Presidents POV

As I walk to the microphone on the other end of the terrace, I smirk. This was my first year as President, and my first Quarter Quell. What the districts and Capitol don't know are Gamemakers write them yearly. I wonder what Head Gamemaker, Sheen Crow, has wrote for the Quarter Quell. But first of all, I have to introduce myself. I only came into power yesterday, as President Wine had died of 'natural causes'. A girl has to make her way to the top.

"Evening Panem!" I say int the microphone, knowing Capitolites are hooked already and that the districts want this over with. Tough. "As you know, this year is the 250th games, meaning it's a Quarter Quell. I wonder what twist this will have for the tributes. First, let's hear about some past games. For the 200th games, to show rebels that even strong bonds will not save you, one family of four from each district had to enter the arena, and only a family of 3 could exit.

For the 225th games, to show the Capitol has no mercy for traitors, there was to be no victor. Let's read the card to see what amazing twist this year brings." As my voice rings out all over Panem, a slight 8 year old girl meekly walks out onto the stage, dressed in white to show purity and carrying a large oak box. Flipping the latch, I pull out the envelope marked 250. Teasingly, I slowly open the letter, before pulling out the heavy parchment. Scanning through, the parchments bearings satisfy me, so I read it out. "This year, to show the rebels that bonds can be their downfall, tributes will be placed with a 3-6 year old. If the child dies, so does the tribute, and vice versa. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Seeing the red light turn off, a smile spreads across my face. I can't wait for the games.