I know, I know. Only the Japanese celebrate White Day. But really, wouldn't it be great to have the boys give back what us girls gave to them for Valentine's Day? :DDD ~White Day is the male version of Valentine's Day, taking place a month after V. Day, but on the same day, 14th. So far, celebrated in Japan only.

Molly stood outside the door of 221B, clutching a red frilly heart-shaped cushion tightly to her chest. It was Valentine's Day that day, and of course she had only one guy in mind to give a gift to. She was deliberating whether to knock on the door or wait a few more minutes when something tall appeared beside her, blocking the sun rays shining towards her and casting a long shadow over herself. She frowned and turned to face upwards, to see an expressionless Sherlock with his customary blue scarf around his neck and trench coat, collar turned up.

"What is it, Molly?" he asked her regarding her presence outside the front door of his flat.

"I- I, uh…this…" With nothing better to say, she extended both her hands with the cushion gift towards him.

"Umm, happy Valentine's…Day?" she said, making it sound like a broken question rather than an enthusiastic statement.

Sherlock gingerly took the cushion and inspected it before a rare wide smile appeared on his face. "This is just perfect, Molly!"

Molly, who had been looking down at her shoes in slight embarrassment, shot her head up at his exclamation. "It- it is?"

"Yes! I can use the cotton inside this for my current experiment! John doesn't allow me to use the ones in the flat." He flashed her a blindingly bright smile, to which she gave him her own smile.

Before she could ask him anything else, though, with lightning speed he went into the flat and slammed the door shut, making Molly stare at the spot he had just occupied in frozen shock. She shook her head, bringing herself out of her surprise, and chided herself for thinking that things would be different this year round.

As she turned round the corner, she received a text message, followed by another one. The first one made her smile; the second, roll her eyes.

Happy Valentine's Day to you too. -SH

John made me do it. -SH