
Chapter One

It was a normal Monday morning in the wizarding world. Well as normal as it would be after the fall of Voldemort. Wizarding London was slowly becoming more and more populated as the the witches and wizards who had fled the war started to make their way back to their home. Diagon Alley was coming back to its former glory. Ollivander's was reopened and extremely busy trying to make new wands for all of those who has lost or had their own taken away during the war. All the Dark Arts stores that had opened had fled back to the edges of Knockturn Alley. One store in particular was finally reopening today.

George Weasley smiled as he stepped out of the passage way that was connected to the Leaky Cauldron and into the place that he called home. He adjusted his white button up shirt and the brown vest that say over it before continuing his walk. Over the summer he had grown his hair out just long enough that it covered the hole in his head where his ear should have been.

He stopped when he reached the door to the shop. Pulling out his keys he unlocked the door and stepped in. His eyes wondered over all the merchandise that was set up. In his mind he went over the check list in hopes that today was going to be perfect. He smiled again to himself as he shut the door behind him and continued to walk further into the shop. Everything was perfect. It had taken much time and labor on his part to bring the shop back to it's former glory but he was more then positive with school starting in two weeks the shop would be extraordinarily busy.

George stepped up behind the cash register. "Well Freddie..." George's smile instantly feel and a look or sorrow covered his face.

Fredrick Weasley had been staying in room 516 at St. Mungos since the battle or Hogwarts, when a wall had exploded on him and his older brother, Percy. Fred still had not woken up from him slumber and it seemed the longer he stayed asleep the less hope there was that he would ever wake. George clenched his eyes shut and gripped the edge of the counter. He wouldn't think like that. He couldn't believe that there was even the slightest chance that his brother would not wake up.

George looked up hearing the door jingle as it opened. Ron Weasley, his youngest brother, walked in.

"Well, 'Ello 'Ello Ickle Ronniekins," George said pushing his dark thoughts from his mind.

"Oi!" Ron yelled angrily. "Don't call me that,"

"So what do I owe this pleasant surprise to?" George asked leaning against the counter.

"You left your lunch and mum wanted to make sure you were eating," Ron said walking up to the counter and placing the brown paper bag on the counter. George stared at the bag for a moment before looking up meet his brother's eyes. It had not been unspoken in the house but everyone had been babying George since the war. Everyone made sure he ate enough food at meals or that he was sleeping regularly. His family had even gotten his friends evolved. Not that he minded getting to see the beautiful Angelina Johnson more often.

"Thanks," George said as the door opened again and Lee Jordan walked into the shop.

"Well, I've got to head to Auror training," Ron said, he gave his brother one more look before leaving the shop with a polite nod to Lee.

"What's wrong with your brother?" Lee asked when he reached the counter.

"Beats me," George said with a shrug grabbing the lunch bag.


I know super short for a first chapter. Well this is my first Harry Potter fanfiction and I wanted to see how well I could do with a first chapter I just wanted to get a basis for a few of the character's and how they're personalities in the fic are. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and I've been avoiding writing a fanfiction since I'm scared I won't do the fandom justice. Anyway, this will be a Fremione fanfiction it'll take some time to get there. For those of you who read my other fanfiction you know I really like character development. Sooo again I hope you liked the first bit and I'm hoping to update this regularly.