The "M" Word

Chapter 1

Professor X sat in his office thinking about his students- which is what he usually did. They were always on his mind and he was always thinking of ways to prepare them for the "Real World." A few months ago, Professor X got a feeling that something bad headed for them in New York (which could still happen) so he uprooted his students and moved them to the small quiet town of Forks, where they were safely hidden in the woods. He heard laughter outside his door as the passing children ran by.

"Slow down. Wouldn't want to hurt yourselves." He sent the thought to them which they returned with a thanks.

Professor X decided he'd take a stroll around the school to see how the students were doing in a new environment. As usual he saw students in classes, students lounging around, using their gifts without even noticing or having to always look over their shoulder. And of course the younger mutants were playing about- caught up in their own world.

"Did you really expect a change" Jean asked steeping into a stroll beside the Professors wheel chair. She tucked a piece of wet red hair behind her ear as she looked down at the ground. The Professor never closed his mind.

He was an honest man and even though he was already a professor he liked learning from his students. Anyone was welcome to probe his mind, for he had been around for awhile for it not to matter to him.

"I hoped," was his reply. Jean chuckled.

" This is the exact replica of the Institute in New York. I hope your expectations weren't to high of them." she told him. Its like they never left. Everything looked the same.

"They're my students Jean. I'll always have hopes for them." He sent the thought to Jean, who half smiled.

" You're right you know. They need to know life beyond the Mansion. They need to get out of here. They need to explore the world around them," she finished.

"How about the local schools" Storm said appearing from behind a tree. Her silvery white hair clung to her mocha colored skin. She had been outside enjoying the rainy weather when she happened to catch the conversation between the professor and Jean. "In a town like this, where they have only seen mutants on TV, would kill for an opportunity for a real life experience. All we have to do is choose the students we see fit. After A year amongst the humans, they teach everyone else here their experience. It will give the students a chance to think about life outside of the Institute," She finished.

"A brilliant idea Storm." Professor praised her. They all slipped into a comfortable silence, while the professor thought "which group of students….…" he trailed off. Jean and Storm looked at each other and chuckled at the professors thought. Thing were about to get interesting at the Institute.

Wow! This is my first story ever on FANFIC! Please review. LOVE&ROCKETS