Hey guys! It's been a long ride and it's finally done. It's been a roller coaster of emotions and feelings and a ton of shitty writing! I'd like to thank all of you each review and follow and subscription I received urged me to write and this story wouldn't have been completed without any of you. Whether or not you starting reading from the beginning or you joined up when this story is officially completed I thank all of you!

I'd like to apologize to all the people I've killed by putting in Cori/Bade twists etc (especially you Newsies73, sorry I killed you) and for causing so many death threats on your lives if I don't update. Lol

Were you satisfied? On a 1-10 rating (10 being best) tell me what you thought. Be honest, I can take it. And by take it I mean that I'll be able to hold in the tears until I run over to my bed and sob my heart out. Jk. I love all of you and appreciate the criticism that makes me a better author and more aware of what I should change and fix.

Recommend your favorite TV Shows to me with great lesbian ships. For instance, I just discovered South of Nowhere so, ya know, more TV Shows would be great. Going to see if I can find free episodes of Buffy (apparently there's a lesbian on there, excited

A lot of people are surprised I didn't know about South of Nowhere. But I'd like to remind you that when it first came on I was only 6-7, which meant I didn't even know the words "racist, gay, lesbian, and sex" even existed. I was still watching "Little Einsteins" and "Winnie the Pooh." I'm loving it and you should all feel very honored because I stopped watching today at Season 2 episode 1 (where they just revealed Kyla) just to write the Epilogue and this giant Author's Note. It was very hard to pull away so you guys should be very thankful! Lol!

Special Shout Outs:

Now, all of you deserve them because all of you are special, and there will be people I'll forget, but still:

AlphaTrion3145: For supporting me through it all and for being a friendly face and giving me inspiration and turning me on to a fun challenge I'm in the process of writing "Three Girls and A Moose (Jori Style)" One of my favorite reviews from you is: "Wanna know my cure for amnesia: A Frying Pan."

Joriholic73: For being the first to ever review for my story

Gunner3824: For not only helping me out a bit with another story but for being really cool to talk to and very encouraging and offering up the song "With You" by Linkin Park that helped me write Chapter 6 and for making me laugh

Newsies73: for you constant and flattering long reviews that always made me smile when I saw them in my mailbox.

SeaIng: For writing an amazing series and continually PM-ing me with encouragement and a dose of happy reality and for bothering to take the time (I've read your writing and am honored you took the time to check out mine)

Dragoness114: For writing such an amazing stories that helped turn me onto Jori and write this in the first place (PLEASE UPDATE!)

Degrassi223: For helping me choose to put Cat and Tori together in a twist (one of your reviews) commented about it and got wheels turning in my head'

M.D.G1986: For constantly reviewing, I never noticed this before but going back to all my reviews and rereading, looking for the special people, I notice your name in here a lot

For all the people that told me they were crying in certain chapters: Whether or not it was true or not I felt really honored that I could pull such a powerful emotion from you and was very honored and giddy when I read it

To all the Guests that I can't address personally: I love all of you!

IZABELA: When I read your reviews a giant smile hits my face and I get excited. You're very flattering and I kept your review in my mailbox as encouragement to write for quite some time. I love you!

StStarsandDesires: For helping me realize which story gave me this information so I can give all credit for this idea to "The Vow" movie and "knighttales

TheLastofThem: For writing amazing FanFictions that I have an obsession with (sorry if I'm an inconsistent and terrible reader/reviewer) and for always making me laugh with your easy going hilarity. I love this review from you: "Did we pee in your cereal, flash your mom, slap your dad?" All of the above. Lol.

For all of you that listened to my crazy requests to read my shit or listen to "Red" or watch Pretty Little Liars! Thank you so much. That my friends, is true dedication

The guest Emily who commented on my grammatical errors. Thank you! I am so sorry and I hate grammar issues and thank you for keeping it real and catching my flaws so that when I grow up I can try to become an exceptional author (nah, too lazy for that, I'll accept just being a good author)

JayakaJordan: For reviewing nearly every single time and letting me PM you a few times and being (what I feel) one of the biggest supporters in this story

TheFabulousKilljoys: For being so hilarious

Davidr11: For giving me the perfect Jori song, "Just The Girl" by The Click Five

Thank you to everyone for you support, loyalty, enthusiasm, funny comments, constructive criticism, mean criticism that will make me a better author, and for just sticking around for the ride and really making me feel loved and like I could actually have a future writing. I love you all and please feel free to PM me just to talk and hang any time.