Pandora's Box

Disclaimer: I know, I know. *Facepalms* I bet you guys are all sick of OCXLoki pairings. Well, you're sort of in luck. This won't be anything too OC like that, but with be a reason for it's M status later. It's just an idea that was running around my brain begging me to write it. And damn it, it won't shut up. LOL. Well, this is (with much reluctance) my first Avengers fic I've ever written. As told from the aftermath. Well, if I have some things incorrect, I'll remind you it's my first shot so, if you see anything out of order, don't hesitate to let me know. It will also have a slight crossover with X-Men.

"Remorse is virtue's root; its fair increase are fruits of innocence and blessedness."

-William C. Bryant

"Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others."

-Oscar Wilde

By: VampireQueenAkasha

"He has disobeyed his king... his fate is in his own hands now."


To the Future

Several months later

Milla offered him no comfort.

The dog just stared up at him with a small whine as he entered the home that had once belonged to a flawed, yet perfect Midgardian woman. A woman whom he had tragically overlooked as being his one savior from himself. He spent some time studying the emptiness, feeling how utterly lifeless the house felt now that she was gone from this world. He wandered the kitchen and smiled sorrowfully when he remembered how Beatrice had first touched up his wound from the knife fight in the alley.

He wandered into the garage and remembered her ridiculous dancing. That brought a rare tear to his eye and a weak laugh. Milla nudged his hand and he sighed, dragging it across her soft head, not to comfort the animal, but perhaps himself.

"Loki?" Thor called from outside.

Loki didn't look at him when Thor stepped into the garage. He looked around at the details of the location before approaching his brother. "Loki, what are you still doing here, brother?" he asked, gently, "We should return to Asgard shortly."

Loki kept his gaze on the painting. "I simply wish to reminisce, Thor," he said, "Allow me to have that, at least..."

Thor didn't argue and looked up at the painting with him. "It's good to see that your skill with the brush remains."

"I suppose so."

Thor tried to lighten his mood and smiled a bit. "Perhaps when we return, you could start painting again as you had when we were children. As I recall, your skills certainly surpassed mine when it came to the brush."

Loki didn't share his amusement. "They would not welcome me..."

"I will make them see as I always have."

"It's hopeless, Thor. They know what I am."

It was strange how Loki spoke with a continued calm and quiet to his voice, as if he wasn't even trying to argue. But Thor knew the reason behind this; Loki was obviously at a loss without the Midgardian woman whom may or may not have been destroyed by the Tesseract. Thor was simply amazed that Loki could have found any reason to feel affections at all, but he didn't bring this up. He just smiled warmly and patted his brother's shoulder.

"Do not fear, brother," he assured him, "Things will return to normal. You'll see."

Loki didn't reply.

Thor glanced down at the dog. "What of...the creature?"

Loki gave Milla a small pet. "I had a thought," he replied, "There are a few things I wish to do before returning to Asgard."

Thor's brows went up.


Loki properly disguised himself in a Midgardian suit and scarf as he did when he arrived at Stuttgart before arriving at Beacon Hills. Of course, the children were all there, laughing and playing without a care in the world. It was clear that Beatrice's fate was not told to them just yet. He brought Milla into the building and the children immediately caught sight of him and the dog. They yelled with glee and crowded around him.

"Mister Loki!"

He smiled down at them. "I've brought you a gift, children," he said, "This creature will certainly enjoy the attention you give it."

The children eagerly took turns petting and playing with Milla. It was clear that the dog enjoyed all the attention. Loki took the chance to seek out Brooke in her office and she was indeed startled when he stepped inside.

"Good day, Lady Brooke," he said, smiling coldly, "I can see you're quite comfortable."

Brooke shot out of her chair, wavering."L-Loki?" she stammered, as he slowly advanced, "I-I didn't know what they were going to do, I swear!"

Loki was close enough to press a finger to her lips. "Shh," he soothed, "That doesn't matter now. I understand your treachery, Brooke; one day, it will betray you in the end. You see, I deal very little in traitors, but I understand how little you are worth the effort." He leaned forward and spoke severely, but still quite calmly. "I could snap you in half, you know. I could break you into powder and cast you to the wind, but I don't think Beatrice would be so thrilled about that."

Brooke's eyes widened. "Where...Where is she?"

"Oh! She's dead," Loki snapped, turning to go, "You can blame yourself for that."

And he walked out to the playground, leaving Brooke alone. He found Emma sitting by herself on one of the swings and took a swing beside her. Thor watched this in the distance, properly disguised in a Midgardian denim jacket and pants.

"Is Miss Beatrice coming back?" Emma asked, looking up at Loki sadly.

"I'm afraid not, young Emma," Loki answered, "But you were her favorite and she dearly loved you as her own."

Loki was surprised when Emma didn't cry. She just stared down at the ground. "I'm going to miss her."

"Yes, as will I."

After a moment of silence, Loki smiled and produced a small, stone figure of Sleipnir with his magic. He offered it to Emma and she looked up at him with amazement, taking the gift. He winked at her before getting up and walking away.

He joined Thor on the sidewalk. "Just one more trip, Thor."

Thor arched his brows. "To where?"

A smirk touched Loki's lips. "You'll see."

Loki took Thor to the location where Cookie had been murdered. He mentioned trying to find the men responsible and much to his delight, they were standing near the alley with no one else in sight. He approached them. They noticed and scowled at him.

"Bitch, didn't I cut you?" one of them sneered.

Loki chuckled. "Indeed. I'm here to return the favor."

They laughed in disbelief, remarking that he was just crazy and eager to die. Loki's grin widened and the Asgardian armor appeared on him. Their laughter disappeared and their eyes widened in horror. Loki tilted his head, amused by their fear.

"Now then...let's see what you got...tough guy!" he hissed.

The two men shrieked and sprinted into the alley with Loki casually strolling after them.


It felt strange returning to Asgard.

Loki wasn't welcomed as he suspected, but Thor took care of those matters. It didn't make much difference to him and he simply returned to his quarters, surprised to find everything as he had left it before disappearing into the Void.

"I heard what happened."

Loki glanced up from his desk, finding Frigga standing there. She had a look of sympathy in her gaze to which Loki swallowed thickly and looked away. She approached him in tears, throwing her arms around him before he expected it. Loki exhaled and returned the embrace, relieved to feel that at least she was true and honest. Odin must have been in Odinsleep for him not to arrive in his room or meet him when he returned to Asgard.

"I'm so sorry, Loki," Frigga whispered, "I saw that you cared for her."

Loki shook his head and spoke rigidly. "She's gone...It no longer matters."

"It does!" Frigga insisted, parting to look at him tenderly. "You've learned to love. Of course it matters."

"What is love when the reason for it has perished?" Loki murmured weakly.

He parted from her and walked away. Frigga watched him go with anguish. "Loki..."

After a few meetings, Thor found Loki sitting at the edge of the broken Bifrost where Heimdall was standing. Neither one of them said anything to each other as Thor approached and sat down beside him. He looked at Loki, seeing the empty look he had as he watched the vastness of the Void.

"She held her oath..." Loki said, softly, "I am back to my immortal status once again because of her."

Thor smiled half-heartedly. "Indeed. You are home."

"No. My home disappeared that day."

Thor's smile disappeared. "Loki, she may not be dead."

"Perhaps...but she is still gone from my eyes."

Far outside of the sight of even Heimdall, the towering form of Beatrice stood on a desolate rock, surrounded by Chitauri. Then, the form disappeared, replaced with a normal-shaped being; it was Beatrice without clothing and her broken, cracked flesh filled with blue light. Her eyes were no longer dark, but an unholy bright blue. She looked emptily around her at the snarling, hateful creatures before a small smile touched her lips.


Note - Cookie's been avenged! I had to and you know I did. Because Loki's not one to let a sin go unpunished. And plus, let's be honest. He probably felt gratitude for the man's kindness.