Summary: How about Shirahoshi was sent away by her father in order to protect her from Van Der Deken and Hody Jones with the guidance of her loyal pet, Megalo. Shirahoshi ends up at Dawn Island, and is found by Luffy and his brother Ace, whom befriends her and declares her as their sister. A change of story line.

Warnings: Possible OOC, Shirahoshi's age has been changed so she's more fitting to this storyline, she's 6 now, not 3 as she would of have been at this time and her situation would not have occurred for another 3 years. Twist if events, Spelling Errors, Grammer misuage, etc...

"Be strong for Mother-sama, Shirahoshi!"

"We'll always be with you in your heart! Don't give up!"

"We love you!"

"Bye, baby sister!"

The good-byes rang through small Shirahoshi's mind as she tearfully swam with her new pet, Megalo. Holding onto his top fin as he swam swiftly away from their home, away from her mother's grave. The one place she wished so dearly to visit yet never could.

Tears blinded the young mermaid as she and Megalo swam into empty waters, never able to let their guard down. Shirahoshi did not know of the place they were going, she hardly ever left her home island, and for the past months never able to leave her stone tower, locked away from the world from death threats.


"You're going to Dawn Island, my little Shirahoshi!" The Sea King, Neptune, cried, holding onto his dear little treasure.

"D-dawn Island?" Questioned Shirahoshi, crying into her father's large chest. She was leaving soon, away from her home. Hody jones, the man who assassinated her mother, was after her because of her power, wishing to kill her. And Van der Deken also wished to kill her, trying to force her into marriage.

"Yes, my little princess! It's in the East Blue, the most peaceful of all the Seas! They won't expect you there! They'll expect you in our most guarded fortresses in the other Blue's! Or possibly hidden on the Grand Line or New world! Oh my sweet Shirahoshi!"

"You lovely mother wants you strong! Stay strong! We won't be able to see you until we find this Vender Deken and Hody jones, and eliminate those threats!"


-End flashback-

More crystal tears shrouded her eyes, standing out in the blue sea. She had to be strong! For her beloved mother! Shirahoshi promised to not hate Hody for killing her sweet mother, and not hate humans all together. She will keep that spark of hope strong, for her mother!

It had been days of fast swimming, on and off sleeping, hardly ever eating, hardly paying any attention to the strange new world around her. Her grief of leaving home still was bothering her. She yearned to be home with her brothers and father.

Megalo said this was more freedom than her stone tower. Shirahoshi started to think she'd rather be stuck in a stone room than so homesick and alone. But she had Megalo...

Grunting, the large shark started whispering to her that they were nearing her new home. The young mermaid looked up, seeing the rock of an island, and the under of large masts and boats docked.

'Do... humans live here?' She thought, watching as one started to dock along the harbor.

New excitement filled Shirahoshi, letting go of Megalo, who cried out in dismay as his charge went swimming off, following her so she wouldn't get herself into any harmful situations.

As she neared the ships, Shirahoshi began to wonder, if these ships or the people- the humans- were mean and harmful like many fishmen had said, or perhaps as her mother said, understanding and nice. Swimming slowly, she looked for a place to hide herself as she peeped at the humans on land, this this would be the first human she ever saw! Those world nobles don't count, since they said they weren't human.

Finding some tree branches and vines that drooped down at the water, she lifted her head above the water, breathing in the air of the world above for the first time. She noted it wasn't much different from the air in her home island. She peeked between the leaves, watching the humans interact.

They looked so... amazing! The princess watched as a group of people came off the ship that had just docked. A tall man with red hair and a straw hat is greeted by a small boy with black hair and a scar underneath his left eye. She saw their mouths move, speaking to one another. She wished she could be closer, hear what they spoke of. They were smiling and laughing, then soon walking off with the red-haired man's company.

Sighing, Shirahoshi went back underground and said to Megalo in an excited voice, "I saw human! They look really nice and friendly! Mother-sama was right! Not all humans are mean!"

Megalo grunted to her, and started to swim away, making the small- no scratch that- big mermaid child follow after him. She reluctantly followed him to a cave opening underwater. He entered and she followed suit.

Once inside, she gasped. The cave walls were covered in beautiful gems of pink and blues, glowing and giving natural light to the very large cave. Inside was an extremely large bed that could fit her father on, a table, various pictures of sea life and land life scapes, a large window that had a bubble as its window, giving a view of the ocean. A large dresser was off in one corner, and a mirror desk. Many shelves covered the walls, full of books and scripts. A large rug covered most of the polished cave floor, giving a comfy feeling to it.

Shirahoshi hauled herself out of the water, dragging herself on the rug and pulling herself onto the bed where a book and note lay.

'To my precious little princess, Shirahoshi,

I hope this room will bring comfort to you as your new home. Clothing are located in the wardrobe as you grow, food will appear on the table when you are hungry.

This book will help you survive and learn of your powers. Be strong my little treasure.

With great love from your family,

King Neptune'

"Father-sama," She whimpered out, and started to cry all over again. "I miss everyone!"

I always hated doing the first few chapters, because I hate doing beginnings, I'd prefer to pick-up at something. ROFL the first few chapters will not be as great as future chapters, so forgive me. NO FLAMES.

Thanks for Reading, onto Chpter 2!