e

[WHISPER] to Swagg from Dreamy: LOL yeah yeah

(red team)PervyDrone: Lolololol

(red team)Chris23: She's staying over here

(red team)Dreamy: Sorry mega but im too lazy to switch sides

(red team)Dreamy: :c

(blue team)44megabox: NOOOOOOOOOOO

(blue team)44megabox: Whyyy don't you lovee meee? DX

(red team)PervyDrone: Lmao

(red team)BearHugXx: Lol hahahahah she's staying with us suckaa!

(red team)Dreamy: ;O

(red team)Dreamy: Don't' worry I'll just watch

At that moment, there entered another character that filled up the blue team's last slot. It was FrozenKnight, another one of Elswords prodigy players. Momo knew Frozen was actually Toshiro, the popular kid in her school. The brunette right clicked on Toshiro's character and viewed his equipment. He had on the IB set called (7) Salvadore Denip. The set went well with his name 'frozen' because the Salvadore Denip looked like an ice dragon.

(red team)PervyDrone: FUK YEAH! WE GOT FROZEN! :P

(blue team)XLOVEX: Oh my gawd!

(blue team)XLOVEX: There are two prodigies in the room!

(blue team)XLOVEX: XD

(red team)BearHugXx: Hi Frozen!

(blue team)FrozenKnight: hi

(red team)Dreamy: e w e

(red team)Chris23: Congratz on getting second place in pvp rank

(blue team)FrozenKnight: tnx

(red team)Dreamy: Frozen fight me

(red team)Dreamy: :o

(blue team)FrozenKnight: ?

(red team)PervyDrone: OH LAWDY

(red team)PervyDrone: Two prodigies gonna fight!

(red team)PervyDrone: This is going to be an epic battle!

(blue team)XLOVEX: lol

(blue team)FrozenKnight: I don't feel like fighting

(red team)Dreamy: What?

(red team)Dreamy: scared you're gonna lose? Huh?

(red team)PervyDrone: Oh ! :o

(red team)Chris23: LMAO

(red team)BearHugXx: Ooooh LOL

(red tream)BearHugXx: XD

(blue team)Looney: TOSHIRO-KUN? Is that you?

(red team)Chris23: Toshiro-kun? Wtf is that?

(blue team)XLOVEX: o.o?

(blue team)FrozenKnight: …

(blue team)Looney: Toshiro is Frozen! We go to school together!

(blue team)Looney: TOSHIRO IT'S ME MIMI!

(red team)Dreamy: is this a fan girl I am sensing?

(red team)Dreamy: herrmmm

(blue team)FrozenKnight: I told you not to say my real name .. -.-

(red team)Chris23: LOL Wow

(Author's note: Okay you guys get the point about who's on what team so I don't have to keep typing (red team and blue team))

Chris23: Looney is a fan girl!

PervyDrone: so frozen a womanizer?

BearHugXx: lol

FrozenKnight: no im not a womanizer!

Dreamy: Toshiro? Is that really your real name?


Dreamy: OMG! I'm going to call you Shiro instead of Frozen now! LOL

Looney: :o

FrozenKnight: Wtf?

FrozenKngith: Dream don't call me that!



FrozenKnight: You're enjoying this aren't you?

FrozenKnight: e.e

Dreamy: Heck yea! You just got yourself a new nickname from moi! ;D

Chris23: LOL Frozen *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

PervyDrone: LMAO

XLOVEX: Guys stop teasing Frozen XD

Looney: Ooooh noooo I'm sorry Toshiro-kun! DX

FrozenKnight: don't worry about it

Dreamy: well what are we standing out here for? Let's start!

Momo clicked the ready button and she got into her fighting position. Everyone did the same and the room leader, who was 44megabox, started the match. Some of the characters stood around and some started fighting each other.

Momo pushed the arrows to make Dreamy walk up to Toshiro. Toshiro was just standing there doing nothing while the others did their thing.

Dreamy: Shiro fight me

FrozenKnight: Stop calling me that!


FrozenKnight: lol

FrozenKnight: Like I said im not in the mood to fight.

44megabox: owww that hurt Bear. ):

BearHugXx: Ahahahaha love my fireballs! :D

Dreamy: Fight me

Dreamy: FIGHT MEE!

Momo started spamming her 'z' button. She repeatedly hit FrozenKnight with her red staff. While, FrozenKnight stood there taking all of her hits. He wasn't in the mood to fight and Dreamy wasn't even close on persuading Frozen to fight her.

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: WACK

Chris23 has defeated PervyDrone

PervyDrone: EFF YOUUU

Chris23: LOL

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: WACK

FrozenKnight: You're going to get spam blocked

FrozenKnight: Lol :P

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: WACK

Anti Spam System is running (30 seconds)

Chris23: LMAO

Chris23: she just got spam blocked!

FrozenKngiht: Lol


BearhugXx: LOLOLOL

PervyDrone: LOL

44megabox: ROFLMAO

FrozenKnight: Dream is spam blocked but she's still hitting me

FrozenKnight: This

XLOVEX has defeated PervyDrone



BearHugXx has defeated Looney

BearHugXx: :D

Looney: QQ

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: WACK

Dreamy: fight meee

FrozenKnight: I don't feel like it!

As they played their match, someone unexpectedly (8)'shouted' and it caught their attention.


JonniXX is a Blade Master and he's a B rank in PVP. Jonni has a thing for Dreamy. He is her personal lover…stalker…something like that.

XLOVEX: Whoa :o

Chris23: Yo dream you got urself a lover!


Dreamy: It's Jonni :o

FrozenKnight: LMAO

FrozenKnight: Hurry up and answer his question

PervyDrone: He wants you girl he wants you bad!

BearHugXx: Shuttap Perv!

Dreamy: What should I say? :o

Chris23: Tell him to fuk off. Lol

XLOVEX: That's mean Chris!

Dreamy: I can't say that! I don't swear at all.

FrozenKnight: Then just tell him no

[SHOUT] from Dreamy: I'm srry Jonni but I'm married to my (9)Phoru! :c


FrozenKnight: Oooh he's a tough cookie..

Dreamy: Help mee :'(

[SHOUT] from Swagg: YO JONNI BOY! Back off my woman!

[SHOUT] from JonniXX: WDF? She's mine! D:{

[SHOUT] from Swagg: I was just busting your balls bra..Trolololol

FrozenKnight: Oh wow it's swag.. -.-''

FrozenKnight: That troll

Dreamy: LOLOLOL True dat!

[SHOUT] from ArchRose: WDF is all of this? Dreamy's my woman..we're actually dating. :P

[SHOUT] from Dreamy: LOL yeah I'm dating Rose c:

[SHOUT] from FrozenKnight: BS :I

[SHOUT] from ArchRose: shutup Frozen! D:

Dreamy: WATTT DUHH FREAKKK? SHIRO! Whos side are you on?

FrozenKnight: :P


44megabox: That shout convo is fuking funny as hell


[SHOUT] from Swagg: LOLOLOL

[SHOUT] from JonniXX: Wait whaaaat?

[SHOUT] from Chappy: Leave Dream alone! DX

Chappy is obviously Rukia. Rukia is a Code Empress and a C rank in PVP. She doesn't know about Momo's secret, but in the game she is friends with Dreamy.

[SHOUT] from Swagg: S.h.i.z about to go down

[SHOUT] from JonniXX: Where are all of you coming from? I just want to talk to Dreamy!

[SHOUT] from FrozenKnight: She's dead. I killed her.

[SHOUT] from ArchRose: LMAO XDD

[SHOUT] from Dreamy: Yes…I'm dead e.e

[SHOUT] from FrozenKnight: Y the heck are you out of your coffin slave

[SHOUT] from Dreamy: EFFF YOU!

[SHOUT] from JonniXX: Dreamy if I can't marry you than will you be my girlfriend?

[SHOUT] from Dreamy: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :c

[SHOUT] from Chappy: You rejected that loser like a boss :D


GM UnMerciful is one of the 6 game makers of Elsword. He is a Blade Master and of course he has to be an SS in PVP ranking.

[SHOUT] from Swagg: Oh crap it's the GM :o

[SHOUT] from GM Pinkey: Don't stop! I like seeing Unmerciful-chan suffer! LET YOUR SPAMMING BEGIN! :3 hehe

GM Pinkey is also one of the 6 GM's of Elsword. She is an Elemental Master and rank SS. Pinkey is one of the GM that likes to mess around with her Gm mates especially with Unmerciful and the people of Elsword.

[SHOUT] from GM UnMerciful: …really Pinkey…?

Momo played for another hour on Elsword before she started on her homework. This was how fun Elsword is almost every day. The brunette couldn't wait to play again but for right now, she needed to get her homework done and go on her alt, MiniLove. As much as she didn't want to, Momo didn't want her friends to bicker at her tomorrow morning…

Please leave a review! I really want to see what you guys think. c:

I would love it if you guys would go to my profile and read the information I'm giving for PEACH PRODIGY. It would save a great deal of time so I won't have to explain everytime on who and what each character are and also please go to the Elsword web to get a better understanding on which Bleach character has which gaming character! (since fanfiction wont let me type out the website name, it's on my profile)

1.)This is how the rankings for PVP work. [ Lowest…F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS…Highest ] In Elsword, you're classified as good if you're at least a rank C.

2.)Diamond Yaksha is what Dreamy is wearing. It is an actual set so check it out on what it looks like! She is wearing the red one not the blue one! Go to Google and type in 'Elsword diamond Yaksha' and click on images. You should see a picture of 6 characters and what Dreamy is wearing is what the 'Aisha' is wearing.

3.)Ice Burners (IB): go to elwiki and click on Ice Burners (website on profile.)

4.)'Waiting' means you can join the room and the room hasn't started the match yet. 'Play' means the room has started the match but you cannot enter and it's full. 'Full' means it's a full room but the match hasn't started yet. 'Join' means the match has already started but the room isn't full so you are able to enter the room and raid the match.

5.)There are three different kinds of matches you can choose from. One is Team match: You have to have the same number of people in each team and when you die, you cannot revive. You have to stay on the sidelines while you watch your teammates fight. Survival is when everyone goes against each other. When you die you can get revived. Team Death Match is popular in the world of Elsword because it's more enjoyable. You can have an uneven amount of teammates and you're still able to start the match. When you die, you get revived.

6.)In pvp you have the red team and blue team. The max number of people in one room is 8 unless you close out the other slots.

7.)The Salvadore Denip is the IB set FrozenKnight is wearing. He is an Elsword so don't get his character mixed up with a raven. (That is why I wanted you guys to go see what each character looked like on the Elsword website.) Go to Google and type in Elsword Salvadore Denip. Click on images and there should be a picture with 6 characters or the one with 12 characters (the 12 characters show their wings! find the one with wings!). They should be wearing blue outfits.

8.)In Elsword, when someone 'Shouts', it means everyone in the game can see the comment. So basically, everyone in the game was reading the convo the 6 characters were having. In the real game, you can't buy Microphones (that is what you use to 'shout' with) so I kind of made 'Shout' unlimited…Ooopsy. DX

9.)In Elsword, you are able to have a pet. When Dream said she is married to her Phoru, it is basically her pet. Go on Google and type in 'Elsword ancient phoru pet' click on images and it should look like a little unicorn or horse.