So this is just a series of one shots about Arya and Gendry's relationship. Some may even include a bit of Sansa or Sansa and Willas.

Contains lots of fluff and smut. I hope you enjoy it!

Oh and none of these wonderfully fantastic characters belong to me. They belong to GRRM.

Some Nights

Restless Night

It was one of those nights again.

Restless, slow, quiet. But in this case it was too restless for Arya. She glanced at her clock. It was 1 AM already. She tried to find sleep again but she felt like she was missing something. Someone.

So naturally, she rang Gendry.

The phone rings for a few seconds and just as she's about to give up, he answers.

"Arya?" he answers groggily.

"Yeah. It's me" she replies.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" he asks yawning into her ear.

She bites her lip before answering. "I can't sleep." she admits.

Arya can hear Gendry sigh on the other end. Then silence fills the air. She begins to worry as he doesn't say anything.


"Yes. I'm still here." he replies, answering the silent question.

It becomes silent again.

"I'll be over in fifteen minutes" he says.


Arya waits patiently for him to arrive. She spots his car and leaps from her window. She climbs down and walks across her backyard to the back gate. He stands there waiting for her. He immediately reaches for her when the door opens. She squeals and embraces him. He lifts her to him and kisses her softly.

"I missed you." she breathes.

"I missed you too." he answers.

She nuzzles his face and he kisses her again.

"Come on." She says as she leads him inside.

They cross the backyard quickly and with ease, having done this many times. He helps her inside and sits on her bed. He pats the bed and she joins him. He looks at her and notices her chewing her bottom lip. She looks tired, anxious, and surprisingly vulnerable. Gendry cups her face in his hands, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"What's wrong babe?" he asks worriedly.

Arya studies his face. It's has worry and concern written all over it as well as tenderness.

She sighs, gripping his wrists. "I miss Jon," she whispers, her voice breaking a bit.

Gendry wipes away a rouge tear with his thumb and hugs her, pressing a kiss to her temple. He cradles her against his chest and she silently sobs into his chest. She cries for fifteen minutes before looking up at him. Her eyes are puffy and red, her cheeks are streaked with fallen tears, and her nose is red as well. He tucks back a lock of her hair behind her ear and leans forward to kiss her. She moves her hands to his neck as he places his on the small of her back. She kisses him softly once more before pulling away. She leans back into the bed and motions for him to lie next to her.

They lay facing each other. He stroked her face with the hands and she ran the back of her hand on his cheek. Arya moved closer to him, placing her lips to his. She pecked his lower lip and then the top lip, slowly opening his mouth with her kisses. He opened his mouth and she slid her tongue inside. He sucked on her tongue for a second before sucking on her bottom lip. A small moan escaped her throat when he moved his kisses down her neck. She tugged at his hair and raised his head to hers. Gendry traced kisses all over her face before reaching her lips. He sighed loudly.

Arya giggled. "Shh. We have to be quiet."

"I'm not the one moaning here." he quipped.

Arya shoved him in the side. He chuckled lightly and he wraps his arms around her. She noses his cheek like a pup and kisses him. Gendry kisses her back eagerly and passionately. His hands move to her lower back, pressing her to him. She weaves her hands into his thick and coarse, black hair. He runs his hands down her side to her hips and grinds her to his hardness. She moans softly into his mouth, feeling his smirk as he kisses her again. Arya pushes at his shoulder and he lies with his back to the mattress.

She straddles his waist, never breaking their contact. His hands find their way to her hips again and this time she grinds her sex into him. He moans and she does it again.

She whispers his name. "Gendry."

"Arya" he responds in a hushed tone.

"Make love to me." she whispers before kissing him.

He shifts and pins her under him. He pulls away from her to meet her gaze. Deep blue meets steely grey. Her request took him by surprise. Though they had been together before, they had never done it in her house, let alone her room with her parents sleeping down the hall. She stares back at him. What he sees also shocks him. Her eyes that always show fierce determination as well as mischief, hold nothing but love and tenderness.

"Make love to me, Gendry." she whispers softly again.

He reaches for her hands and weaves their fingers together. He leans down to kiss her softly, gently. When he pulls away, his eyes meet hers again and Gendry realizes in that moment how much he truly loves Arya, even if he's never said it to her.

Arya breaks their connection as she reaches to take his leather jacket and blue shirt off. He bends down to claim her lips again and she flips him on his back. He tugs at her shirt (actually one of his) and pulls it off of her. She unbuckles his jeans and helps him out of them. Gendry rolls them over again, so that now he is on top. He reaches out to touch her face again and she smiles. Arya props up on her elbows to kiss him as she yanks his boxers off, pushing them off with her feet.

He hovers over her, naked, while she is still in her undergarments. She helps him to discard her bra and underwear. He gently cups her chest and massages each one before putting his mouth on them. She sighs softly as he nibbles on them both. She runs her fingers through his hair again bring him closer to her. He raises his head to kiss her and she responds with enthusiasm. Gendry pulls away from her, suddenly realizing that he doesn't have any condoms on him.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"We have to stop." he sighed sitting next her.

Arya looked at him in confusion. "Why?"

"Because I don't have any protection on me." he answered.

It becomes silent for a second before she giggles.

"What's so funny?" he questions.

She smiles before answering. "Silly bull. You could've asked me. I have some."

Gendry stared at her in awe. "Really?"

She nods as she reaches for something in her drawer. She pulls out a condom and hands it to him. He takes it from her and rips it open before rolling it on. She lies back on the bed and he positions himself over her. He steals her breath when he thrusts inside. She gasps and holds his face in her tiny hands.

"We have to be quiet, okay?"

He nods and pushes into her again. She moans softly and pushes her hips up to meet his and he groans into her shoulder. His hands rest on her hips and she runs her down his back and shoulders, wrapping her legs around his waist. He moves faster and a low growl escapes her lips. He moans into her mouth when he moves again and she bites down on his lip as his rhythm increases. He can taste the iron in his mouth but is too far gone to feel any pain.

Suddenly, she flips them over so that she is on top. Straddling his lap, she continues to lower herself on to him. He moans, sitting up and bucks his hips upward. She cries out and meets his thrust. He quickly cover her mouth with his, swallowing her sounds of pleasure. She scores his back with her nails as he spreads her legs a little wider. Arya throws her head back, gripping his shoulders tightly, as he pounds into her. When his breath starts to come out in short urgent puffs, she knows he's close. She slams down on to him faster and faster, gasping and moaning. Gendry bites her shoulder to muffle his grunts as he feels her start to tighten.

Arya begins to whisper his name as she feels herself starting to come.


He plunges into her and says her name like a prayer.

" .Arya."

She cries out loudly that time and he stills for a moment. When he hears no noise, he continues driving her closer to the edge. Just before she comes, she reaches for his hand and intertwines their fingers together.

"Gendry. I..I...I love you." she whispers as she climaxes with the sweetest wail.

Her back arches against his chest and she drops limply against his chest. He bucks up once, twice and then peaks.

"I lov-love you too, Arya." he says before emptying inside her.

They sit there for a few minutes, trying to steady their breathing. Arya shifts but Gendry pulls her close. He moves a wisp of hair that is pressed into her forehead. She looks into his eyes and brushes that hair that falls in his eyes. She smiles and he kisses her.

"Did you mean it?"

She tilts her head to the side and simply nods. She can see his grin in the pale moonlight. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kisses his temple.

"I really do love you, even if I don't say it. I love you Gendry."

He breathes quietly into her ear. He leans back into the mattress and holds her close, staying inside her.

"I love you so fucking much babe" he sighs.

She touches his face with soft hands. "I know."

He lifts her off of him only to remove the condom and tosses it. Arya settles on top of him again and presses a final kiss to his neck as she drifts off to sleep. Gendry threads his fingers in her long chestnut hair and smiles at the girl laying on him. Sometimes it startled Gendry how much he had come to love Arya , even after knowing her for so long. Not even the fact that Ned Stark would beat him to a bloody pulp if he found him in bed with his daughter, could pull him out of his euphoria. He sighed once more before kissing her temple as he felt the most peaceful sleep take him.

A/N: Reviews, thoughts, questions? Feel free to leave them! :)