Summary: Rocky is beginning to feel a bit different about girls and is struggling to really understand things. Will a certain new girl be able to help her understand? Will there be love or chaos? See here in Struggle (Rocky/OC Pairing) May turn into a Rocky/CeCe pairing later on.

Chapter 8: Glances

Rocky's P.O.V.

I arrived at school about twenty minutes early. Taylor had texted me a bit after my time on the roof with CeCe about meeting her in front of my locker. I didn't know why but she said that it was a surprise. As I walked through the halls I couldn't help but think about my night with CeCe and my time with her on the roof this morning. It felt so perfect, so surreal but I loved every moment with her. I couldn't help but also feel a tang of guilt slowly over coming me. I cheated on Taylor and we haven't even been dating for a week! I sighed before turning to the hall towards my locker and when I looked up my breath was taken away. I covered my mouth and I couldn't stop the smile that crept upon my face as I saw the most sweetest thing in my life. There stood Taylor holding a bouquet of white roses, smiling at me as she leaned against her locker. As I approached her she stood up straight and engulfed me into a bear hug.

"Good morning beautiful." She whispered into my ear. I giggled and buried my face into her neck as I wrapped my arms around her neck."

"Good morning baby." I whispered back. Then I leaned back and gave her a quick peck on the lips before staring into her eyes. I saw her eyes twinkle along with her dazzling smile and I couldn't help but smile wider but also at the same time feel even more guilty for the amazing time I had with CeCe just moments before. "What is this for?" I pull back a bit more so she can bring up the bouquet up between us as she chuckles a bit.

"Well after seeing that you seemed to have problems with your best friend last night I thought I'd get you something to make you happy but then since you two got everything worked out, like I knew you two would, I thought I'd just get you it just for the heck of it. I mean come on," she pokes my stomach making me giggle, "I still got a smile out of you." I blush and take the flowers, quietly thanking her.

"Well thank you Taylor, they're beautiful." I smile up at her and quickly check around us to make sure no one is around. When I see that the cost is clear I lean up and softly kiss her. My hand securing it's spot on her cheek as her hands gently place themselves on my hips bringing me closer to her. Our slow and passionate kiss goes on for about a minute or so until I hear my brother, Ty's voice. I quickly pull back and put some space between us giving Taylor an apology through my eyes and she gives me a look of understanding as she goes back to leaning against the lockers and looks in the direction of my brothers voice.

"Yeah and you know what I saw that made things even worse Deuce? I saw a gay couple eating each other face! How disgusting!" I cringe at the statement he makes so strongly and I turn my head to see Ty and Deuce walking in our direction.

"Oh come on Ty. I mean they can't be that bad. It's not like they're trying to make a move on you or anything."

"No man! It's wrong and against God's wishes! Even my father despises them." He scoffs and stops next to me. "Even Rocky despises them, right Rocks?" My jaw tightens and so does my body as I glance up at Taylor and I see that she's stiff as well, glaring into the side of my brothers face; which goes unnoticed by him. I nod and turn back at him.

"Yeah." It's all I managed to get out. I watch Ty smirk and turn back to Deuce.

"See." Deuce sighs and shakes his head.

"Well whatever you say Ty, but I'm telling you that kind of thinking could make you loose someone you really care about in the end. Then when you miss them and you want them back in your life it'll be too late." Ty scoffs.

"Yeah right. Like I'd miss a fag or dyke." I again cringe but this time it doesn't go unnoticed; well by Deuce or Taylor. Ty on the other hand has still yet to take any notice in how I have reacted. "Well I'm gonna head to class, you coming man?" I watch as Deuce's gaze doesn't leave me and shake his head.

"Nah I'm good man. I'll meet you there, I gotta go grab something from my locker first." Ty shrugs his shoulders and just walks off. Once Ty is out of ear shot Deuce immediately takes a step closer to me. "Okay what's up? I know you lied straight out of your teeth about that whole 'hate against gays' thing. We talked about it before. You were okay with my cousins when you first met them." I sighed. I remember that day; Deuce had been talking to a group of people and a pair of them was a gay couple. When I had approached them the couple stiffened and Deuce immediately jumped in trying to say it wasn't what it had looked like. However, I had given the couple a smile and asked how long they had been together and told them how I wished I hope to find someone to have as much love and passion in a relationship as them. I loved every moment of getting to know them.

"No Deuce, it's not like that... Look Ty and my parents don't like homosexuals you know that! But they don't know that I don't mind about them, if they did I'm sure they'd bring me to church just to get a lecture on how I seriously need to get my thoughts straightened out, literally." I sighed. "I'm just glad he never asked about the flowers I had since he was so engrossed in his hate for gays." Deuce's frown then turned into a mischievous smile. I raised my eyebrows and realized what he was silently asking. "You want to know who gave me the flowers don't you?" I nodded.

"Come on! Tell me! I won't say a word to anyone. I promise." I smiled and giggled a bit and glanced up at Taylor, who was smirking back down at me. My gaze met Deuce's again and I watched his gaze turn from me to Taylor as his smile began to turn into a gigantic grin. "For real?" I nodded and my smile grew bigger as I saw the excitement grow in his eyes. "We have got to catch up about this whole thing. You two wanna come over after school today?"

"Hmm maybe. What do you think Taylor? You have yet to speak a word since Ty came." I give her my attention and she chuckles.

"I'd be cool with it and I'm sorry but your brother just irritated the shit out of me. You think it would have been a good idea for me to voice out my opinion about his opinion and start a fight on my second day here? Yeah, no I don't think so." I laugh and she smiles. I turn my attention back to Deuce and nod.

"Alright then we'll all meet up in front of the school before we head over to yours okay?" He laughs and nods. As I turn around and put in my combination to my locker to put the flowers in and get my books out Deuce asks me something that makes me stop all together.

"Wait, what about CeCe?" I sigh as I place the flowers in safely before turning around.

"She already knows but I don't think it'd be a good idea to bring her. At least not yet, right now she thinks I'm replacing her and I need to really straighten things out with her before I can have both her and Taylor in the same room." That's not an entire lie. I mean CeCe does know about Taylor but I also just cheated on Taylor just moments before, heck I just forgot about the whole situation until now! I'm not ready to have both of them in the same room together because I don't know how I'd react to to whole thing yet! I don't know how to balance both of them yet nor do I really think I want to keep both anymore. I need to straighten that out first. He nods in understanding and says his farewells to both me and Taylor before taking his leave for advisory.

"Well that was interesting." Taylor says quietly after he's out of ear shot. I nod in agreement after closing my locker.

"Come on I gotta take you to your advisory which is with..."

"Mr. Panek I believe." My eyes widen.

"Oh really? Then you're with me." I smile as I start leading her to our advisory. As we are about to walk into the classroom after talking about anything and everything I notice CeCe walking in the opposite direction we are and I glance at her. A large wave a guilt comes rushing back at me as Taylor and I stop in front of our class.

"Do you think we really have to panic in this class since his last name is Panek? I mean come on it's pronounced the same way!" I look up at Taylor and then turn my attention back to CeCe who has stopped in the middle of the hall with students passing her trying to get to class. I nod.

"I'd lie to you saying that you shouldn't... but after knowing this teacher," or situation I think in my head, "for as long as I have... I'll be honest with you. You will panic." I see CeCe's eyes glaze over in realization and I know she can see the guilt in my eyes because I can see the hurt in hers. I'm sure she thinks I feel like I regret what we did but I don't. However, I do feel guilty for cheating. I feel guilty for cheating but as I glance between both of these beautiful girls in my sight, I can't help but feel like I need them. They're... They're my drugs and I need them both to survive. They're both my guilty pleasures.

I know I haven't posted in the longest time but college life is harsh! Especially when a class requires you to go to them gym everyday and stay fit! Then I've got a crazy english professor!? Then again we all need that crazy teacher right? Anyways. I'm doing my best to update when I can oh and Happy Thanksgiving guys! ")

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