Who's Whose Master?

Hello everyone! I'd like to welcome you to another one of my Zoro X Sanji stories! For those who are reading The Great Zoro, it's not as neatly cleaned and revised as I'd like it to be so I'm still working on it. [smile] I want to go ahead, finish all 10-12 chapters, and upload it all at once. So please look forward to that. This story is something to let you know that I'm actually still writing! [laughs] But I hope you still love it and that it entertains you enough to stick and bear with meh! I plan to upload this a lot faster than TGZ since I have internet now and don't have to travel to my local library! Yay!

Now about the story. This will be around village times. When there were queens, castles and the like. Of course, what kind of middle age would this be without magic and dragons? Or Devil Fruits? This has no specific place, time or historical models, at least I don't think there will be and probably will have made up names and such. I planned to use some from the anime/manga but I don't know as of yet. And I'd like to take the time to say I got the inspiration from two people. One: New Neon, a writer here on FF, who wrote the story Property of Sanji. It's a great fanfic so if you haven't, you should check it out. And my weird sister. We were watching Conan: The Barbarian (new one and I do not own) for the first time and he reminded me of Zoro every once in a while. Don't know why. [laughs] Anyway she said joking, "I would like to put a man like that in chains." SO- I thought of this! [beems]

Warnings: This is a Boys' Love story, which means Boy X Boy. It will contain language, adult content (lemons, written nudity, etc.), mild violence, and religion. About the religion. It won't get deep into the subject. It will be mentioned about once or twice, so it won't say any specific details or any preaching. Um, more like it will be a adjective to describe someone or thing. Not a big deal, neh? Just thought I should put it there since I know some would rather stay away from it and I don't want a debate forum coming after meh! [smiles] Also, characters are OOC. Without further annoying you, on to Who's Whose Master!

Disclaimer: I no own One Piece! If I did, it wouldn't be as epic. [sad face]

Episode 1

His body swayed as the carriage took him away. Inside was filthy as though it had never been cleaned, slits running through the cover cloth at it's roof. Stains; old and worn, dried upon it's edges and wood beneath him wet and mold from the night's previous rain. The dump smelled of sour milk that made Zoro's stomach tense. Other's were with him. Old, young, women, children, men and even half dead animals. He growled lowly when a dog's body finally stopped moving. Permanently. "Another one." He thought. Hoping that they'd stop to give it an informal burial. He looks at the chains on his hands and feet. Silently, he meditates, trying to ignore the pleas and cries of the people.

Zoro couldn't believe he had gotten captured. Being poor sucked but being a slave was worse. Sighing, he leaned back into hard wood, unable to consentrate on anything other than a pregnant woman's yell. The land he use to live in was a free country. You could do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want. Until, that is, a new King made his way through his homeland, dragging all of it's residences' out and burning it's old homes; building a castle on top of it's ashes. With said King, came new laws, which spread like a wildfire well beyond the castle's walls. As his people walked until their feet bled, they settled once again in a comfortable land. Within half a year, a new fad had been driven through the country.

If one is unable to pay tax on his life, then his life shall be sold.

Meaning, if someone could not pay or refused to pay the kingdom's taxes, he would be sold into slavery. So the rich won and the poor lost. And Zoro was a sore loser. Earlier, as he was on his merry way with a bag of potatoes and meat for breakfast (he liked a big breakfast), he witnessed a woman holding her stomach, crying in a language he did not know, pleading to a guard to let her free. The man refused violently, wacking her with a whip, convinced that would pursuade her into getting on the carriage. Tugging her arm hard, he forced her on her knees. She wrapped her arms around her belly, protecting it, as she bent over, taking the slaps to her back. Tears ran down her face as the back of her maturnity dress stained red from open wounds. She cried, tugging at the dress' seam, "Mio bambino! Mio dulce bambino!"

In seconds, Zoro was dashing at the scene before him. Sliding with a clean 'shink' sound, two blades were pulled from their resting place. Using the blunt end, he snapped his wrist, sending the steel down hard on the man's neck. Falling to the ground, a moan of pain rang through the trees. Another jumped off the front of the driver's seat. Without thought, Zoro helped the woman to her feet, and lightly pushed her in the opposite direction. At first the woman questioned him with curious eyes, then smiled as she knew he was trying to save her. New tears fell from her eyes, "Graci. Name. What is it?" Confused, dark orbs look at her, thinking it wasn't the time nor the place. Putting a sword's handle in his mouth, he answered.

"Roronoa Zoro."

"Ro-ronoa... Zoro." She rubbed her stomach soothingly as she whispered his name. She placed her hands underneith her swolleness. "Bambino. Ro-ronoa Zoro." She smiled, no longer willing to hold him in her stead, she runs off grateful to the man who saved her life. With in minutes of her leave, Zoro accidently miscounted how many men there were total and, to put in nicer terms, he got his butt beat.

Letting out a heavy sigh, the pregnant woman stopped her screaming whispering to herself. "Moro mou! " Repeating it over and over as she rubbed her stomach. Zoro watched her, wishing he could save her as he did the other one. Unfortunatly, she wasn't as lucky. Playing the thought of the lucky woman over again, he didn't know how to feel about her naming her unborn child after him. What would the child's father say?

"Would you stop ye' whinin' wench!" An old man, covered in dirt and grime yelled. There was no need for an expert to be able to tell the man did not get on the moving cage of his free will. Finger and toe nails stained yellow, with teeth chipped and rot, the man choked out a spit through one of the holes in the cloth wall. "Ain't nothin' ya can do 'bout it now. Ain't nothin' any of us can do now. Them guards' hearts are colder den an ice cap. No use use in tryin' to get'em to stop 'cause ya pregnant. Hell ya be lucky if don kill the poor thing for ya."

"Enough." Ash eyes turn to Zoro.

"What? I'm tell'n her the truth."

"She doesn't need to worry about unnecesary things. You shouldn't fill her with fright when you don't know what your talking about. They might not kill the baby. She might be put into a good home. It's the men that need to worry." The cart fell silent. The words Zoro spoke were true. A beautiful woman will be able to find a caring master to feed and look out for her, especially if they needed a slave for pure company. And the men? Labour workers. Unless their goodlooking enough, there was no chance they would find a home where male slaves were purely for show. Not that the green-haired swordsman didn't consider himself attractive, but with his body type, he was more likely to be shoveling hay instead of wearing suits and caring small silver platters to rich guests. Not that it was a bad thing. He'd perfer manual labour to entertaining guests any day.

In clairvoyance, being picked was slim. Since his capture, they have stopped eight times, and not one has picked him. At first they look interested, like he was the diamond in the rough. Their eyes sparkled and grins would spread across from cheek to cheek. But when the guard gave them his 'resume', the sparkles were gone. Zoro wasn't one to brag but his track record was not the perfect slave type. Heck, the guy he smacked with his sword was still knocked out cold. If they were forcing him to be a slave, he wasn't going to be a good one. Zoro lived by his own rules. No one told him how to live.

The cart came to a sudden stop, the force throwing the swordsman off balance. Cursing under his breath he tries to glare a whole through the cloth, into the drivers head. "Woah, woah." A deep voice called pulling the horses' reins. Zoro smiled. At least the horses could feel his intensity. Loud steps squished into drying mud, as the carriage swayed at the loss of weight. There was a knock far off behind Zoro. They were at another house. By the looks of it, out in the country. Yep, definantly shoveling hay. The man who had jumped off walked up to the latch. Unclicking it he cried, "Alright maggots! Off in a file line!" He waved a whip in the air, threatening them in his wordless motions. Rolling his eyes, Zoro jumped down being studied by a younger looking woman. She had to be rich and young by the way she looked. Long black hair down to her knees. Her heels digging into the dirt and jewelry shining in the afternoon sun. She carried a small puppy in her hands, petting it as she walked from one end to the other asking 'Fifi' if she thought any of them were a good pick.

When she stopped in front of him he sighed. Her gazes were strong and he could feel that if she bought him, it would only be for showing him off to her friends. Not one curve was missed by those eyes. Not one. Shifting uncomfotably, he groans, which makes her visably tense. Only for a bit though as she licks her lips. Snaping her fingers, the guard is at her feet. "Yes, yes, What can I do for you Madam?" The man asks rubbing his hands together.

"How much for this one?" A skinny finger points.

"Oh. Him." The guard stands straight throwing a disgusted look his way. "I'm afraid I will not sell him to a woman. For he is enough trouble for men." The woman looks at Zoro.

"Take off that rag of a shirt." She commands swipping the air. The grumbling guard walks over stripping him of his shirt. The young ladies eye grow bigger. "Oh my." She covers her mouth as she stares at a scar that has been etched into his torso. "Nevermind. I'm in no need of a barbarian." She continues her walk down the rest of the way. Growling Zoro holds onto his 'rag of a shirt' unable to put it on with handcuffs.

"Choco!" A male voice calls. The woman turns smiling at a tall man running her way. His blonde hair sways in the wind while his long legs stretch across the field.

"Sanji! My! I didn't know you were coming to visit!" She obviously lies. "What brings you here?"

"I live here." He laughs. "Your husband was looking for you and I figured you would be here."

"He nags too much and then wonders why I can't be faithful." She pouts turning her head away, petting her little dog roughly.

"I see. What are you doing with these slaves?" A blue eye crosses the mostly covered bodies, glancing at them with no disgust or indifference.

"Oh. I remember you saying you felt lonely and since you respect that lousy husband of mine too much to sleep with me, I thought a fair slave woman would be nice." She smiled. "Besides, it was passing by and I figured, why not?"

"I don't think slaves should be used like that." The man of the name Sanji scratches the back of his head, giggling nervously.

"I don't see the problem, but if it bothers you so much, at least keep her around to talk to you. You live out in the middle of no where, tending to your home and working a salary job with slaves that you don't befriend. Except for that one you have feeding the animals and Nami back at my house." A thin gloved hand patted his shoulder. Leaning in she put her head to replace it. Making swirls with her finger on his shirt as she pouts. Loudly does she pout.

"It won't hurt looking."

"Thats the spirit!" Holding his arm they walk through the line together. Stopping at a young girl, they ask questions Zoro can't make out. Again, stopping in front of him the blue eyed one gazes at him. Just like the woman, he missed no crease. Lasting longer than he should have, the woman speaks. "Didn't you say you wanted a female slave?" She whispered lightly, trying to make sure the swordsman didn't hear. Little did she know, he had hearing better than a cat. Only taking his eyes off for a moment to look at the lady on his arm, his gaze is drawn back to the slave in front of him.

"Ye-s, but you don't see a fine worker like this everyday." He waves the guard down again. Jogging only to stop at the same man once again, he huffed disapprovingly.

"How may I be of assistance?" He straightens his silk neck cloth.

"How much is this man here." Glancing agrily at the slave that would be worth millions if not for his attitude and bruteness, he groans. Pulling out a small pile of four papers with the slave's history and biography, he hands them to the potential buyer. Looking through the sheets, the blue loses it's spark. Knowing well, Zoro didn't flinch when the papers were given back. "What a record he's got."

"Hm, yes. Indeed." He tucks the whip under Zoro's strong chin, forcefully lifting it up with a foul look on his face as though he was offended being in the slave's presence. "A true barbarian. Unlike any I've ever delt with." Growling, Zoro smacks the whip away with both of his hands, chain smacking his chest. "W-What do you think you are doing!?"

"Shut up! The only reason you can talk big is because I'm in chains!" Black orbs glare at the frighten guard. The woman hides behind the blond man named Sanji. "If these chains weren't so restrictive, you'd be face down like the mongrol you are! I may be a slave but I'm helluva lot more of a man than you'll ever be!"

"O-Oh my! No wonder you warned me about him! How dangerous!" Choco warns. Gaining composure, the man fixes himself.

"Exactly. He cannot be sold. It'd be best to throw him in a dungeon or better yet, grace him with capital punishment." Feeling a soft hand on his shoulder, he turns to the blond. "Yes, sir?" He turns his body clicking his teeth at Zoro before giving Sanji his full attention. A smile played the customer's face.

"I'll take him." All eyes turned to look at him. The slaves who had heard, passed on the conversation to those who couldn't hear. Not within a moment, they became loud with comments and questions. Zoro stood shock, muscles tensed, ready to be laughed at because this had to be some kind of joke. There was no way someone would buy him. He was ruthless, bruteful, and, and, and, ...bruteful! The swordsman had made sure that he acted like a monster just so he wouldn't be bought! Now a skinny woman and some gorgeous blue eyed prince (not in literal terms, theoretically) were putting a price on him! On his life!

"Sanji!" The rich woman said her eyes big and her teeth clenched into a very fake smile. "That slave will tear you to pieces. This is not a great idea. He's a monster."

"Don't be silly!" He wiggled his arm out of her vice grip, paying the man his fee. "With that fire in him, he'll be a great worker. Look at these." With long pale fingers, he lightly grabs at a tan arm. "These babies are canons! I'm sure he'll pull the weight of a few guys." He lets go. "Besides, I need someone to care for this place. I'm hardly ever home, and I'm afraid that the house will be broken into. A woman would be nice, but the protection of my home seems more important."

"Yes, well... I just don't like it. Protection you say! He will kill you the moment you sleep!"

"Nonsence." Before he knew it, his master had the key to his chains. His freedom disappeared right before his eyes. Sighing, he caught the hair of a familiar slave. Thinking to make the most he could out of the situation, he tries to get his master's attention.

"Hey!" Zoro called out to Sanji. The three looked at him incredulously. Sanji crossed his arms over his chest and waited for the right words to come out that masculine mouth. Grumbling, he fixed his mistake. "M-Master." Smiling, the blond dropped his arms and walked up to him.


"You,- you were talking about a woman. You wanted a woman, right? Not to sleep with, but to have around the house?" Zoro fiddled with the chains trying to to get close to the blond as possible, as though that would convey his urgent thought to him, but the blasted chains were hooked onto the metal bar on the back of the rotten carriage. "Well?!"

"One, don't raise your voice to me. Two, what's it to you?" His smile since gone, he crossed his arms once again, giving off his aura of authority.

"I know one. I know one that speaks a language I can't but you, you being rich must know a few different languages, right? What do you say? She's nothing like me. So she shouldn't be trouble." Sanji looks at him with curious eyes.

"You seem to be begging for me to buy her. Only looking at you, I can see that's out of character. Is she important to you? Let's say I do buy her," Sanji places an arm over his new slave, pulling him in close, "what do I get in return?" The smooth suave voice spilled through a vexing grin, teasing his new property.

"Look! I'll do anything you fucking want, alright?!" The chains rattle as he tugs on them. Trying to grab a man's collar is so much easier without metal rings seeping into your skin.

"Well, of course your going to do whatever I want. Your my slave. That kind of defeats the purpose of me buying you if that weren't the case." Sanji laughs. Glaring at him, Zoro thinks for a second. There was only one option he could give his owner. Hating it. Hating how vulgar it was. He sucked up his pride for the greater good.

"I-...Your lonley right? And that woman said you needed some... physical relaxation...I'll be your s-s-s-sex slave without that bastard knowing so he won't throw that extra 100 gold charge in. You'll get the full package without the full price." A pink blush cover the tan lushous skin as he taps his owner's chest with the back of his hand. Another blush covers his master's cream face. With the words repeating in his mind, Sanji's eye gazes at the wonders of the other's body. Broad shoulders with honed muscle flooding down his arms and torso. Deep creases creating thick shadow lines that most men would paint on. It was true. He was a barbarian. The scar was telling a story but he wondered, who ever listened? Is it really that he's a monster? Zoro wasn't bad looking in the blond's eyes. Quite the opposite of that. He should be a sin. The more he stared, the more his body began pleading and craving. 'I guess my lonleyness is fucking with me, making this bastard seem like the sexiest being on earth, as if.' Despite the argument in his head, Sanji found him self attracted to this erotic, sensual man. He could only imagine how skillful this basilisktic, leviathan was under the bed's sheets... Shaking the thought, chuckling, he pats the behemoth's bare back gently.

"You're one hell of a sales man. Way better than shorty over there. What's your name?"

"Zoro." The low tone came out. Without looking up he repeated himself. "Roronoa Zoro."

"Well Zoro your a lucky man. I have no intrest in your offer at this moment (obvious lie. Zoro wasn't blind and knew what the man was doing mere moments ago.) but how about the girl you want me to purchase?" Sanji blushed when the cold face brightened.

"She's over there!" He nodded in her general direction. "The third one I believe. She's wearing a grey dress with a red patch." Sanji walked over to the guard, who was estatic at another one being bought. Walking over to the woman he popped her chains immediatly. She rubbed her wrists, soothing the burning sensation. Sanji gently took her hand and walked over to Zoro. Happy to see he saved another one, he smiled at her.

"Is this the one?" Sanji asked softly with a grin of his own.

"Yeah. That's the one." The slave woman looked at him, her lips trembling. Tears fell from her eyes in rivers. She ran to hug the stranger who freed her hands from chains. Crying into his bare shoulder, the tears felt cool on his skin. She repeated words over and over that he couldn't understand but he felt her happiness. The woman was happy for being alive. Sanji softly tryed pulling her from him, but she wouldn't let go. Unsurprising to Zoro, the blond spoke in her language, and she moved to the side, still crying in bucketsful. Whilst she moved, Sanji unlocked the chains on Zoro. Amazed that he didn't run, but only walked to the woman to hug her properly, he handed the key to the man. "I don't think I'll need that." Jaw open at the slave's obedience, the guard piled in the rest of them but before he rode off with a wisp of the reins, Zoro stopped him. He reached into the back and pulled the far gone dog out of the carriage. Stepping away, the wooden wagon sped off to the main rode. He placed the poor animal on the ground. Sanji turned to look at the oddly green-haired man pat the woman's head.

Zoro visably sighed, slipping back on his shirt and tying the worn strings that held it together, happy about the descisions he has made that day. Sanji walks up to him, placing his hand on the broad shoulder. "So, are you the father of her baby?" Zoro gave him a stupid look. "I mean you sold your body to me without a second thought so I assumed-"

"You assumed wrong. No. I don't know her." He says bluntly, stretching his neck. "I met her today. I felt bad because she was pregnant." Giggles came from the side of him. Blushing and glaring, he turned to his master. "What?"

"N-Nothing," giggle, "it's just by looking at you, you don't look like someone who does charity work! I seriously thought she was your wife!"

"You idiot! I'm not married! And it's not charity! She loves her kid. That's pretty rare to see around these parts. And I know for a fact that if I had left her there, she would be by herself with no one looking after her. At least here if you try something funny I know I'll kill you." Sanji stared bewildered. Then a smirk was planted on his face.

"Where are the shovels?" Sanji quirked an eyebrow. He ran inside and returned with a brand new shovel in hand. Grabbing it without notice, Zoro lifted it to the sun, studying it's sharp raidience. Seeing that it was in great shape, he stabbed the ground with the thick sheet metal. "Can't wait to get to work?" Sanji joked.

"Yeah right." Was the only reply he was gifted with. Smiling at the new member of his household, he felt guilty for misjudging him. He waved the girls to go inside so that the mother could rest her feet, and they did. Choco begrudgingly lead the pregenant woman through the glass doors. Sniffing, she followed Choco inside. Upon walking back to the hole digger, he smiled at the hard working man. 'What a nice guy. Seems I was right about that fire in him.' Scratching the back of his head, he gently lifted the deceased dog. It hurt a little seeing the animal, unmoving, in his arms. The blond had a dog inside, other than Fifi, so understanding why they were burying it wasn't so hard.

Wipping sweat gathered at his brow, Roronoa jumped out of the shallow dune he had made. Reaching to the ground he goes to lift the missing dog. "Over here." He looks at his master caressing the brittle fur as though it were only sick. He walks up, bends down , and gently places her into her dirt coffin. He steps back and lets the man fill it up once again. Grabbing a piece of fallen wood, no doubt, from the carriage, Zoro rams it above the dogs head. He believed K-9s could be as good of a companion as a human, so he felt she deserved some kind of tag or marking. With a blunt rock he carved 'Angel'.

"Your one weird guy." A lean arm leans on the swordsman's shoulder as he stands to his feet. They look upon a friend's grave.

"Not at all. I live by Bushido." Blue sausers look him in the eye. "Boo-SHEE-dou. 'The Way of the Sword'. Congratulations. Today's your lucky day. You got yourself a swordsman." Sanji lips move silently in a phrase close to 'no way.' "I live by my consideration of what's around me; freedom, fairness, loyalty, authority, strength and will, above that, Bushido." Zoro's black eyes held a fire that had Sanji yearning once again.

"Wait- Bushido?" Then it clicked. "Are you from the far east!? How did you manage to get here?"

"Unfortunatly, when that new bastard of a kin-" He stopped to look at the blond. A few more words and what he had said could be considered treason. Sanji looked at him knowingly.

"I don't like him either. So you were saying? The bastard of the King; what?" A big smile crossed his lips.

"Uh, When the new King came to power, he built another castle in my homeland. We were debating that he should go else where, since we are all one group. But, the asshole tore down our homes, set them aflame, and drove us from that land. We were all seperated. So I was wandering the lands as a swordsman, collecting bounties for food. Until I was caught. But even then, with chains or not, I'm a free person. I do what I want. Gold is nothing more than a shiny rock and a guard is merely a human." Finishing, he remembers his travels and the crap he's pulled to get this far west.

"What else? What other views do you have I wonder?" Zoro turned to face his master. "We should sit around the coffee table and talk about it sometime." Leaning in, the blond captures the man's lips. It was intended to be quick, and sly, in hopes he could get away with it, without any consequences. "I hope that offer is still open." Sanji joked. But apperently the swordman didn't get it. Grabbing the thin white shirt in a fist, he pulled the blond into another. Groaning lowly, with his throat wet and husky, Zoro sucked generously on soft pink skin. When the groan met Sanji, a small whimper left him unwillingly. The smell of a clean sweat and musky man made his body throb."Z-Zoro..." He gasped, slowly drifting from the kiss. Teasingly, Zoro slothfully sucked on the bottom bruised lip, pulling him ever so slightly, wanting to show his "master" just what the hell he just bought. Lust drove Sanji to press harder to stop his slave's playful game, wanting to be kissed right. Grasping the ripped arms in front of him for support, he pulled closer. His eyes shut as he lost himself in an intense makeout. Hungrily did he swallow every kiss given to him. Strong hands run up his hair, shivers and chills filling his body. Sanji rounded his arms behind the strong neck. Moaning when Zoro kept intesifying it, only made them wonder what in the world they were doing. It was like a narcotic. Meeting only moments ago made things hotter and more erotic for them.

Pulling away, Zoro viewed the wonderful artwork left from his skill. The once proud man, who had his chin in the air, was now flushed and pink, his pale skin heating under pressure, lips plump from the teasing he had given them. With a finger, he wiped the string visably attaching them. Sanji looked at it, then without thinking stuck the finger in his mouth sucking it gently. Zoro could feel a certain part of his body reacting to the sight. A lustful groan advised his master to becareful of his next move. The blond reading it as is, moved from him, disappointing Zoro. He thought a man that would buy him would have more guts. Wiping his mouth, Sanji looked at him. "So I'm guessing that's a yes?" He panted out.

"I told you I'm loyal. I said I would do it if you bought her. You did. So I have to keep my end. I'm not a liar and would like to stay that way." Leaning into Sanji's hair, he growled, "So if you think you can take it, come for me, Master." Smirking, he invited himself into the house.


"mio bambino" - "Mio dulce bambino" - Italian for my baby and my sweet baby

"Moro mou" - Greek for my baby