I have read this story a while ago and Jitchi has given me permission to translate this story :) I am going to use their japanese names in this story

Disclaimer: I do not own this story. This story belongs to Jitchi. I also do not own Yugioh 5ds :D

Warnings: contains yaoi and rape if you dont like it dont read it

Pairings: Jack X Yusei and maybe Kiryu X Crow not sure :P

Chapter 1

Once, there were two kingdoms, the Northern and the Southern. Though both kingdoms were governed by powerful rulers, war had raged between the two lands for centuries.

The Southern Kingdom was ruled by King Hakase. He ruled with generosity and kindness. All his people respected and honored him for he was the kindest ruler the kingdom had ever known.

King Hakase also had a son, Prince Yusei. He was breathtakingly gorgeous with beauty almost supernatural. His tanned skin and black hair with streaks of blonde gave the impression he came from a fairytale. He was beautiful and the people of the kingdom couldn't deny that. Even if they had met the most famed beautys in the land, they all agreed that the Prince's beauty had outshined them all.

The prince was known to have a heart of ice but despite that, he was surrounded by many friends, especially Crow, Rua and Ruka. Everyday the sun smiled upon the kingdom, making the land green and scenic. The southern kingdom was full of life and warmth.

Contrary to the Southern lands, the northern lands were ruled by the coldest king the world had ever known. One that shook the world; One that struck fear into everyone's hearts; One whose heart was as cold as his country. The king's name was Jack Atlas. But despite his cold heart, he managed his people with great skill. The king was also very handsome, but no one dared to declare their love to him.

So why did he have the most beautiful slaves of the neighboring kingdoms? He, shockingly, took pleasure in raping them without mercy.

The only person that accepted Jack's vicious ways was Kiryu, king of the Kingdom of Darkness. But because Kiryu lived afar, Jack didn't see him often so he spent most of his free time having fun with this slaves. Jack didn't care who he had fun with as long as they were physically healthy and docile. But one day he had enough.

"I'm sick of them!" he frustratingly told Kiryu when they were alone. Jack only talked like this when he was with him.

"You're always sick of everything." Kiryu remarked.

"But I'm bored! I don't know what to do with my free time now. My slaves are beginning to annoy me. They're all the same!"

Kiryu raised an eyebrow. "They're all the same? Why do you say that?"

"Because! They don't want to make love to me but they don't even fight, they just look at me with puppy eyes. Arg! I hate that look! I want a slave who fights their tears and tries to escape the bonds known as my bed."

Jack had left into his fantasies just thinking about it. He would pin the slave under him; he would break him like the toy he was; he would forced the slave to submit to him for all eternity.

"I know what your thinking, Jack" Kiryu smiled "You never had such a slave. But why? Your rich, you can buy yourself the slave of your dreams!"

Jack looked at his friend. "Do you think I haven't tried already? How many must I purchase? I cannot even count how many I have torn from their families for my own enjoyment! Everytime I see the fire in their eyes, I assume they are the one, but once they see me coming towards them, it disappears and they just accept it. I'm tired of it!" Kiryu watched as Jack began to pace the room.

"It's your birthday in a week right?" Jack stared at him quizzically.

"This is not the time to discuss that, you know I loathe that peculiar day."

"I thought I might try to give you a special gift this year but I didn't know what until now. You've given me a pretty good idea."

"Stop it Kiryu, you already know you and I have already tried to. We've searched everywhere even in your land." Jack took a sip of his wine glass.

Kiryu smiled wickedly making no attempt to conceal it. "In both our lands, yes. But..not in the southern lands!" Jack choked and spit his beverage on the floor.

"You're kidding right?" Kiryu laughed, "I'm serious Jack. My spies have reported several rumours of their beauty and it's sunny there. I think you can easily find your happiness with them."

Jack smiled back. Kiryu wasn't entirely wrong. He thought of a slave with a tanned body, with eyes glaring at him til he takes him so hard the slave will beg him to stop. The idea didn't sound too bad.

"I know what you're thinking Jack. I promise to bring you the gift of your dreams."

Jack smiled at the smirking man in front of him. "I look forward to it my friend."

Back in the southern kingdom, Yusei sighed loudly. "What is it Yusei?" Ruka asked.

"My father asked me to wait here for him but it's been over an hour!" Yusei crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, "I wonder what he wants."

"Well he's meeting with King Izaoi right?" questioned Rua.

"Yeah but it's been over an hour! What's so important anyway?"

"Be patient Yusei, he'll probably be done soon." Crow said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Yusei looked out the window thinking about other things he would rather be doing right now. It was a sunny day, perfect weather to go swimming with this friends.

"Well hello everyone. Why are you all here?"

Everyone turned toward the voice. Crow recognized the voice and hastily replied blushing, "H-hello Princess Akiza!"

"Crow...How many times do I have to say this. Just call me Aki."

"O-of course pardon me Aki." Crow said as he blushed harder and ducked behind Yusei to cover his face.

"Hi Aki!" the twin exclaimed.

"How are you?" Aki smiled to the twins.

"We've been in high spirits ever since we've woken up!"

Aki turned to Yusei as her face took on a pinkishly hue. "Hello Prince Yusei, how are you today?" She made a slight bow waiting for a response.

Yusei loved Aki, she was one of his best friends and he knew about her feeling for him, but he saw her more as his sister. But he couldn't deny that Aki's beauty could compare to a rose.

"Aki." Yusei smile. "Formalities can be forgotten when we are alone."

Aki could feel her cheeks warming up again. "Yes, I suppose to you're right."

Yusei snapped back to attention when the door open. King Izaoi and King Hakase walked out both with smiles plastered on their faces. Yusei had a bad feeling when he felt the malice crawling from within them.

"Come now children, what are you doing here?" It's a nice day. Why are you inside?" sneered King Hakase happily.

"Are you kidding me father? You asked me to wait for you here!" anger evident in his voice.

"I said that?" laughed the king, "Oh, you can go now.

Yusei didn't need to be told twice. He growled as he left through the front door with his friends trailing behind him. Aki started to follow them but was stopped by her father.

"Aki, can I talk to you?" Aki looked at her father questionably. "O-of course father." she said a little disappointingly. She had wanted to join Yusei. Her father realized this and quickly said, "It won't be long." Aki nodded and followed him into the room.

Yusei arrived at his destination that had plagued his mind for the past hour. The lake was beautifully clear, the soft reflection of the sun sparkled like diamonds. It was comforting like a bed that was soft and warm. Yusei loved the lake. A light breeze rippled the lake's surface forming a small wave that came to a stop right at his feet. He wasted no time taking off his shoes followed by his shirt. He soon stood with only his sword attached to his blue trousers.

"Ah! I knew we would find you here!" Crow called as he running towards him with Rua and Ruka following him.

"How beautiful!" Ruka cried when they approached the lake.

"It is. Isn't it?" Yusei smiled

"Gosh, it's awfully hot today!" cried Rua. He removed all but his pants and cannonballed into the lake.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" None of his friends had time to react and were soaked from head to toe.

"Rua!" Ruka scolded angrily. Crow quickly stripped his clothes exclaiming, "So you want to play like that Rua? Fine! But I warn you I won't show mercy!" Crow jumped into the water and the game began. It wasn't long before Ruka also joined him. Yusei smiled watching his friends play.

"How come you're not joining us Yusei?" Crow asked between laughs. Yusei simply smiled. His friends got the message, he wasn't in the mood. But Yusei didn't see Rua had snuck behind him and suddenly he grabbed him and jumped into the water, pulling Yusei down with him. Yusei didn't have time to react and he was soaked to the bone. Yusei ignored the looks from his friends, took off his sword and threw it onto shore, then he turned to Rua with a sadistic smile on his face. Before Rua could move, Yusei jumped on him and the game resumed. Laughter filling the air.

Back at the castle. Aki couldn't believe the news. If she didn't restrain herself she would've started to jump around and hug her father and King Hakase until they couldn't breathe.

"I take it you are overjoyed hearing the news. I thought an arranged marriage would infuriate you." said King Izaoi.

"But father, its not with just anyone, it's with Yusei! I fell in love with him the first time I met him you know. Now I'm getting married to him in a week! It's like a dream come true!

King Hakase was happy that his future daughter-in-law was ecstatic, But was more worried about the more pressing concern. Yusei would surely not hear of it...

To Be Continued

That's it for chapter 1 :P lol