Disclaimer: Avatar and its characters are the property of Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, therefore I do not own them.

A/N: This is a slow developing Zutara. This chapter is in Zuko's POV.

Lex Talionis (Latin): the law of retaliation where the punishment fits the crime (an eye for an eye); however, it's meaning is also synonymous to atone, amend, and rectify.


Long ago, my forefathers had fought to secure the world in which I thought I would rule one day. For nearly half a century, the Fire Empire remained supreme in all the land. All the people of the world marveled at our ingenuity, natural resources, and advanced technology. We were envied for our military tactics and indisputable victories. My dream of ruling, following in my father's footsteps seemed almost within reach. However, that day never came to be, for my world was changed in the blink of an eye by a revolution.

This... revolution opened my eyes to what state the world was in.

We were hated, despised for being who we are, and what we represented.

Back then, I was blind for I was a young man who foolishly believed in the greatness of the empire despite the glimpses of truth that shined before me. I admit...I was hardheaded, stubborn some would say, because I ignored what was apparent. I was fixated on gaining what I could never have father's love, my honor…and my throne.

I was an ignorant and prideful man bent on walking blindly through life till I witnessed what lied beyond fire land shores, and it forever changed my life.

I saw the root of all evil, and lived it!

That's when I knew what had to be done, but...what I ended up doing tainted what could have been my true destiny.

Note: This story turns the tables on the Fire Nation. It is an AU fic, but the time period is practically the same as the show (not futuristic at all like LOK). Also note, since there's no longer any distinctive ruling nations(Only an empire), I'll use terms like earth lands to distinguish territorial location and people's origin as earth native etc.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!