Okay. Guys.
I am sorry(x60).

It's not that I don't like this story and where it's going. It's that I don't have the time to work on it.

I've got at least six extra curricular activities going on, my violin (that I hate), my initial homeschooling, and to top it all off, I have volleyball at least twice a week, then Spanish pops in.

I have a DUMPLOAD of homework. I really want to do good this year.

Heck, this is the first time I even got to use the computer in the past two weeks!

I've got at least five other documents that are semi-worked on through the past few months. Sadly, none of those are this story... :C
This story is fun to write, I will admit, but my muse is a fickle thing.
Writersblock is coming in full swing for specifically this chapter, I don't know why, but it's just...yeah. Argh!

So... until I get some breathing room, this story is going on Hiatus.
