Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic, so please review nicely and if there's anything you need to ask or tell me, just message! This story is mainly about SasuSaku, but I'm going to throw in some NaruHina and NejiTen at some points! All characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto, except the characters I made up myself! Enjoy!

Chapter One xx

"Stop fidgeting," Ino told me. "You're making this way more difficult than it needs to be."

I blew out a sigh, trying to keep the pink hair out of my face. "I can't not move around," I told her. "How long does it take to paint nails?"

"Well, excuse me for trying to keep them perfect," she snapped. "This is your first date and I want you to look your best. Hinata, do me a favour and get started on her hair."

"Of course," Hinata replied kindly in that sweet, soft voice of hers. Her fingers start to work through my hair. I wished I could see what she was doing to it.

A loud, audible knock on the door. "Hey, Hinata-chan! Are you in there? I need to talk to you!"

I didn't have to turn around to know that Hinata was blushing. Ino smirked. "What does he need you for, Hinata?"

"I-I don't know," she stammered. "I-I'll go check, if that's okay with you, Sakura?"

"You don't need my permission," I told her, smiling. "Go ahead."

Hinata opened the door nervously. "N-Naruto-kun," she mumbled. "What is it that you need?"

"Hey, do you wanna go to the festival with me?" he asked her, grinning widely, his blue eyes shining.

Hinata stood there for several seconds, just staring, mouth agape. "M-me? Really?"

"Yeah, you! What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"I-I'm not changed! I h-have to-"

"You look fine, Hinata-chan!" He grabbed her hand. "Bye, ladies!"

The door slammed shut behind them. "Okay," Ino said. "Your nails are done. Guess I'm going to have to do your hair as well."

"Please hurry up," I groaned. "He's going to be here any minute."

"Don't worry about it, your hair is short, this will just take a second," she said, quickly turning my hair into an up-do. "Good thing you've already got your red kimono on. He'll be here in a few seconds."

"How do you know?"

Knock knock.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "How do I look?" I asked her.

"Perfect!" she gushed, clapping. "Now go!"

I smiled and opened the door. "Hello, Sai!"

"Hello," he said, smiling. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I replied. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, of course. Goodbye, Ino," he called to her. She waved.


"I'm glad you decided to say yes to me and come to the festival," Sai said, smiling. "I'll make sure you have a good time."

"Yes, thank you," I told him. "It was nice of you to ask me."

"Are you hungry? Would you like some ramen?"

"Sure," I said.

"You just stay right here," he told me. "I will be right back with the ramen." I nodded and he left.

"Hey, Sakura-chan!" Naruto called, waving. I glanced over at the direction of his voice, and waved at Hinata and him. They seemed to be having a great time. I looked over at the bench where Neji and Tenten sat. That was odd. I never expected Neji to be here. He's very antisocial, much like Sasuke.


I swallowed. Just like that, my mind and thoughts were clouded with Sasuke. Just the thought of Sasuke-kun left me feeling…bad. And good. I love him, and yet I hate him for the pain he's caused us by leaving Konoha and going on a killing spree.

Who was I fooling? What was I doing here, with Sai? Trying to forget Sasuke? As if that would ever happen. I hated how weak he made me. I hated how beautifully evil he was. I hated him.

Then again, I didn't hate him.

So I guess I don't know what to feel. He's gone, and he's not coming back. He's not going to give me a second thought; he never has. And here I am miles away from him and yet still hopelessly in love. Did that make me weak? Did it make me pathetic? Or did it just prove how strong my love is and how strong I am to never betray him? Yes, I did try to kill him. But only to save him from his darkness. And yes, he did try to kill me. Have my feelings changed? Not one bit.

"Here you go, Sakura," Sai said, handing me a bowl of ramen and chopsticks. "Enjoy!"

"Um, Sai?" I said, looking up at his hopeful face. "Thank you for this, but…I think I'm going to go."

"But…we just got here," he told me, trying not to look disappointed.

"I know, and I'm really truly sorry. But there's something I have to do." I kissed him on the cheek and gave him the ramen back. "Thank you. But maybe next time."

I left Sai standing there, and I ran home and changed as quickly as I could into my regular clothes. I slipped my sandals on and ran as fast as I could out of Konoha and into the deep forest.


I wasn't looking for Sasuke, if that's what you think. I am simply taking a walk. Of course it is dangerous to be out here, especially at night. I'm not worried, though. I have grown much stronger and I will fight anyone who attacks me.

No matter what.


"Naruto-kun?" Hinata whispered.

"Yes?" he answered, smiling at her warmly.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" she asked.

Naruto stared at her. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I?"

Hinata stopped walking, and Naruto stopped as well. "Naruto…you know I-"

"Love me?" Naruto completed her sentence. "I know, Hinata-chan."

Hinata looked down, blushing deeply. "N-Naruto, I-"

"It's okay, Hinata," Naruto told her. He gripped her chin and gently forced her to look at him. "I'm over it."

"O-over what?" she stammered, lost in his ocean blue eyes. She couldn't look away even if she tried.

"Sakura," he said. "I'm over her. I love her, but as a sister. She is my best friend." He took both of Hinata's hands in his. "But…I think…I like you."

Hinata gaped, and she was sure her face couldn't get any more red than it already was. "Naruto-kun…t-this is so sudden."

Naruto leaned closer to her, ready for a kiss. The closer he got, the more the heat between them intensified. Hinata couldn't take it anymore. Just as their lips were about to touch…

"Hey, guys!" a voice exclaimed.

Hinata and Naruto jumped apart and glanced at Sai. "Hello, Sai," Hinata said politely.

"What the hell do you want?" Naruto growled, clearly irritated at having been interrupted.

"What are you two doing?"

Naruto gave him the dirtiest look ever seen and Hinata had to hide hers, due to the fact that she was a sweetheart and she didn't make those kinds of faces. After all, it was quite obvious what they were about to do.

"Oh!" Sai gasped, realization dawning on him. "You two are…? Oh! Alright then! Goodbye, Hinata! Goodbye, dickless!"

"Hey!" Naruto shouted as Sai walked away. "I have balls, for crying out loud, Sai!"

Hinata giggled and led Naruto away. "Let's get some ramen," Hinata said.

Of course, Naruto didn't resist.


I crossed a few paths and finally sat down and leaned against a tree, not at all caring about how dirty and muddy I was. I was so achingly tired. I had been walking for so long. Maybe I should go back…but no. I had to rest. I couldn't walk the whole way back. I could barely breathe right now. It was so cold. I took a few deep breaths and sighed heavily. I tilted my head down for a few moments before lifting it back up.

My heart skipped twenty beats when I felt the cool tip of a sharp blade pressed against my neck.

"Don't move," someone said.

That voice…

It couldn't be. Was it?


I couldn't see him; it was completely dark outside. He grabbed my wrist and wheeled me around so that my back was pressed up against him. One arm was splayed across my torso, holding me to him, while the other had the blade against my hip, ready to kill.

"Don't speak," he said, and I was absolutely positive it was Sasuke. His scent was all-too familiar. Why was Sasuke here? And why was I so happy, yet so afraid to see him? His heat enveloped me; I was no longer cold.

"Sasuke-kun, what are you doing?" I cried.

"I said don't speak," he ordered. "And stop calling me Sasuke-kun."

"Let me go!" I shouted. "Let go!" I struggled against him, but it was obviously useless. He was way stronger than me.

"Shut up," he growled.

"No!" I said, finally giving up my struggle. My voice dropped to a whisper. Fear radiated through my body, my heart pounding violently against my chest. "Sasuke-kun, let me go."

"Didn't you hear me? I said stop calling me Sasuke-kun!"

"Don't kill me, please," I begged. I know I seemed weak and absolutely pathetic, but I wasn't ready to die. I was reduced to begging for my life. "Please, Sasuke-kun, please!"

"Just shut up and I won't have to," he grumbled.

"Kill her, Sasuke!" a female voice called. "Hurry up so we can move on!"

"Shut up!" he shouted back. "And wait!"

She released a loud, audible sigh.

"You're shaking," he whispered against my ear.

Maybe because you're about to kill me? I wanted to shout.

"Sorry, Sakura," he said, but he didn't sound at all like he meant it. A sharp, stabbing pain split through my hip. Something slammed into the back of my head.

Darkness washed over me.

Uh-oh! Sasuke is such an asshole ;) Review please! Next chapter soon! Love xx