New chapter!

Disclaimer: Don't own Transformers unfortunately, nor do I own the song I'm using for this it's from Barbie as Raphunzel.

Warnings: swearing.

I am so so sorry for beng a week late, I've been busy and stuff, and I managed to get this out for today, I am so so sorry everyone.


Chapter 70


Josh hadn't left his room since morning came He remained curled with his face buried in his knees on his bed. His pillow was wet with tears from a sleepless night and he remained in his t-shirt and flannel pants, as the afternoon sun approached.

His best friend Maximum had been taken hostage by a deranged Silversun, and had gone into an early labor and Megatron…

He took in a shaky breath. Megatron was dead and Maximum was in the med. bay with four pre-mature babies. And today had been the funeral and…well Josh couldn't bring himself to go and his family was mourning as well.

When Isabella had heard, she's locked herself away as well, like Josh had and he could still hear her sobbing in the room next door. Nick and Chris had just fallen back and sat down on the carpet with these far off looks on their faces when they heard the news, until their mother hugged them and then the waterworks opened. Jack and Miko didn't cry, but they were definitely shaken and upset.


"What?" He sniffed.

The door opened and June peeked in and looked at her grandson.

"Can I come in?" She asked softly.

Josh looked and wiped at his eyes, "y-yeah…."

June immediately was sitting next to him, "Oh my grandbaby…" she gently wrapped her arms around him, and Josh then noticed her eyes were puffy and red from crying as well.

"I…I…h-how could this…?" He sniffed, as he tried to find words.

The sixty something year old gently pulled her grandchild close while gently running her hand over his messily tied back hair comforting him.

"It's not easy to accept a loss…" June said softly, "But sometimes things like this can happen…"

Josh sniffed and wiped at his eyes as he leaned on his grandmother.

"B-but….it's not…fair…"

"Sometimes nothing is fair…" she said softly, before kissing his forehead, "All we can do now is be there for our friends and support each other…"

"…..our family…not just our friends…our family…" Joshua corrected softly, and June smiled sadly through tears as she held her grandson closer.

The grandmother rocked him gently in her arms as they sat there and grieved together.


"I don't think I heard you correctly Agent Fowler. Megatron is what?"

"Megatron…is dead, sir," Fowler spoke softly, to try and keep a stoic face.

General Bryce sat there, his expression unreadable as he processed the information he was given as Fowler kept his face downcast, somber shadows hiding the sadness in it.

"…Cause of death?" Bryce spoke softly.

Fowler took in a deep breath, "Shot right through the spark chamber."

"…By Optimus?"

"No," Fowler snapped, before taking a deep breath, "He was killed when he went to retrieve Maximum, who was taken hostage by the mentally unstable Silversun, who I remind you was previously being treated by the medical staff and the time Maximum was carrying."

General Bryce leaned back in his seat, "Can Maximum name who killed him?"

"He is currently in the med. bay, recovering from giving birth and having an episiotomy. The medical staff tell me that the four sparklings are doing fine and getting healthier," Fowler said softly.

"Yes, but that's not answering my question," Bryce replied calmly.

"…No. He has not identified who killed him, and Silversun is still on the loose. Optimus assures me they will find him as soon as possible once Maximum is able to perform his duties again, sir," Fowler answered.

Bryce was silent for a long moment, rubbing his face gently, before he sighed.

"I will post-pone the yearly review until Silversun is retrieved and things have settled down over there. And Fowler?"

"Yes sir?"

"…Give Optimus my condolences," Bryce said softly, looking down at a framed photo facing him on his desk.

Fowler looked at him, "Of course sir."


Agent Fowler stood up and turned to leave the office and head out to his car, keeping his posture straightened and eyes forwards as he passed military soldiers and kept a stoic façade until he reached his car.

The moment he stepped in, he slumped and sighed as he closed his eyes. He reached up and rubbed at his eyes with a shaky breath.


Somewhere far out in the Nevada desert, restricted to certain persons—and certain Cybertronians—a silver jet zoomed through the skies as fast as possible as he was making his way towards his destination.

The area had been successful in keeping out civilian humans and none of the other young Cybertronians knew what was there, while the elder ones would warn them against going there and no one ever patrolled the area, not even the Insecticons.

Silversun smirked in his alt. mode when he checked the coordinates and he slowly went lower and lower the closer he got. He couldn't stay on a volcano and since he knew he would probably be locked up in the brig when he returned, he remembered this place. He'd made sure to download the coordinates from the main computer in order to find it.

"Ah, there it is…" He hummed as he spotted his destination.

The silver mech swooped up and transformed, doing a flip and landed gracefully. He hummed softly as he walked over his brand new home.

The wholesome remains of what was once the Nemesis.

Silversun smirked as he looked over the old ship, "Hmmm. With some dark energon and fuel…it shouldn't be too hard to get you put back together…"

He hummed as he walked into the ship. Despite how it was brought down, it was still intact despite being scorched by the flames of the explosives and he passed scorched Vehicon carcasses as he went to the main center of the ship.


He approached the consoles and he tilted his helm as he looked around where Megatron once stood and took command.

"You gave all this up…for Optimus…I suppose I should thank and curse you for that…." He chuckled bitterly as he remembered Megatron's demise, his spark full of mixed emotions, "for what it's worth? I am terribly sorry you died, Megsy. But you shouldn't have gotten in the way…"

He scratched his digit along a rail, making a screeching noise.

"Now…let's get this ship working again…."

Maximum hummed as he held his sparklings close. Rodimus as curled up beside his helm, as Eclipse, Tesseract and Whirlwind curled up on his chest plates over his spark. He hummed a soft lullaby to his sparklings as Silverbell and Ultracia sat on either side of him, watching the little ones nap on him.

Silverbell smiled slightly, "Roddy's a clingy one huh?'

"That's an understatement," Maximum chuckled quietly, "I think I should nickname him face-hugger…"

Ultracia shuddered, "Please no, I watched a movie with a creature called that and…well it was not pretty…."

"You mean that one with those aliens that had these creatures lay their eggs in humans and then—?"

Maximum cleared his throat loudly, interrupting Silverbell, "Okay, okay I won't call him that."

Rodimus mewled and yawned as he was gently moved down to join his siblings, feeling his Mama's spark. Maximum smiled warmly as his sparklings purred and cooed happily at the warmth from his spark.

"…Mom would be fussing over them so bad right now…." Maximum sniffed, as he smiled as best her could.

Ultracia made a noise crossed between a sob and a laugh, "I know….and he'd probably sing them that lullaby he'd sing to us…."

The three stood and watch the four sparklings a long moment.

"…how did it go again?" Silverbell asked softly, as she gently caressed the sparklings helms.

"…..Like this….." Maximum spoke softly, before he took in a deep intake.

Ultracia and Silverbell looked at him, waiting as he started to sing.

"Constant as the stars above

Always know that you are loved…"

Silverbell closed his optics, as she and Ultracia joined in the song.

"And my love, shining in you

Will help you make your dreams

Come true

Help your dreams come true…"

Silverbell sniffed as she finished, before she leaned in and nuzzled Maximum, and soon they were joined by Ultracia, who pressed her forehelm against both of their, sniffling and whimpering as the three of them closed their optics and remembered being as small as these little ones and being in their mother's arms and being sung the same lullaby.

Maximum's antennae laid back as he took in shaky intakes, his spark hurting with each pulses in time with his sisters as they shared their sorrow at the death of their mother.

But the pain was balanced with a joy. A joy that the sparklings were safe and they were alive despite their early arrival and they were cuddled close to their mother.

In a way, with this one death, three new lives were saved and living.


Oh Silverusn what are you up to?

and I WILL update new weekend, see you guys then.

I would like at least two reviews before the next chapter.