Chapter 1: I am pregnant

Summary: Aria and Ezra's night of passion resulted into something that will change their lives forever. Ella and Byron thought their biggest problem was getting Aria and Ezra to stop seeing each other but they are in for a rude awakening. How will this new situation affect their already broken lives?

AN: This story was written before season 3 so Ella and Byron are still together, their relationship is rocky but they are still together.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Little Liars. I only wish I did.

Aria stood in the bathroom of Spencer's house steering in the mirror for what seemed to her like eternity, when in reality it had only been 2 minutes. The timer sounded and she slowly raised her hand containing the thing that could change her life forever. Written in black on the small digital screen she saw the one word which has the potential to turn her life upside down.

'Pregnant'. 'How can I be?' She thought to herself. The test must be wrong, but then "could all 5 tests be wrong?" She said looking down on the 5 different pregnancy tests laid out on the counter in front of her. They weren't even the same brands or types.

"Aria, are you ok in there? You've been in the bathroom a very long time" Spencer asks while knocking on the door but not getting an answer.

"What are you doing in there?" Hannah asks this time.

"Aria we are coming in" Spencer says opening the door to the bathroom and she, Hannah and Emily walks in.

"Wow Aria, what is this. Why are there so many" Hannah pauses before continuing her sentence "Positive pregnancy tests in here?"

"Wait Aria, are you pregnant" All three of them ask at once.

"According to these tests I am" Aria finally answers looking at the other girls.

"How did that happen?" Spencer asks still in shock.

"Well you know it's when a man and a woman love each other…ouch" Hannah started before Emily hit her on the arm. "What'd you do that for?"

"This is not the time for jokes Hannah" Emily answers

"Oh, right. I'm sorry Aria" Hannah apologizes

"It's fine whatever" Aria replies

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Ezra? Are you going to tell your parents?" Spencer asks

"I don't know what I'm going to do, but I know I can't kill it. I have to tell Ezra then I or we'll tell my parents" Aria answers

"If they thought you dating Ezra was the worst of their problems wait till they hear this." Hannah says laughing.

"HANNAH!" Both Spencer and Emily called

"What?" Hannah asks blankly

"Could you be a little more sympathetic to Aria?" Spencer asks

"Oh sorry again Aria. I don't know what's wrong with me"

"It's ok Hannah, really." Aria tells her as her phone begins to ring. She takes it up and looks at the screen. "It's Ezra I was supposed to meet him at his place after I left here. He says he has something to tell me"

"So? Aren't you going to answer it?" Emily asks

"Yea. Hello…yes of course I'm still coming…ok I'll see you in a few then" Aria says and then hangs up the phone. "Ok guys I've gotta go""

"Are you going to tell him tonight?"

"Yea, why wait right?" Aria replies as she begins to dump the tests back into the bag. "I'll talk to you guys later or tomorrow"

"Ok good luck" Hannah says "You're going to need it for your parents"

"Thanks, Bye guys"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ezra asks Aria as she enters the apartment. "What's in the bag?"

"I think you should sit down for this." Aria says as she walks into the living room and sits down.

"Aria you are scaring me. What's wrong?"

"Please just sit" Aria says again. This time he listens and sits down beside her on the couch with a worried look on his face. Slowly she turns and faces him.

"So you know how I told you I haven't been feeling well this week"

"Yea, did you go to the doctor? What's wrong?"

"No I didn't go see a doctor. But I remembered I haven't seen my period this month, so at first I thought it was about to start because of the mood swings and such" Aria says then pauses

"So your period started? That's why you've been sick right?" Ezra asks hoping she was going to tell him he's right.

"Well no. But I went to the pharmacy to get something for my mom and while walking around trying to find it, I saw some pregnancy tests and then it made sense. My mood swings, why I have to head to the bathroom the moment I so much as think about some foods and such."

"Oh so that's what's in the bag?" Ezra asks


"Do you want to take it now and just get it over with?"

"Actually I already took the tests"

"Tests? How many did you take?" Ezra asks


"So…..are you pregnant?" he asks afraid of the answer. Instead of answering Aria takes out the tests out of the bag and lay them on it for him to see. For what seemed to them like eternity they just both sat there staring on the 5 positive tests.

Ezra was the first to snap out of their revere. "You are pregnant?" He asks still in shock.

"That's what the tests say. All 5 of them" Aria answers.

"What are we going to do? I mean what do you want to do?" Ezra asks but before Aria could answer Ezra speaks again "It is totally your decision, anything you want to do I'll support you 100% ok?"

"Ok I'm glad you said that because I want to have this baby." Aria answers


"Yea, don't get me wrong now. I'm not saying I want to keep it, because I don't know if I want to do that yet. I'm just saying I won't abort it. This baby was created with love it deserves to live. It is a piece of me and you I could never kill it." Aria tells him

"I'm so glad you said that Aria, I really am. I want you to know that any choice you make whether it is to keep the baby or give it up for adoption I'll support you 100%"

"I love you Ezra"

"I love you too" Ezra replied before planting a kiss on her lips. When they finally broke away Aria packed up the tests back into the bag and went to throw them in the garbage. When she returned her eyes were filled with freshly shed tears. Ezra made her sit and put her head on his shoulder and allowed her to just cry.

"How am I going to tell my parents" She sobbed even harder. "My mom is just getting used to the idea of us and my dad doesn't even want to hear your name. They are going to kill me." Ezra just sat rubbing circles on her shoulder trying to get her to calm down.

"Don't worry about your parents. I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow to get the pregnancy officially confirmed and then we can tell them together, ok?"

"Ok" She answers calming down a little

When Aria got home that night all she could think about was the little life that may be forming and growing inside her, that was half of her and half of Ezra. As she falls asleep one thought filled her mind, how much she loves this little life and how much she wants to keep it. Her dreams that night were all about the baby. She saw it being born, a little boy that looked so much like Ezra. She saw him grow up and most importantly throughout the dream Ezra was always by her side. She never wanted the dream to end.

There you have it folks Chapter 1. I hope you liked it. Please be so kind as to show your approval/ disapproval even in a review. Thanks so much for reading. Up next the doctor's visit and telling the parents.
