PLEASE VOTE ON MY FIRST POLL! XD Ok, I do not have an excuse for this late update. I just never got round to writing this! I wrote this while having to put up with nothing but 'Dora, Dora, Dora the explorer!' playing in the background. I guess that what comes of having a four year old sister. So be grateful for this since I had to go through so much torture! (I can't believe it was my favourite when I was three). Anyway, on with the chapter!

I do not own Vocaloid!


The Girl With A Different Side

Chapter 4: The First Night



"I would be very grateful! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. I wanted to cry from happiness. I was so worried I'd be living out on the streets due to lack of money and I'd just been offered a place to stay by Asako. I really couldn't have been happier! Well, I would've preferred it if my sisters were there but it was still great.

"But, yes there is a but," Asako warned while holding up her index finger. I guessed the 'but' couldn't be all that bad and decided to stay happy. "The room's in a state at the moment. It's impossible to sleep in there at the time being." That made my heart sink. So I'd just have to sleep in the garden or something? I hadn't realised she hadn't finished. "Yuki's room is too small so you'll just have to share a room with Len for a couple of nights."

I was about to jump up and thank her when realisation dawned upon me. 'A room with that Len boy?' Before I could say anything I heard a splatter and turned to find a certain blond who'd spat out his food.

"WHAT?" he yelled. He grabbed a napkin to wipe away the rouge food and continued in a dead sarcastic tone, "Mother dear, I'm not sure if you've noticed but I'm a boy and Rin's a girl, not to mention we're both teenagers so I don't think it would be appropriate."

Asako just sighed and said, "Len, where's your manners? Rin hasn't got anywhere else to go! It's just till I get the old study sorted out."

"But the study belongs to…" Len trailed off. I did wonder what he was going to say.

"Right. Now, since you've just about finished your food I suggest you get out that spare mattress of yours and prepare it nicely," Asako ordered Len. She then turned her attention towards me and asked, "Oh and I suppose you want a bath? Len, take Rin upstairs and sort a bath out for her, please?"

Len groaned and I began to panic. Evan if he did sit on me and he deserved punishment, his mother was being a bit unfair. "I really don't want to be a burden! Just show me where everything is and I'll do it myself!" I insisted. But Asako wouldn't hear of it and sent Len and I up the stairs, in which Len didn't say a single word.

He led me into a small bathroom that was as blue as my cerulean eyes. It was nothing compared to the grand bathroom at home but it was still quite pretty. Len began to run my bath while I just stood there awkwardly. He then looked at me and finally said, "Washing things are in there," he gestured to a cupboard. "Just leave your clothes on top of this," he pointed to a little, washing basket and then held up a towel. I could tell he was trying his best not to make a face.

"Uh, yes, ok, thank you," I said and accepted the towel. He just sighed and began to wonder out of the room. He shut the door behind him and I could hear footsteps cross the landing.

"Shout if you need anything!" he called and I heard a door open and close. I let out a sigh and began to remove my filthy clothes. Leaving them where Len told be to put them, I stopped the water running, placed the towel on the floor and carefully lowered myself into the bath.

"Ah, that feels nice," I whispered to myself as my body collided with the hot water. But the good feeling ran away as soon as I put my arm under. "Eek!" I squeaked and pulled my right arm out again. I'd forgotten about the cut which was then stinging like mad.

I began to wash myself free of the dirt that had literally covered my hole body, while avoiding putting my arm in the water. I'd only been on the streets two days and I'd already managed to get myself completely stinking.

However, it didn't surprise me much since I was always the grubby devil out of my sisters. They stayed clean and pure, reading or practising a musical instrument. As for me, I'd much rather bound around our huge garden, searching for little creatures and seeing how high I could climb the big, old tree that time. I'm quite the tomboy.

"I need to stop thinking about home damn it!" I quietly cursed to myself. I really needed to stop it because feeling about home was only making me more homesick. 'Oh master, sisters. How are you doing?'

I finished my bath and climbed out, picking up the towel as I went along. I wrapped it around my body and then froze. I didn't have any clothes and if you think I'd put on those dirty rags, you have another thing coming. I was about to shout for someone when I heard a knock on the door.

I walked over to it and cautiously opened it, making sure only my head was visible to the outsider. I was greeted with a big smile and realised the person on the other side was none other than Asako. I opened the door a little wider, not embarrassed like I would have been if it was Len. "I thought you'd like to borrow this," she grinned and held up something.

It was a nightgown, and one of the prettiest I'd ever seen. It made from mainly a silky, ivory colour with a deep, purple lace bordering the top and bottom. It was about knee length and had a strap that would go around the neck to hold it up. I gazed at it in awe and muttered, "Me? Wear that?" Even though I'm quite the tomboy I still like pretty clothing. It's only dresses I'm not entirely fussed on.

"Yes you! It's mine but I've gained some weight the past year and can't get into it anymore!" she chuckled. "It was just sitting in the back of my drawers so I you may as well wear it. No, better yet, have it! You don't have anything else to wear anyway."

I stared at her with shock, tilted my head to the side and asked, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Asako shrugged her shoulders and answered, "You're staying with us now so it's almost like you're part of the family!" I blushed a bit when she said that. 'Part of the family? I've only known them a couple of hours!' Asako then added, "Plus, I still feel bad about earlier." She smiled sheepishly.

I took the gown off her and smiled. "Thank you, so very much," I thanked her. She beamed at me and then shooed me back into the bathroom, obviously wanting me to put it on. She shut the door for my privacy but I could tell she was still standing there.

I started drying myself with the towel and then slowly slipped the gown over my head. I pulled it down to the right level and then looked at a big mirror on the wall. It fitted perfectly, except the chest area which was a tiny bit loose. I scowled at my lack of female parts but quickly smiled upon realising I actually looked quite good.

I walked up to the door, opened it and all I could see was the big smile on Asako's cheery-red lips. "Oh Rin, it looks perfect! Plenty of room to grow too!"

"Thank you," I thanked her yet again and yawned shortly after.

"I can see you're tired. Come on, let's get you to bed." She held out her hand and I sleepily took it. While she was leading me across the landing I felt like a little kid, being brought to bed by their mother. I looked up at Asako and smiled at the thought of a mother.

We stopped outside a white door with a yellow sign that read 'Len's Room.' It had a rather similar banana design to the one on his rucksack. I was still extremely nervous around Len (could you blame me?) so I held my breath as Asako knocked on the door. "Len? It's me and Rin. Please open the door."

We heard a grumble, some shifting noises and finally the door opened to reveal a very grumpy looking blond. He scowled at his mother and then looked at me. I swear I saw his face go slightly pink but I might have been imagining it.

"Have you got Rin's bedding sorted out?" asked Asako with that huge smile still plastering her face. Len didn't say anything and just gestured for us to come in. I looked around, observing Len's room.

It was awfully neat, either it was always like that or he tidied up to avoid embarrassment. It was VERY yellow with yellow wall paper, curtains, and a bed which was in the far right corner of the room. Opposite from his bed, he had a bookshelf and a little, working desk next to it. His carpets were cream and there was a circular, orange rug in the middle of the floor. I liked that rug, since orange is definitely the best colour. Close to the door, he had a computer and he didn't have any posters, just a calendar and a photo frame. The photo was of Len, Yuki, Asako and a man that I didn't recognise. Perhaps it was his dad. Come to think of it, no one had spoken of a dad. All in all, it was a rather nice room.

Still not speaking, Len pointed to a ready made bed in the opposite corner of his bed. Even though it wasn't a proper bed, just a mattress, it still looked comfy and I was so tired I will didn't care. "All ready," he said and Asako smiled once again. You'd swear she was a different person form the woman I'd met earlier that day.

"Thank you Len. Cheer up, it's only for a few days! Tell you what, we'll all go get ice cream tomorrow after school yes?"

"I'm not five," he muttered. "And anyway, I've got detention remember?"

"Well, after detention ok?" Asako put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't be scared to come and ask me for anything you need. Oh, and tell me if grumble bum over there's nasty to you, ok?"

"I heard that!"

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I insisted.

"All right then," she replied. Asako walked over to the door and blew a teasing kiss. "Nightly, night!" She shut the door behind her and heard her call, "Come on then Yuki! Into bed!" I really liked Asako. 'I guess they mean what they say about not judging people from first impressions.' She was a very nice person.

I let out a loud yawn but then blushed when realising Len was staring at me. "It's ok, I'm going to bed now so you can sleep," I heard him say quietly. I guessed he was just as nervous around me as I was around him. Then I began to panic. 'Could it be he knows I was that cat?' I decided he couldn't be that smart and shrugged it off.

I climbed under the sheets and felt tiredness hit me like a brick wall. Sighing happily, I turned my attentions to Len to see him unbuttoning his shirt. To my dismay, I hadn't realised he wasn't in his pyjamas yet. I squeaked and buried my head under the covers.

"Sorry," he said, sounding embarrassed. After a minute he said, "Ok, it's safe." When I removed my head from under the sheets I saw him getting into bed. I scowled at him and turned over to face the wall. "Look, whatever I've done to get on your bad side I'm sorry!" he suddenly snapped at me.

I was rather taken aback but decided to ignore him and turned over more. I turned over a bit too much and shrieked in pain. 'Damn! I keep forgetting about my arm.' I lifted it up to have a better look at it and gasped when I realised the wound had opened up again. I'm not usually a cry baby but I was so tired and fed up I began to weep. Tears began streaming down my face as I sat up. I covered my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment.

I felt movement next to me and opened my eyes to reveal Len standing in front of me. He grabbed my hands and yanked me up, leading me out of the room. I carried on sobbing as he lead me back into the bathroom. Len let go of my hand and started rummaging though a cabinet just above the sink.

I was still sniffling and then realised I'd better calm down or I might transform right there and then. Now, that'd be bad. I tried to control my tears as Len walked over to me and sorted out my arm, cleaning it and wrapping a bandage around it. Through the hole thing, neither of us said a word. Finally, he finished, put everything away and led me back into his room.

By the time it was all over I'd stopped crying but I was on the verge of transforming. 'No! No you can't!' I had no choice but to hold it in for a bit longer. I lay back down in my bed and Len went over to his. "Thank you," I sniffed and he merely nodded. Even if I hated the boy's guts he deserved a thanks for what he did. Len switched off the light and I heard shuffling as he found a comfy position.

What I'd been holding in for awhile, I let it out and began to feel the familiar tingling. I felt myself slip out of the nightgown as I got too small for it and the bed became and awful lot bigger. It was really dark but I could still make out my paws in the darkness. The bandage had become too big as well but I kept my arm as still as stone so that when I'd return to being a human it would stay in place.

I couldn't let myself fall asleep in cat form. I mean, what if Len woke up before me and discovered a cat in my place? He'd figure something was up, especially if it was the cat that attacked him the day before. I don't care if you think it was harsh of me to claw him, he deserved it. You'd be offended if a guy sat on you!

I don't know how long I lay awake but I can say it was agonizing. I'd had three very long days. Len had been asleep for awhile. I could tell by his deep breathing but he was tossing and turning a lot at first. I'd been in the same position since I'd transformed and was getting stiff. I kept thinking about humans, me being human and human objects but it wasn't working. I glanced over to the digital clock beside Len's bed, squinted to see and growled upon seeing the time. 01:46.

I couldn't take it anymore and slowly let myself become surrounded by darkness…


"…in? ….Rin? …Rin!"

I jumped when hearing my name being called. Opening my eyes, I found I was in an extremely bright room, Len's room. Now it was morning, the yellow really showed. I turned over, looked down and froze. There, in front of me, were my little, golden paws. I pulled my head under the sheets at once.

"Rin? Mum says you need to get up," I heard someone say.

'Human! Human! Human! Human! Human!' Thank goodness it actually worked that time and I felt the tingling sensation. I quickly turned back into a human and poked my head out from under the covers. To my relief, Len was standing on the other side of the room. He was already fully dressed. 'How long have I been asleep?' I glanced over to the clock which read 07:58. 'Oh, so not that long then.'

"Ok, I'm getting up," I mumbled. I looked down to my arm and sigh upon seeing the bandage had tightened back around my arm while I'd changed back.

"Your clothes have been washed," Len said while not looking at me and pointed to a pile on the floor next to me. I picked them up but I still refused to smile at Len. "I need to go to school. Bye," he muttered without any emotion and walked out. Len and I really don't seem to talk to each other very well. 'Maybe I should be nicer to him.'

As I was getting dressed I heard a conversation on the landing.

"Yuki? Your school just rang and they're saying there's a plumbing problem. It's completely flooded!" called Asako.

"Really?! How weird! So is there no school?" asked Yuki. "Can I do whatever I want?"

"There's no school but I need you to help me with something!"

"What is it?"

"Rin." I perked up at my name being said. "She needs more clothes. We're going on a little shopping trip!"

"Oh yes, yes, yes! We can buy her lots of cute, frilly things! I think she'd look great in that! And some nice colours like red or blue or…oh I know! PINK!"

My eye twitched at the last word. I face palmed and groaned. 'This is going to be a very long day.'


I know… NOTHING happens in this chapter. I'm sorry! But I promise that now Rin and Len are properly together, thing's will start happening! I just need some of these annoying filler chapters. Grr… School starts the day after tomorrow and I don't want to go back. I wanna stay writing on fanfic all day! :( But don't worry, I'll keep updating regularly.

Anyway, please review as always and I hope you enjoyed this! :)