So, I've been getting a lot of prompts on tumblr lately. I'm posting them on here for all of you to enjoy. I already have a lot of drabbles made, but I'll only update this when I get reviews so I know you're actually enjoying them.

Happy Reading!

Prompt was: Marceline and Princess Bubblegum get into a dramatic argument.

"I don't get why you need to do this."

Princess Bubblegum ignored Marceline as she continued to mix chemicals and write notes down. The vampire floated around the princess, flicking at her hair every once in a while. Her eyes were half-lidded and she was beginning to bore of just lazing around. She landed gently on the ground and made her way behind the princess, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Marceline," Princess Bubblegum hissed, shaking the vampire off of her. "Stop it this instant."

"Come on, Bonnibel, have a little fun."

The princess set down her chemicals and turned to face Marceline. "Do you know what I'm making right now?"

Marceline scratched her head. "No?"

Princess Bubblegum sighed. "I'm trying to make a potion to cure…" She rose her arms and gestured between herself and the vampire. "…this."

Marceline raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly is…" She copied the princess' arm movements. "…this?" Princess Bubblegum tapped her pen against her temple for a minute before sighing and looking into Marceline's eyes.

"I'm trying to find a way to stop … being what we are."

"And what exactly are we?"

The princess chewed her bottom lip uncomfortably and looked around the room before whispering, "Lesbians."

Marceline's jaw dropped and she slanted her eyes at the girl. "Excuse me?"

Princess Bubblegum rubbed her forehead and took a breath. "What we are … It isn't right. It's uncommon, it's unnatural, it's downright distasteful."

The vampire queen's eyes flared up and her hair blazed like a fire around her. " Excuse me?"

"Listen, Marcie. We've had a fun run and all but, this isn't right! I'm supposed to marry a prince one day and you're supposed to … rule the Nightosphere. What we're doing is compromising all of that."

Marceline hissed at the princess and glared straight through her. "This was more than a 'fun run' to me, Little Miss Perfect . I actually fell for you."

Princess Bubblegum's eyes widened and she frowned. "Don't think I didn't fall for you, too! It's just … this was like another experiment for me. An experiment that went wrong."

"An experiment that went wrong?!" Marceline screeched, her fangs elongating. "Is that all this was to you? A fucking experiment?"

The princess bit her lip and averted her eyes. "It was in the beginning… then it went too far."

"I love you, Bonnie. Are you seriously doing this to me right now?"

"I loved you too, Marcie, but -"

" Loved?! Did I seriously mean that little to you that you got over me so fast?" Her eyes were wild and she looked ready to explode.

"Look, all you'll have to do is wait until I finish this potion and all you're feelings will be fixed. You'll stop having those thoughts about girls, you'll -"

"It wasn't thoughts about girls, Bonnie. They were thoughts about you ."

And with that, the enraged vampire queen floated out of the windo and drifted off into the night's sky.

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