I own nothin'...

Haven't posted anything in such a long time, did you think I was dead?

His lips pursed together as he watched crimson swirl down the drain, he found his eyes drift over to the black clothing that littered the floor, and he did feel guilty, so it wasn't like he was a psychopath or something. Well, maybe he was. But not that many psychopaths knew they were psychopaths.

The gold goggles that rested on the floor where he had tossed them seemed to stare at him, willing him to put them on and let the Owl take over.

Dick curled up in the tub, just staring and waiting for it to all go away, for him to wake up. Obviously it wasn't going to happen soon, and sitting under the stream of water wasn't helping anyone, he could control it.

The second he blinked there was screaming, doctors, nurses, he just tossed them aside, Talon tossed them aside, not Nightwing or Dick Grayson, it was Talon who attacked, Talon who killed that many people to get to one man, Talon who attacked Ollie, Ollie.

He hoped Oliver was okay. He didn't mean to, he was in the way though.

He was in the way, but he could be useful, that's why he's still alive.

Dick felt like there was someone else, nudging his thoughts to think that way, there probably was, but he didn't know much about being a Talon, that was his first attack, and it was terrifying, but… Fun?

Pulling in a shuddering breath, Dick stood up and turned off the water, he had to hide it, the plan was still in action, he would tell them and get help after, when it's all over and the Light is dead. No, not dead, in prison. Just in prison.

Back in the Watchtower, Green Arrow was finishing typing up a report on the attack, he called Nightwing, since Dick knew more about the Talons than anyone else.

"Nightwing here."

"Hey, it's Green Arrow, I was just wondering about a Talon."


"Yeah, you missed one, killed over one hundred people in a hospital. Have any theories?"

Nightwing didn't answer for a few seconds but eventually asked "Who was the last person to be killed?"

"Don't know, why?"

"Talons are assassins, not terrorists. Anyway, I thought we got all of them?"

"Obviously you missed one."

The answer didn't come immediately, it seemed like Nightwing had a lot on his mind.

"Okay, keep me posted. Nightwing out."

He hung up, Oliver sighed and crossed his arms. "Something's fishy here."

The archer turned halfway to Aquaman and said "Not you."

Author's Note: Sorry it's been so long since I updated anything, school's been hard and writing fanfiction doesn't really rank high on my list of to-do.

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