Warnings: Corporal Punishment of a teen!

I'm not sure what else will be added, but for this chapter that's all there is to it. I'm not sure where I''m exactly going with this...feel free to offer ideas or something. The rating may go uo Anyway, here you go!

"Arthur, why isn't your homework complete?" Mr. Jones, or Alfred, asked a little bit sternly. He tried to be good natured with all of his students, but his newest one was proving to be a tad bit difficult.

"I forgot," The fifteen year old answered, his voice sounding bored. Alfred sighed and decided that this was the last straw, considering that Arthur had 'forgot' to do his homework five other times this week.

"See me after class, understood?" He asked.

"Yes sir," Arthur answered, a small hint of nervousness in his tone. That caused Alfred to feel a bit of triumph. Maybe he would finally be able to get through to his newest student. Alfred taught at Hetalia Academy, one of the top private schools in which only few rich children were able to attend. They lived there all year around, except for summer vacation and important holidays like Christmas. Alfred himself had only five students to teach raging from ages 15 to 18, with Arthur being his youngest student.

Arthur Kirkland had come all the way to America from England, London to be exact. His parents happened to be very wealthy, and had moved here for business. That was exactly why they had enrolled their son at Hetalia Academy. The teen wasn't exactly thrilled at being forced to leave his friends and move to a whole different country. Alfred understood that he would probably be upset, which was why he tried to be understanding and get through to him. It had been two weeks though, and still the teen was being difficult.

Arthur's records before this school had been excellent. He was very intelligent, and had gotten perfect marks. However, now Arthur never did his work and even tried skipping class on occasion. When he was in class, the teen didn't even attempt to pay attention. Now Alfred had to draw the line. He was left with one choice; to punish Arthur. Something like a simple detention wouldn't work, which left Alfred with one other option. Hetalia academy teachers had full consent to corporeally punish students if needed. After all, private schools were strict, and this was Americas top school. He wouldn't be too harsh, but what Arthur needed was a good spanking.

Corporal punishment wasn't taken lightly at Hetalia Academy. If you did something wrong, you were punished as harsh as needs be. Any kind of supplement could be used on any teen, because the parents of the students gave full consent. Of you were eighteen and did not choose punishment then you were just kicked out. The younger kids had no choice but to endure it and straighten up.

"Alright, class is dismissed. Make sure to do problems five through twelve on page seventeen. They'll be due tomorrow." Alfred finally said. Four of his students filed out. The fifth stayed behind as he had been told to.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Arthur asked from his seat. Alfred was silent for a moment, and then he sighed, standing up and making his way towards the Brit.

"Arthur, I'm really concerned about your behavior. I know how scary it must be moving to a new country-"

"Scary?" Arthur cut him off. "Oh no, I'm not scared sir. Just incredibly pissed off!"

Alfred slowly felt his patience wearing out. "Arthur Kirkland, you will be respectful to your teacher." He said sternly. "Now as I was saying, your behavior is not acceptable. You're going to have to be punished."

There was silence for a moment, and Arthur began fidgeting nervously. "...W-what the bloody he'll do you mean? Detention or something?"

"I was thinking along the lines of something a little old fashioned." Alfred said. Then much to Arthur's shock, his teacher undid his belt and held it in his hand, taking a seat on an empty desk. "Bend over my knee Arthur."

"W-What?" Arthur asked, the statement catching him off guard big time. Fifteen year olds were too big to be spanked like that..was this some sort of bloody joke? Alfred stared at him with all seriousness.

"You're going to be getting ten swats with my belt to remind you who's in charge. Now I won't repeat myself again, bend over my knee."

Arthur was in shock. What kind of a school was this? His parents would never have allowed this..right? Nobody had ever did this sort of punishment before, normally it was just going to bed with no supper when he was bad at home.

But sir...I'll be good now. I'll go do my homework," He said softly, throat beginning to feel very dry.

"Arthur, you don't have to make this difficult. I'm actually going to go pretty easy on you. Be thankful it won't be bare this time. And by the way, your parents gave me full consent to do so." Alfred said. "Now come here and get over my knee."

The teen felt his face heat up in embarrassment, but complied. He really didn't think he'd be able to run away, since Mr Jones was probably a lot faster and stronger than him. Once he reached his teacher, Alfred gently pulled him down into the proper position over his knee. Honestly he felt a bit bad, but this was the only way to get the boy to understand his limits.

"Okay, here we go," Alfred said after clearing his throat. He rested one hand lightly on the teens back, and raised his other hand on the air, which was grasping the belt. He could feel how tense the Brit was, and decided to get it over with for both of their sakes. Alfred hated punishing his students just as much as they hated to be punished. He raised his arm a tad bit higher before swinging it down for the first one.


Arthur instantly jolted from the sharp sting in his behind. He instinctively wanted to use his hands to cover his behind and shrink away, but that would be impossible due to his teachers very firm hold on him.



He hissed, clutching tightly to his teacher's pant leg by instinct. It was only the third swat and already his back end felt on fire. He briefly wondered how often this type of punishment was administrated. Mr. Jones seemed as though he were used to doing this. Maybe his classmates had been on the receiving side of this punishment as well. It would be nice to think that he wasn't alone.


He winced, stifling a gasp at the pain.


After the fifth one Arthur's couldn't take it anymore, allowing a small pained whimper to escape his throat. Hot tears began to blur in his eyes.

"Half way there Arthur...it's okay." He heard his teacher say reassuringly, but it did nothing to comfort him. He was embarrassed, ashamed, and in pain. All Arthur wanted was for his punishment to end so he could curl up on his bed and lay down on his stomach for the rest of the night.



"Stop...I wont be bad anymore! I'll do better!" Arthur found himself reduced to begging. Now the tears were very prominent, staining his cheeks and dripping down onto the floor.


Now he gave up, going limp across the adult's lap and sobbing openly. His bottom was stinging, and with every swat with the belt it got worse.



He didn't realize it was over for a few seconds, until he saw Alfred set the belt aside, and felt a hand rubbing his back soothingly.

"It's okay Arthur...it's all over...calm down now," The teacher said comfortingly. They stayed like that for at least ten minutes, with Alfred whispering comforting words to his student until Arthur's sobbing slowly subsided. Finally he was silent, using a hand to scrub away his tears. Alfred helped him into a standing position, where the teen stood on shaky legs. He felt stupid for crying, since he was fifteen years old and all. Still, it had hurt like hell! He really didn't ever want to have that happen to him ever again. Arthur didn't ever think he could look at his teacher again without being very embarrassed.

"Are you ready to go back to your room?" Alfred asked, seeing Arthur fidget a little, desperately wanting to rub at his bottom to help sooth the stinging. Arthur gave a small nod, so the teacher smiled softly. "Alright then, come on, I'll walk you back."

The journey back to Arthur's room was silent. Arthur didn't feel like talking, and Alfred decided to leave him to his thoughts. When They reached Arthur's room (each student had their own separate room) Alfred patted Arthur's arm and helped him into bed, tucking the covers over him.

"Make sure to get your homework done from now on. I know you're a smart kid, so put that brain to use. I'm sorry I had to punish you like that, but let it be a lesson to you. As long as you're good then you wont have to have that happen." He said, but his voice wasn't stern at all.

"Yes sir," Arthur said quietly, feeling his eyes start to droop a little. He was beginning to feel exhausted from crying.

"Alright, see you at breakfast tomorrow." Alfred said, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. Arthur laid there silently, on the verge of sleep.

He wondered how the hell he was going to face everyone tomorrow, especially his teacher.

Hell yeahhh, there's the first chapter! I know it's not like things I normally write, but whateverrrr. I dunno where I'm going with it. Does anyone want it to turn into slash or something, or do ya just want it to stick to being student teacher only? I'll do whatever you want(;



...Seriously dude