Author's Note: I went and saw Brave with my friends a few days ago, and the song Noble Maiden Fair (A Mhaighdean Bhan Uasal) from the movie inspired this story. I highly recommend it. Enjoy the story Feel free to review, favorite, and alert ^_^


The smell of blood invaded Kakashi's nose as he laid with his father's dead body, weeping uncontrollably for his loss. He knew it was a dream, a memory of what had happened, for he was watching from the corner of his father's bedroom as his younger self laid there in agony, filled with confusion. This memory was relived almost nightly by Kakashi, always ending the same way and always leading him to go take a walk to clear his head. Tonight felt different though, as he noticed a dark mass enter in from the bedroom door and kneel next to himself. Kakashi tried to push off the wall and walk over to get a better look, but he was cemented to the ground. All he could do was watch the dark mass lift his small self from his father's dead body and wrap him up in it's… were those arms? He couldn't tell. Kakashi could feel himself drifting back into consciousness as a song came from the black mass, lulling his younger self into a comfort until he fell asleep.

"A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth

Mise ri d' thaobh, O mhaighdean bhan

Ar righinn oig, fas as faic

Do thir, dileas Fein

A ghrian a's a ghealaich, stuir sinn

Gu uair ar cliu 's ar gloire

Naoidhean bhig, ar righinn go

Mhaighdean uashaill bhan"

Usually after the memory, Kakashi woke with a jolt from screaming all night, but this morning he rose slowly as the song played in his head. It had been in some language he didn't know, but for some reason sounded somewhat familiar. Yet, he doesn't remember ever seeing that in his dreams or back when his father had killed himself. Was it his brain using a defense mechanism? Maybe his subconscious couldn't take the pain anymore and had to make something up to make him feel better… Well, whatever it was, all Kakashi knew was that he was running even later than usual to his meet up with Team Seven, so he didn't have time to waste on thinking of a strange dream.

"It feels so good to get out of the village," Naruto sighed as he linked his arms behind his head and walked ahead of Team Seven through the gates of Konoha. "Where are we going exactly Kakashi Sensei?"

"There is a festival in the Capital to celebrate the marriage of the emperor's daughter. We're going to be extra security," Kakashi said uninterestedly as he started into his book. He was never really a big fan of festivals or being around large amounts of people in general, so it wasn't a very exciting mission to him, but to the rest of Team Seven, it was a treat.

While Naruto and Sakura rambled on about what kind of booths may be at the festival, Sasuke slowed his stride until he was shoulder to shoulder with his Sensei. Kakashi had been wary of taking Sasuke on this mission after the chunin exams, especially since things between him and the rest of the team had been extraordinarily strained, but at the same time, he saw that this could be a way for him to rebuild the bond with his teammates that had been on the brink of shattering within the past month or so. Kakashi also knew that Jiraiya had his eye on making Naruto his disciple, which would mean this could be the last mission Team Seven went on together for a very long time. If anything, there was a hope that this would instill a sense of normalcy back into their small family.

"Do you think that there will be any actual danger Sensei?" Sasuke asked quietly. He was worried that if he had to fight, the curse mark would take over again, and even though he thirsted for the power it gave him, he didn't like the cost.

"No, I don't think there will be, but there is the potential for it," Kakashi muttered back as he pulled Make Out Paradise out of his back pouch and started reading. Sasuke took the hint, but decided to walk next to his sensei instead of trying to hop into Sakura and Naruto's conversation.

The closer that Team Seven came to the Capital, the more traffic appeared in the roads with not only people from the land of Wind, where the emperor's daughter's husband was from, but also land of Fire citizens who were excited for the festival. The crowd made all of Team Seven's genin even more excited, even Sasuke, as they struck up conversations with random citizens about the festival.

"I wish Pervy Sage hadn't spent all of my money when we went looking for Granny," Naruto pouted as he held up his almost empty frog change purse. Sakura just stuck her tongue out at his misfortune and went back to a conversation she had been having with a girl around her age from the Land of Wind. Sasuke reluctantly pulled off his backpack and pulled a red and black wallet from it. He leaved through it and pulled out the equivalent of 20 dollars (A.N.20,000 ryo I think).

"Here," he said as he handed it to Naruto. The yellow haired shinobi wasn't sure how to respond to the gesture. "Consider it a token of appreciation for your battle with Gaara."

"Thanks," Naruto grinned as he took the money from Sasuke. Kakashi couldn't help but smile at what he was hoping was the slow healing of an almost broken bond.

"Look! There it is!" Sakura yelled excitedly as the city came into view. The normally extravagant capital was decorated with paper lanterns, ribbons, and kites, making it obvious that a hearty celebration was occurring inside. Even though they had been traveling all day, the team was so wound up that they would want to head straight into the festival when they arrived.

"Don't forget that we are on a mission," Kakashi reminded them as the bright red gates of the capital came closer and closer. "When we get inside, I want you three to stay together and keep an eye out for suspicious activity. I have to go report to the emperor's high officer, so I'll meet up with you three later."

"Yes Sensei," they said half mindedly as they watched walked through the red gates and into the controlled chaos within. Kakashi didn't get the chance to give them anymore instruction once they were inside, since Sakura looped her arms around Sasuke and Naruto's and hurried them off in one direction.

With a shrug, he continued to weave through the crowded streets and towards the palace, until he was stopped by someone calling his name. He froze mid step and turned to a dark purple tent that had a hunched over old woman sitting in it. Her dark hands were decorated with jewelry while her old face was covered in make up. White hair was pulled up in a bun on top of the woman's head and matched the bright color of her eyes. Her dark blue robes that hung loosely on her matched her tent in a strange way.

"That is your name, is it not? Kakashi?" she asked with a voice rough from age.

"How did you know that?" he asked as he approached her. She made a grand gesture with her hand towards the bench in front of a table she sat at within her tent. Reluctantly, Kakashi sat and watched as the woman prepared tea. He waited patiently for his answer, although it seemed as though he'd never receive it. Instead, he came to his own conclusions. "You knew my name because a lot of people do. I'm Copy Ninja Kakashi. I should've known that. And you used calling my name to pull me over to your table and have me spend money on something or distract me from my job."

"You're bright, but sometimes that's not a good thing," she said as she poured him some tea. "I do know your name because of your shinobi status, but what will a simple tea reading hurt? Free of charge, since you figured out my trick." Kakashi didn't answer, which she took as an acceptance of her offer as she poured a spoon of loose tea into his cup and then some hot water over top. "Now stir and then drink most of it. While doing so, concentrate on what you want to know."

While Kakashi found the whole thing completely ridiculous, as he did with most sorts of divination, he did as the woman asked and closed his eyes. It was easy for him to focus on what he wanted to know. He wondered if Sasuke would go with Orochimaru in search of power and if Naruto would try and stop him. He wondered if his dream last night meant anything, or was just a defense mechanism.

"Alright, that's enough," the woman pulled him out of his thoughts. "Now swirl the tea three times clockwise and tap the cup against the saucer while making a wish. Then pour the tea into the saucer"

Kakashi followed her instructions, no matter how stupid he thought they were, and wished that team seven would last. He had a feeling that wishing on tea wouldn't help that any. The woman then took the tea cup from him and held it in her right hand while staring at the leaves.

"Hmmm, you have some very interesting leaves," she said after staring into them for a few moments. "A wavy line indicating that you are uncertain of the path that you must follow, but also a rabbit, which means that where you are headed will require bravery. Luckily, there is also a shoe, and even though it is a small one, that means that whatever changes you will be facing soon, they will be for the better."

Unsure of what to say, Kakashi simply thanked the woman and gave her a few ryo as a tip, even though the reading was free. He wasn't one to believe in magic or fortune telling, but something in his gut was nagging him, telling him to heed the leaves and be prepared for an unexpected path.