Vampires and Love


Rated T

Disclaimer: I don't own Suits I WISH I DID!

Vampires have only high end jobs. Humans are their slaves/food. Humans are bought and sold and Mike is sold to Harvey. AU and Slash. Caring/Loving Harvey and Loving/Shy Mike


Vampires rule the world. There were hundred thousands of them. They had all the power and wealth. Vampires had the high end jobs like doctors and lawyers. Humans on the other hand had factory jobs/low pay jobs or were sold to vampires as slaves. For humans you wanted to be ugly. Only the pretty humans were slaves all the rest made the lavish lifestyle of vampires possible. Vampires could turn humans but that hasn't happened in hundreds of years. Humans despised vampires and vampires despised humans. Vampires treated their humans cruel and most humans ended up dead.

The Specter family was one of the most know vampire families. All vampires respected them and humans feared them. Any human who was sent to the Specter family usual ended up in a body bag. The Specter's weren't cruel to their humans the humans died of natural causes said the medical examiner. The oldest son Harvey always had the most died humans. He didn't hurt any of his humans. In fact he loved all of them. He requested only men since Harvey was gay. Harvey didn't share to all that he was but his brother Patrick and his parents knew.

Mike's family was nothing special. Mike's father was a factory worker, and his mother was a blood mobile nurse. His grandmother was a seamstress that made long dresses for vampires. Mike on the other hand was a bike messenger. He was also was very attractive. Blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and a lean body form all the biking. His parents were always worried about Mike being sold into slavery, but they died before they saw him being sold. The day after Mike's parents died Mike was sold into slavery.

Present time

Mike was shaking in his chair. He was almost up to be sold. He was backstage and then he heard the dreaded word "Sold! For 50,000 dollars." Mike looked up and saw a big vampire stand in front of him. "Up." Mike stood and then was dragged onto the stage.

"Ooh ladies… we have a pretty boy here. Blonde hair, and gosh striking blue eyes. Lean physique. What's your name beautiful?" The vampire put the microphone in front of Mike. "Mike." The vampire laughed. "Full name please." Mike rolled his eyes "Michael James Ross."

"Beautiful name Michael." The vampire leaned in and sniffed at Mike's neck. He sighed and smiled. "We will start the bidding at 25,000 dollars. Do I have 25,000?" One bidder held up on. The auction went on for a few minutes. "Do I have 10 million dollars?"

"20 million dollars." A deep voice called out from the back. Mike looked up in awe. "20 million going once, going twice, Sold to the man for 20 million. Please come collect your prize sir." Mike scanned the crowd to see movements. Then a hand was on his arm and Mike looked over a gasped inwardly. The vampire was beautiful. Slicked brown hair, thick lips, he had beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He had two moles above his left eye.

'God he is so beautiful.' Mike thought as the man smiled at him. "Let's go." The man said. His voice was rich and deep and Mike melted into him. The man wrapped an arm around him and escorted Mike back to behind the stage and out the back door. A black car was waiting for them. The man opened the door for Mike, and closed it behind him.

"Ok Ray let's go home." The man said. Ray nodded and drove off. It was about 10 minutes and Mike felt a hand on his thigh. He looked over and his owner was smiling at him.

"Michael. My name is Harvey Specter, and I'm your master, but I don't want you to call me master. I prefer Harvey. Also I live with my parents and brother. My parents are Gordon and Erin Specter. My brother is Patrick, but call him Paddy if you want to fluster him. Also there is no reason to be afraid. We don't treat humans horribly like everyone thinks we are nice and treat every human like family because they are. So do you prefer Michael or Mike?" Harvey said. Mike cleared his throat. "Mike I prefer Mike." He whispered. Harvey brushed a hand over Mike's cheek.

"No need to be shy or scared Mike. I won't hurt you I promise. I'm very gentle when I bite. Have you ever been bite before?" Mike shook his head no, and Harvey brushed a hand over Mike's cheek. "I will be very gentle for our first time." Mike thanked him with his eyes. A few minutes later the car pulled up to a huge mansion. The house looked old, it was made of gray bricks. The gardens in the front were beautiful and bright. All shades of purples, reds, oranges, and yellows littered the front lawn. There was a gravel driveway that a black Ferrari was parked on.

'Damn nice car.' Mike thought. The car stopped and Harvey quickly got out and opened the door for Mike. Harvey extended his hand out and Mike grasped it, and pulled himself out. Harvey placed a hand on Mike's hips and led him inside. A man that looked like Harvey but with a giant smile on his face walked up.

"Damn Harv he is a looker. So pretty, so how much did you pay for this gorgeous creature?" The man asked. Mike guessed it was Patrick, Harvey's brother, and he blushed at the attention he was getting from both gorgeous men.

"Nothing I can't pay back in a week. You know me being New York's best closer. And Mike was 20 million." Harvey said with a smile on his face. Patrick whistled and shook his head. Harvey pasted by him and Mike followed. A pale man opened the door and greeted Harvey and nodded at Mike. Harvey led him throughout the enormous house. Harvey opened the door to his room and asked Mike politely to sit on his bed. Mike did as he was told, and Harvey went to the closet and grabbed a black t-shirt. He stripped off the suit jacket, tie, vest, and white polo shirt. He put on the black shirt and slowly made his way over to Mike.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." Harvey said as he laid Mike down on the bed and straddled him. Harvey took off Mike's shirt and pressed feather light kisses to Mike's collar bone and neck. "Breathe and relax." Harvey whispered as he leaned in. He licked the spot where he was going to bite. Mike shivered and willed himself to relax.

Harvey smiled and bit down into Mike's neck. "Ah!" Mike gasped Harvey placed one hand on Mike hips and one intertwined with Mikes hand. Harvey took in a long drag and moaned as the blood hit his tongue. 'So sweet, so savory, and god so tasty.' Harvey thought as he sucked in another large amount of Mike's sweet blood. Mike on the other hand was getting hard like really hard. Mike's hand that wasn't intertwined with Harvey's was gripping the sheets. Mike became flushed and Harvey noticed and smirked. He slid his fangs out of Mike and whispered in his ear.

"It's normal for your first feed to be arousing. I will take care of it in a second. And you have the sweetest blood I have ever tasted." Harvey's breath was hot against his ear, and it felt so good to have him close to Mike's body. Harvey returned to Mike's neck and slipped his fangs back into his artery. After a few minutes Harvey's stomach was full and Mike was withering. Harvey pulled back and smiled. He licked the fang holes.

"They won't be so present tomorrow if you were worried about the sight of the fang holes." Harvey said quietly. Mike nodded and watched Harvey ogle his naked torso. "Mike do you want me to take care of you? If you say yes then we will be together and I am very possessive of what is mine. If you say no that is ok, and I will leave so you can pleasure yourself." Harvey said. His voice was dark but his tone was pleading. He wanted Mike no he needed Mike. Harvey never felt a connection so strong than with Mike.

"Harvey I want you to take care of me." Mike whispered. Harvey nodded and smirked a little. He pressed himself against Mike and had his wicked way with Mike.

A few hours later Mike and Harvey were lying under the covers and tangled with each other. Mike was lazily kissing Harvey's chest and neck. "Mmm Mike feels good babe." Mike smiled and nipped at Harvey's neck. Harvey smiled and pulled Mike up to look into his eyes.

"Mike I hope I make you happy. If there is anything you need please don't hesitate to ask. I will do anything to make you happy." Mike blushed and then looked away.

"Um Harvey." "Yes my love." Mike looked away ashamed. "My grandmother… she is sick and old. She is living in a nursing home but I can't keep up payments. I don't want to move her to a state facility. Please Harvey can you help her?" Mike pleaded. Harvey saw Mikes eyes fill with tears.

"Consider it done. She can move in her with us. She will be taken care of by the best doctors. I promise she will be good as new in no time." Mike smiled and hugged Harvey tightly.

"Thank you Harvey. Thank you." Mike whispered. Harvey pulled him closer and kissed Mike's temple.

VAMPIRE HARVEY! Hehe I had to. Ok so I'm think some drama between Harvey and Patrick over Mike. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW AND INPUT YOUR OPINION!