Story Advertisement: If you haven't checked out 100 Words of Zevie by PurpleBacon yet, stop reading this story and go read it. It's basically just 100 drabbles based on one word each, each drabble being one or a few sentences long. All of them are insanely amazing. I'm serious, it's one of the best "stories" in this archive. Most definitely show some love to the author as well.

A/N: Thank you so much for all the super sweet reviews, guys! You guys are the best. Remember, it's Zevie Month! Write one-shots, update your stories quicker, post new stories, upload Zevie pictures/GIFs/videos, and spread the word! So, a lot of you guys noticed my mistake. In the last chapter, I put the hair stylist doing makeup and the makeup artist doing hair. Stupid me, I know. Ha-ha, but I'm glad some of y'all had good eyes and noticed. Anyway, this is the Zevie date chapter! I tried to make it long since the last few chapters have been pretty short. Hope you enjoy!

I do not own How to Rock.


"White shirt with black stripes, leather jacket, fedora hat, red skinny jeans that you picked out, and combat boots."

On the other line of the phone, Grace shouts, "Zander! This is a date with Stevie, not bowling night with Kevin!"

Just trying to mess with her, I joke, "Since when do I go bowling with Kevin?"

"Zander Robbins!"

I chuckle, "Grace, you need to relax. I'm the one on the date with the celebrity, and you're the one freaking out. Everything's going to be okay. Stevie's not the type to just judge someone because of how they look or dress."

A few seconds of silence pass by. Finally, Grace sighs and responds, "Okay, Zander. You're lucky that Kevin got his head stuck in the chair, and I have to go help him. No, Kevin, stop trying to pull your head out!"

The line immediately goes dead, meaning Grace hung up. I shake my head and put my phone on the diner's table. Didn't Kevin get his leg stuck in the limo two weeks ago? We need to get that guy some help...


The sound of the bell on the diner's door interrupts my thoughts. I look over to the entrance to see a girl in a white tank top, an oversized blue hoodie, dark skinny jeans, combat boots, and shaded Ray Bans. When she enters, she takes off the hoodie, revealing brown hair with blonde tips. I grin, immediately recognizing the girl as Stevie Baskara. The girl sees me, smiles, and walks over to the table.

sits down in the red booths across from me saying, "Hey. Sorry that I look so casual. It was just a lazy day at the studio."

My grin widens, and I reply, "Nah. You look great, as always."

She bites her bottom lip in a cute little way. "Charmer, apparently. You don't hold back on the first date."

I shrug smugly. "That's just what I do, baby."

She chuckles and says, "So, nice diner."

I awkwardly look down at the table and apologize, "Yeah, sorry that it isn't very fancy. I don't exactly live in luxury."

With a small smile and a furrow in her eyebrows, she responds, "Are you kidding? This is great. I'm not a fan of big and fancy places. At least here, I can pick up my food with my hands and not be shunned by the whole staff."

I laugh at her honesty. A woman who looks like she's in her forties walks over to our table, a little notepad and pen in her hands.

She greets, "Hi, kids. So, what can I get you tonight?"

Since I've been here for 10 minutes, I already know to answer, "I'll have a milkshake, cheeseburger, and extra curly fries."

The woman writes down my order then turns to Stevie. "And for your beautiful date?"

Stevie looks up from the menu on the table with a shy smile. "Coca Cola, burger with no tomatoes, and onion rings for me, please."

With a smile as well, the waitress writes it down, picks up our menus, and walks away. Noticing how vacant the diner and outside of it is, I slightly raise my eyebrows.

"I'm surprised there aren't a swarm of reporters here."

She takes off her sunglasses and explains, "I snuck out the back way of the house. So to the reporters who are outside of it, I'm still in my room."

I laugh, admiring her sneakiness. Stevie puts her sunglasses on top of her head and folds her arms over the table.

"So, tell me 'bout yourself."

I smile, sit up straighter, and respond, "My name's Zander Robbins, and I'm a guy."

Stevie chuckles, making my smile widen.

I continue, "Born in New York seventeen years ago. I moved to Brewster, my parents' hometown, when I was five, and then I moved back to NY when I was ten. Ummm...Kevin and I have been best friends since birth. Our parents were high school buddies, so we've known each other all our lives. They were so close that they moved to Rewater and back with us."

Stevie smiles and asks, "So, how do your mom and dad feel about their son just traveling the world with a superstar?"

I put on a small smile and answer, "They actually passed away in a car crash two years ago, along with Kevin's parents. Neither of us had any other family, so we were both just lost and by ourselves for a month. Then Molly, when she was all new to the industry, had a radio contest to find a new songwriter. Kevin sent in one of my songs, I won, and she became my new boss. Mr. March, her manager, agreed to pay for an apartment for me and Kevin for as long as I remain Molly's songwriter."

A look of sympathy crosses her eyes, but it soon passes. She questions, "Where do you guys live now that you're back in Brewster?"

I explain, "We're back in the apartments we were in when we first moved here. Since I still work for Molly, Mr. March still pays for them."

I can see that she's still a little shocked from the talk about my parents. Normally when I tell people this stuff, they always give me a load of pity.

Instead of that, Stevie says, "My parents are dead, too. Obviously not the Sam and Freddie, but my biological parents are. My dad was a cop, so he died in the line of duty. My mom worked at a bank, so she was killed during a robbery."

I'm surprised that she's telling me so much, even though she's only known me for a week.

Not knowing what else to say, I reply, "I'm really sorry."

With a small smile, Stevie responds, "Sorry to you, too."

In a situation like this, most people would unintentionally make it more awkward. Stevie isn't most people.

She grins brightly and asks, "So, favorite Maroon 5 song?"

I smile back and state, "Sunday Morning," right as the waitress comes back with our food.

Walking out of the diner, I laugh and say, "I promise you that I'm telling the truth. Kevin really did steal a Kacey Simon cardboard cutout!"

Stevie laughs and replies, "You know, we should introduce those two. From what I know about him, Kevin seems like a guy who has everything Kacey needs."

"Oh, I'm sure Kevin would like that."

We both laugh and start walking down the vacant sidewalk. The full moon is shining brightly above us, making the scene even more cliché.

I put my hands in my front pockets and question, "Where to now, Miss Stevie Baskara?"

Stevie chuckles, "Why I don't know, Mister Zander Robbins. It's only eight, so I don't have to be home for another two hours."

An idea pops into my mind, making me immediately stop. Stevie notices and turns back. She sees my bright smile and raises her eyebrows.

"Oh, this should be good."

I turn my smile into a smirk and ask, "Do you trust me?"

She thinks for a few seconds before smiling and nodding. "Yeahs, I trust you."

My smirk goes right back up to a smile. "Good, because I want to show you something."

And of course, Inkie stops right there. Sorry if this is beyond terrible and short, guys. I'm literally finishing this up at 4 AM, and I've been sick for about a week. On another note, I really want to talk to you guys about something important.

So, I'm sure some of you have Twitters. If you follow me, you know what went on for two days. If you don't, I'll just tell you. I got a lot of hate on Twitter (and ask. fm). This isn't some lecture to make the people who needed to let their anger out feel bad. I just want to give y'all a little "Lesson of the Day".

Never, and I repeat never, send hate to anyone. Even if they started it, don't continue it. Whether it be online or in person, don't be negative. Also, if you do get hated on/bullied, always stay positive. All a hater/bully wants to do is make you feel awful. If you put a smile on your face, you're defeating them. Just surround yourself with people and things that make you happy, and I promise that things will get better.

This isn't my first time being hated on or bullied. It's happened online and in real life. Just know that it hurts. It hurts when people turn their backs on you or call you names or just make you think bad thoughts about yourself. I felt so horrible and disgusting inside, and I never want anyone to feel like that. So please take this to heart when I say NO HATE.

Anyway, hoped you guys like this chapter! Be sure to review your thoughts!(: