My Life in Your World

Chapter 1:

AN/ Again, another story that popped into my head. This one is a little like my other fan fiction, but it's reversed. I really need to work on my other stories, but I'm pretty sure I have ADHD. So, enjoy!

Max POV:

Shit. It seemed like yesterday that we had busted Angel out of the School, but now they had captured us again. We were taking a break in a cave when thousands of Flyboys surrounded the entrance, cutting off any hope of escape. Some scientists had tranqed us and dragged us to their facility in Death Valley. We were currently shoved in those little bitty dog cages again. "Great." I thought. "Just what I wanted."

I looked over at the rest of the Flock. Angel was in a big crate on my left, Fang was in a medium crate to my right, Nudge was next to him, and Gazzy and Iggy were across the aisle. Poor Iggy was in a small crate and he could barely fit into it. He didn't complain about it though. "My trooper." I thought. Angel, the resident mind-reader, heard that and smiled at me. I stuck my hand through the bars and grabbed her small hand. I thought reassuring thoughts at her and she looked at me with her cute little doe eyes.

After a while, a couple scientists came in to take samples. They drew blood from each of us, until they got to Angel. When they tried to prick her with a needle she screamed and bit the scientist on the arm. He yelled and smacked her across the face, and she fell back in the crate. The edges of my vision turned red with rage. "How dare they hurt my Angel!" I thought angrily. The other scientist looked at the one that had been bitten. "Don't damage the subjects!" he hissed. "But it bit me!" the scientist yelled. The other one sighed. "Alright, come on." They walked out, slamming the door behind them.

I looked at Angel. She already had a purplish bruise blossoming across her face. "Are you alright Ange?" I thought to her. She smiled at me weakly. "I'm fine." She answered in my mind. I grasped her hand again and thought to her, "I'll get us out of here, Angel." "I know." she whispered. We let go of each other's hands and curled up in our cages, trying to sleep. Anger and sadness ripped through my mind as I watched Angel's quiet sobs rock her to sleep. I rolled over so I didn't have to see my baby in pain. "I will get the School for this. They'll wish they were never born." I thought as I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

Four Days Later

Max POV:

They had been testing us nonstop. We had run on treadmills, navigated mazes, solved problems, lifted weights. I was in hell, but I noticed that the scientists didn't seem as excited to poke and prod us as usual. I got really suspicious, so I asked Angel to see what they were thinking. She concentrated for a moment then looked at me, a strange look on her face. "They're all thinking about a new test subject. Alpha 1." I narrowed my eyes, confused. "Is it here in this building?" I asked Angel. She shook her head. "Apparently they just caught it. They thought that they were bringing it in for experimentation right now."

When I heard her last sentence, I winced. The School had experimented on us when we weren't even born, so none of us remember it. I heard that it was supposed to hurt like hell if they did it after you were born. Fang looked down at the floor of his cage. "I feel really bad for whoever they got this time." He whispered. I nodded my head. "I wonder where they'll put it." I mused.

Suddenly the door flew open with a big bang to the sound of yelling. At least four Erasers were holding a struggling kid. He was yelling in a strange language. "Irrumabo vos!" he screamed into the monster's faces. "Te gustabunt mea ensis! Deos percutiam vos!" I tuned a confused face to Angel. "Latin?" she thought at me, shrugging her shoulders. "Can't you just read his mind?" I asked. She shook her head. "I can't." I quickly turned around to look at the kid. He was kicking like crazy, and as I watched, he landed a good kick on one of the Erasers where the sun don't shine. It dropped like a rock and he made a break for the door. The three remaining Erasers tackled him to the ground. "Fiat ire!" the boy screamed. One of the Erasers banged his head against a crate and he abruptly stopped talking.

Grunting, one of the wolf-men picked him up while the other opened Angel's cage and the one beside her. They pulled Angel out while she kicked and screamed and threw her in the other cage. They slid the still-unconscious kid into Angel's crate and slammed the door behind him, growling at the boy. They walked out of the door, taking the still moaning Eraser with them. I looked at the closed door for a second, and then turned my gaze to the boy.

He looked like he was about my age, but he looked like he was mostly made of muscle. He had a dark tan, like he spent his life at a beach. His dark hair was ruffled and fell down in front of his eyes. He was wearing an orange shirt that said Camp Half Blood on it. He was wearing dark jeans and a pair of converse. I looked with pity at the dark bruise that had formed on his forehead. "Can you read his mind now?" I thought to Angel. I looked through the bars of the kid's cage at her. She shook her head. "No, it's like his head is just walled off. I can't get a single thought."

I looked curiously at the boy. Other that the fact that he was obviously strong and spoke a dead language, he didn't look like anything special. Although, I guess that if the scientists wanted him then he must have a trick up his sleeve. A few seconds later Fang coughed and the boy shot straight upright, a wild look in his sea-green eyes. "Non error!"He shouted, before looking around, confused. His startling eyes finally settled on me. "Ubi sum ego?" he questioned. I shook my head. "Umm….I don't speak whatever that is." The boy ran a hand though his hair and sighed. "I guess it's too much to hope for." He muttered to himself. "You speak English!" I yelled, shocked. He grinned at me. "Well, ya, I am a New Yorker."

I'm pretty sure my eyebrows were as high as they could go. The boy laughed before he winced and his hand few to his forehead. "The Erasers hit you on the head." I told him. "No shit." He growled, not unlike an Eraser. "Are you sure they haven't experimented on him yet?" I thought to Angel. "I'm sure." She answered. "Who are you?" Fang asked. The boy looked at him. "I think the better question is where am I and who are you."

AN/ Ooooo, Percy's gonna get experimented on. This is before Max and Fang really hit it off, but they can still be paired if you want them too. Review, my loyal subjects!