HOLY SHIT AT ALL THE FAVS. I can't even, you guys. CAN'T EVEN. *flails*

You guys are the best, really. I'm glad so many of you like this. It makes me feel a lot better about the person I wrote it for reading it now. I'm not sure if she has yet, but due to the amount of you that like it, I'm sure I have nothing to worry about. Here, take these hugs from papa Sonny: *hugs*

Also, just so everyone knows, that follow-up/epilogue thing I was thinking of doing for this is totally a go. And it's going to be smutty. So super smutty. Be patient with me, though. I'm working on like five stories at once, so it might take a while. But rest assured, honeybunches, smut is coming your way.

Thanks again for liking this so much :D