A/N: Hello my dear readers! First of all, forgive me for not uploading in a long while, so I hope you're still there and haven't abandoned this story. It will kind of sad.

Second, thank you all for the support! You, my dear reader, are the best. So onward with the chapter and forgive me ahead for how short it came.

Also, thank to Anjelle to take some of her time a beta read this chapter and the oncoming ones.



An unexpected shake startled everyone wide awake aboard on Thousand Sunny.



"What is wrong?" a hysterical Nami asked no one in particular as she tried to gain her lost balance. She scanned her surroundings and noted her fellow roommate Robin wasn't in her bed, meaning she was already up or in the library reading one of her books. Nami carefully started to make her way toward the door when another tremor occurred, making her fall on her rear. She cursed inwardly under her breath and stood up. This time she used the wall as support for her not to fall once again.

"I wonder what is happening… " she thought out loud as she supported herself with the wall as the trembling has yet to subside. "I hope those idiots aren't trying to destroy the ship once again… I'll raise their debt for damaging the ship and for disturbing my sleep," she fumed angrily and started making her way toward the door and outside to the upper deck.


"What happen?" asked a still very sleepy reindeer.

"I don't know," a green-haired man responded, by then fully awake. Zoro scanned his surroundings looking for any damage done and, much to his relief, no damage had been inflicted to the ship. He sighed audibly and shifted his gaze toward his captain who was still fast asleep and unaffected by all the commotion. "Oi, Luffy! Wake up!" he yelled to his captain but it had little effect.

"Eh, Zoro-san, I doubt yelling is going to work," Brook point out, now fully awake, which gained the support of now a fully aware Chopper.

"Right," Zoro acknowledged. He thought of a way to wake up Luffy quickly since they were short on time and something clicked in his mind. Of course. "Luffy breakfast is ready!" he yelled, getting the quick response that he was looking for.

Luffy stirred for a second and quickly sat up, throwing his hand high in the air, shouting a very happy and loud cry of 'Food'.

"Now that you're awake, wh—"

He was cut off by another tremor occurring. Everyone in the room made their way toward the closest wall for support as the shaking continued.

"What is happening?" asked a now confused and serious Luffy. He was still a little shaken and stressed by last night's dream and that sudden event wasn't helping him and the fact he had a bad feeling about all that wasn't making the situation easier.

Zoro noted his sudden change in mood but decide not to make any comment. After all, their priority right then was to discover what was making all that mysterious trembling and who the mysterious enemy was. Zoro snorted; that sounded like something Luffy would say.

"We don't know, Luffy-san." Brook's answer snapped Zoro out of his thought. "We should go outside and see what is happening, although I don't have eyes to see…Yohohoho!" Luffy nodded and carefully started to make his way toward the door followed closely by Brook and Zoro—who was carrying a panicked Chopper on his head.



On the lawn deck, the boys—and skeleton—scanned their surroundings for possible foes, only to be greeted by the sight of a thick fog all over the ship, cutting their visibly a lot. They were only able to see two feet away and the rest is just pure white.

Luffy activated his haki, trying to detect or feel someone on the ship but—much to his shock and dismay—found it impossible to do.

"How come...?" he murmured to himself. Ever since he learned haki from Rayleigh, he always managed to feel something, even if it was small. And if his haki failed him, he would always count on his instinct—which for the most part, was always correct. But now even his instinct are failing him. To his dismay, he was unable to feel his comrades' its presence. If they weren't beside him, he would have thought they left him. Alone. That thought scared him.

He shook his head to get rid of the thought and came to the conclusion that it was all the fog's doing. He decided to ask Zoro and Sanji later if they had the same problem as him.

"What the hell is going on?" someone shouted somewhere from the fog. He recognized that the voice belonged to Sanji. If Luffy had to guess, he would say he was in the kitchen when that mysterious trembling started to occur. He concluded he was making breakfast since he wasn't in the room. After all, he did not see him when he woke, meaning it was already morning. Arg, I should stop thinking...is making my head hurt.

"It wasn't like this when I woke up to go to my workplace," Franky informed as he scanned his surroundings in alert for any enemy.

"Where did this fog come from?" asked a shocked Nami as she, too, scanned her surroundings. A few minutes later—already over her shock—she walked forward carefully to not trip or fall on something and noted how the temperature dropped with every step she took. She made a mental note of it.

"Is everyone okay?" Luffy asked as he ran to the center of the desk as the fog started to slowly disappear, allowing them to see clearly. He received a 'yes' in reply, or in some case nods, as they all regrouped in the center of the lawn, close to the mast. He noted that some of his crew members were still wearing their pyjamas while others had modest clothes already on.

"We're missing someone," informed a calm Sanji as he took a drag of his cigarette. Chopper looked around wondering who was missing.

"Hey… where is Usopp?" asked a worried reindeer.

"It seems he is the one missing," surmised Robin. "Maybe a monster came aboard under his watch and—him being unable to fend it off, ate him alive." Chopper and Nami shuddered at the thought.

"OI! Usopp!" shouted Luffy, looking around for any clue to his lost friend's location.

"He had the second watch so maybe he is still in the Observatory." Zoro wondered out loud.

"So you can actually use your brain," mocked Sanji. "Nice, marimo."

"What was that, Curly-brow?"

"Yohohoho! Guys I think this isn't the best moment for that," the skeleton intervened in an attempt to reason with his friends.

"He is right! So you two better stop," started to say Nami as she readied her fist in warning. "Now!" she growled, sending a hard glare toward the two, who instantly stopped fighting. Happy with the result, she folded her arms as something got her attention behind Zoro and Sanji. She narrowed her eyes and noted there was a person standing on the far away at the peak of the stairs that lead to the helm. At first she was unable to identify who it was, but as the fog continued to slowly dissipate, she managed to see a little of the person's characteristics and recognized him quickly as Usopp.

"Nami-sis, what is wrong?" asked a worried cyborg as he glanced toward Nami, who was spacing out at something over the shoulders of both Sanji and Zoro, but from his place he couldn't see anything.

"I found him," she shouted suddenly, surprising some members of the crew. They all gave her blank stares because of her sudden statement. "Usopp, I found him," she clarified and pointed over the shoulders of Sanji and Zoro. They all followed where she pointed and true to her word there was standing a petrified Ussop looking ahead of him.

"Usopp!" shouted an excited and relived Chopper and Luffy, who quickly climbed the stairs toward Ussop. The rest walked slowly, seeing as there wasn't an eminent danger to worry about but they were still alert for any sudden attack. They noted that even though Chopper and Luffy called him, he had yet to react or move, scaring them a little. When they finally arrived where he was, they were startled a little by the horrified and scared expression on his face as he still didn't take notice of their presence. His gaze seemed to be permanently glued to what was in front of him.

"Oi... Usopp, what is wrong?" asked Zoro, a little startled by his expression but not showing it.

Usopp didn't respond and instead he extended is arm pointing to the front of the ship. They all followed where he was pointing and at first they didn't see anything abnormal. Well, other than the thick, white fog. But as it started to clear it showed why Ussop was so shocked. As it cleared the view, in front of them there was a large group of Sea Kings.



*SC* Unknown Island:

The wind blew fiercely through the light brown hair of a girl sitting at the top of a cliff with her legs crossed in a yoga fashion atop a boulder, giving her a perfect view of the sea. She slowly opened her dark blue eyes to look in front of her, gazing at the blue sea.

"It seems they have at last met," she thought out loud. She stood up, showing more of her appearance. She was a short yet a slender woman with her long, wavy hair reaching her lower back. She wore a short, light blue kimono with a dragon pattern, with a white sash around her waist and black, high heeled boots.

"I hope they do the job; I don't plan to involve myself this time." she sighed loudly and folded her arms in front of her as she gazed at the horizon where she could see far away a ship surrounded by Sea Kings.

*SC* Strawhats:

"Sea Kings!" shouted a scared reindeer and skeleton.

"And a lot of them." Nami added in a frightened voice.

At the same time, Robin took out her sketchbook and started to draw the event unfold as Franky watched over her shoulder with one of his giant hands on his chin, evaluating her sketch.

"How can you be so calm!?" shrieked Nami after seeing their actions, as she pointed toward the Sea Kings.

Ussop nodded in agreement— finally over his shock. "Instead we should formulate a plan or a way to escape."

"Why should we? They already have a plan," informed Robin. To prove her point, she bloomed one of her hands on Franky's shoulder and pointed to the lawn deck without taking her eyes off of the sketch.

Nami followed where she was pointing. As Robin said, the Monster Trio were standing on the lawn deck, ready to fight. She saw Zoro and Sanji ahead of Luffy making gestures to themselves and the Sea Kings and talki— err, scratch that, they were arguing and she could guess of what. She sighed irritably. They never changed.

She watched them for a few minutes until she shifted her gaze to Luffy. He was standing a few feet away only watching. She found this weird and so out of character. Her captain was always an impulsive one and would always be eager for a fight. Seeing him so still worried her.

She was about to point this out to her friends when she suddenly felt the pressure drop drastically, surprising her. She gazed toward the sky and narrowed her eyes. "This is..." she trailed off, lost in thought. Her eyes widen in recognition and fear. How could she have missed it?

"What is wrong, Nami-sis?" asked a worried cyborg after seeing her shocked expression, gaining the rest of their companions' attention.

A few minutes later, Nami founded her voice again and responded, "A cyclone is coming and it's a big one."


"I bet I can cut more Sea Kings that you, Curly-brow." Zoro said with cockiness in his voice.

Sanji tapped with his black shoes the wooden floor. "Keep dreaming, moss-head."

"Isn't a dream but a reality, shitty cook."

They continued to throw insults back and forth. Behind them, Luffy stared with a big grin upon his face as he watched the fight with mild interest. He was going to say something funny when he suddenly started to feel a strong headache. He tried to hide it, to not worry his friends, but as each minute passed he found it impossible to do. He brought his hands to his head to try to get rid of the pain but instead it made it worse. He started to sweat a lot and groaned in pain, gaining the swordsman's attention.

"Hey!" he called over his shoulder towards Luffy, but received no reply. One of his swords was halfway out of its sheath ready to fight. "What is wro—" he cut himself off when he saw Luffy writhing in pain.

Hearing Zoro cut himself so abruptly, Sanji grew curious and glanced over his shoulder to be greeted by the same sight as Zoro. "Luffy!" he yelled in panic and rushed to his side, forgetting completely about their fight and the Sea Kings. "O- Oi! What's wrong?" he asked with worry but, like Zoro, didn't receive a reply. By then, Zoro was also by his side as Luffy's knees buckled underneath of him, making him fall on the wooden floor while still holding his head in agony.

After a few agonizing minutes, Luffy managed to shuttered in a hoarse and strained voice. "I-it's nothing."

Both, Sanji and Zoro, could see Luffy was in a lot of pain for an unknown reason. They wanted to help, but they didn't know how. That made them sad and angry at the same time, since they couldn't help their captain when he had helped them a lot. When their captain needed them the only thing they could do was stay still and watch.

Luffy tried to stand but found it impossible to do. Why did it hurt?

You should've stayed away!

Luffy's eyes widen in recognition of the voice in his mind. He slowly raised his head looking for the source of said voice only to find Zoro and Sanji giving him worried looks.

We warn you, didn't we?

He could hear Zoro and Sanji calling him, but he ignored them in favor to concentrate on looking for the owner of the voice.

It'll cost your lives.

He was still looking for the owner of the voice when something clicked in his mind: we? Still holding his head, he forced himself to stand up, at first a little unsteady but he quickly regained his balance and started to slowly release his head. He composed himself and lifted his gaze toward the sea or, more precisely, toward the Sea Kings— who he thought the leader was.

He realized something: even though they had all dropped their guard, giving them the opportunity to attack, they hadn't. In fact, they were all staring straight at Luffy and only standing, there surrounding Sunny. Even he found it weird.

Then he gazed ahead and past the Sea Kings, ignoring their and his friends' presence and concentrated on a small dot far away on the horizon, which he knew was an island because Nami had told them yesterday. He felt—no, he knew someone was watching them from there, waiting for the result of the Sea King's attack or warning. As I thought.

Luffy was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice the weird looks Sanji and Zoro were giving him.

Unable to be quiet anymore, Zoro broke the uneasy silence. "Luffy, what's wrong?" he asked in a strong, firm and serious voice, waiting to receive a real reply. He was—like the shitty cook, he supposed—worried about him.

"You should stop getting into our business."

Confusion grew on Sanji and Zoro's faces at his sudden warning. They weren't expecting a reply like that one, well, if you could call that a reply at all. They tried to find any response on his face but he wore an unreadable expression.

Still ignoring his nakama, Luffy shifted his gaze from the island towards the Sea Kings, who had yet to make any move. "Go away!" he commanded in a low and dangerous voice as his hat shadowed his eyes. He lifted his head with a scowl upon his face. "Now!" he growled as his pupils dilated and released a small yet powerful burst of haki; enough for everyone aboard in Sunny to feel it.

The Sea Kings—yet to move—glared at Luffy, who gladly returned the look. They entered a glaring contest for a while until finally the sea beasts started to retreat. All of the sea beasts dove into the sea and a few seconds later they were all gone.

To say Zoro and Sanji were lost and confused was an understatement. They didn't understand Luffy's recent actions and words. It sounded as though he was talking—more like warning—someone. Who? That was the big question, since they could only feel the presence of themselves and their nakama and nobody else. Just when Sanji decide to ask about it, their navigator decided to arrive and interrupt the moment.

"Luffy, Zoro and Sanji-kun get in position. A cyclone is coming and it's a huge one," Nami notified as she, along with Chopper and Usopp, walked towards the Monster Trio. She didn't need to ask what happened to the Sea Kings since everyone aboard felt it and that was enough of an answer.

"How come there is a cyclone, Nami-san?" questioned a confused Sanji. "If I remember correctly, when someone enters the island's magnetic field the weather becomes stable, right? It isn't like I doubt your skill, Nami-swan but, I just find it weird and unusual."

"I was wondering the same," added their sniper.

"I know," Nami confirmed. She, too, found it weird but had a guess as to why the weather changed suddenly; she had an hypothesis but kept it to herself for the time since she had to confirm something. "But remember: we are in the New World and everything is possible."

Sanji's eyes changed to hearts. "Nami is so beautiful when she explains," he cooed.

The navigator and swordsman rolled their eyes in annoyance.

"Yosh!" shouted a happy Luffy. "We should get moving then. How much time left?" he asked with a smile upon his face. No one would have guessed that a few minutes ago he was cringing in pain and agony. Of course, Zoro and Sanji didn't believe his smile.

"For the most, five minutes for impact."

"Alright," he said preparing himself to leave toward the mast, but not before sending a hard glare toward Sanji and Zoro as he passed them. They understood its meaning; what just happen stayed between them. They give a slight nod and as quick as the glare came, it left and was replaced by his goofy grin and he continued his way toward the mast, leaving behind a surprised and confused swordsman and cook.

Both of them keep staring at Luffy's retreating form until he jumped over the kitchen and out of view. They didn't understand their captain's actions. Scratch that: they never understood him. He was reckless, crazy and even naive and they had yet to read him. But they did know something, and that's that they were going to follow him to the end, even if they didn't understand his actions. After all, he had his reasons. They hoped.




As Nami said, five minutes later a big cyclone hit them hard but it was nothing the Strawhats couldn't handle. The ocean was violent and dangerous. The waves viciously hit the Sunny, trying to sink it and drag it to the depths of the sea. The ship rocked back and forth without a second of rest but like the shipwright has once said, it was nothing the ship couldn't handle. After a few minutes the waves started to lose their power and, as quick as it came, it suddenly disappeared. It didn't leave a trace of what just happened, shocking the crew.




"It suddenly vanished!" stated a shocked and soaked sniper, not believing his eyes.

"Yohoho! I thought I was going to die, even though I'm already dead! Skull Joke!" Brook said as he laughed at his own joke, he, too, soaked.

"Definitely. The New World's weather is more complicated than on the Grand Line." Robin pointed out as she took off her damped coat. Behind her a drenched navigator and doctor nodded in agreement.

"And very scary too!" said doctor added, shaking himself dry. He stopped, however, when he noticed a small dot appeared on the horizon. He tilted his head to the side and asked, "Is that an island?"

Everyone turned to look at him and followed where he was staring. True to his word, they were getting close to an island.

Nami raised the Log Pose to eye level to confirm it was their destination. She smiled and nodded to the rest of them in confirmation. "It is. We have a few hours before we can get a better view of it and a few more to land on it."

"Well then," started the cook as he took a drag of his cancer stick and started to retreat toward the kitchen. "I'll start to make breakfast now, since everything has calmed down."

Franky started to make his way towards the stairs that led down below the desk. "I'm going to check if the ship received any damage."

"I will go to the library to try to find any more information on this island," the archaeologist said as she walked to the library, closely followed by Nami, who offered to help. That left Brook, Zoro, Chopper, Usopp and Luffy all staring at the retreating form of their navigator and archaeologist.

Usopp coughed audibly, gaining their attention. "Chopper did I tell you about the time I fight one hundred of Sea Kings by myself?"

The little reindeer shook his head and motioned the sniper to continue with stars of admiration in his eyes. Seeing this, the sniper motioned him to follow him towards the mast to sit down to tell his story.
Seeing them walk away, Brook laughed and walked to the middle of the lawn deck a started to play a soft melody with his violin.

Luffy, who had been very quietly since the storm has ended, just shrugged in a bored way. He walked toward the figurehead, jumped over it and sat on it, waiting for breakfast to be ready.

Zoro watched his captain with hooded eyes until he lost sight of him on the figurehead. He sighed and walked towards it, laying himself at the side of the desk with arm folded behind his head. He closed his eyes, trying to take a nap, waiting for the shitty cook to finish. But soon he found that a little difficult as his thoughts drifted back to the recent events.

Half an hour later, Sanji came out from the Kitchen's door shouting 'Breakfast is ready'. Like usual, everyone made their way to the dining room in a civilized way, while Luffy Gomu Gomu-no-rocketed himself to the Kitchen's door. Like always, breakfast was lousy as ever, with Luffy stealing everyone's food and the others—except Robin's and Nami's, courtesy of Sanji—trying to pry hand off their food. Indeed it was a normal breakfast.

After everyone finished, they all decided to return to their previous activities except for Usopp and Chopper. Usopp was given the post to alert them when the island was closed. Since Usopp was on duty, Chopper decided to retrain himself on the Sick Bay to work on some medicine and emergency equipment before arriving at the island.

The last one to exit the dining room was Zoro. He kept walking towards the mast as he replayed the conversation he had with the cook.

*He was standing up, already full of food and started to make his way toward the door, ready to take a nice long nap before they arrived to the island.

"Wait, Zoro!" a familiar voice called from behind him, surprising the swordsman.

He turned around, staring with his still good eye at the person who has called him. It surprises him that the cook actually uses his name instead of one of his nickname, and man does he has a lot."What?" he asked, more harshly that he intended.

After a long pause, Sanji sighed. " I need to discuss some things with you about him," he finally said as he brought out his pack of cigarettes, he takes one with his left hand and light it with his other hand and took a long, deep drag of it. "He has acted weird since the event last night and I know you saw it," the cook added as he stared at the green-haired man, daring him to say the opposite. He has been awake when Luffy started to shiver for an unknown reason. He can bet Zoro was wide awake, although unlike him, he stayed with his eyes —well, eye closed but still, was paying attention to Luffy.

Zoro returned the stare. After a long silence, Zoro sighed in defeat and decides to speak up. "Yeah, I saw it," he folded his arm over his chest as he lean on the wall for support, getting a better view on the cook. "But what can we do? We don't know what is wrong with him, and I doubt he would like our help."

Sanji nodded in agreement."Yeah.." he trailed off in deep thought. He knew the shitty marimo was correct. But still, he wanted some answer at least. "What about the Sea King's attack? I'm sure it hold a connection with his behavior, even though he played well at breakfast to not raise any suspicion, and the sudden weather change? Isn't as I doubt in Nami-san's skill, as I said before, but have you thought that any of this hold a connection?"

"The only who know all your answer is him, not me." Zoro responded more harshly that he wanted but he needed to get his point clear. "If you want to know that badly, why don't you simply go and ask him?" he questioned the cook as he turned around to take his leave. He has wasted too much time of his sleep talking.

Sanji waved in dismiss, even thought he doubted Zoro would've seen him. "You know better that I do that if I go and ask him, he only would dismiss it and say is 'nothing'," he said and decides to add. "I bet, if I said to him I'll give him every meat abort the ship if he said to me what is wrong, he will still say nothing is wrong."

Zoro snorted at that, he just imagine that happening with Nami cursing in the background about the money she will spend restocking all our food supplies, it was hilarious. He heard Sanji sigh as he stared at the door in front of him, his hand resting on the door's lock. "The best we can do for now is to wait for him to talk, that I doubt," he mumbles the last part as he leave the kitchen.

Zoro was in deep thought, that he didn't notice when he arrived to the mast and lie down, looking toward the figurehead. He is, however, snapped of his thought when he heard Ussop's voice over the microphone.

"Land Ho!"

In a few minutes, all the crew were in the lawn deck, after hearing the sniper's announcement. The last ones to arrive were Usopp, Robin and Nami. The girls, who were at the library looking for any information relevant to the island, and much to everyone's dismay, they found none.

"We checked if the sudden change of weather belongs to any islands's description but..." the archaeologist trailed off.

"You didn't find anything." Zoro concluded for Robin, to which she nodded. Robin was about to add something else when Nami interrupted her.

"Hey, what is that?" she asked as she pointed something over the ocean. Everyone followed to where she was pointing to only find a white thing in a human form standing on the ocean.

"G- Ghost!" shrieked Usopp, Brook and Chopper in fear.

"Woa...!" exclaimed Luffy, in amusement. Suddenly a wall of fog started to form and surrounded the Sunny, surprising him even more.

"What the...?" Zoro trailed off as he heard someone start to talk.

"Didn't I tell you to go away?!" an unfamiliar voice snapped at them in what it seems to be in anger. "I warn you, Mugiwara!"

Everyone was gazing at Luffy in confusion. Instead, Luffy wasn't confused as he quickly recognized the voice when it spoke up. "So I was correct," the Strawhat captain murmured more to himself.

He watches as the person jumped in the air, extending one of, what he supposed, his arm a throwing several balls in their direction. Seen this, Luffy quickly leaped himself into the air and started to activate his technique. "Gomu Gomu no.." he said as he takes a deep breath, inflated himself as he sees the attack closer. "Fusen!" he yelled.

The person smirked. This, of course, go undetected by the crew, since said person has been covered in a thick layer of fog.

As the object came closer, Luffy prepares himself to return them to the owner as a counterattack. What he didn't expect, was at the last second from balls to came spikes. He releases the air, trying, with no success, to evade the attack but it was too late and the attack was a direct hit to his abdomen. He cried out in pain, as he falls toward his ship. At the last second, he regains his bearing, and chance his courses a little and was able to land on his feet, safely.

"Are you alright?" asked the worried reindeer, already on his doctor mode.


"You're much smarter that you let be," the foe praised. "Seeing you were unable to get out of the way, you counter it with Haki, correct?"

Luffy didn't answer and only glared at the white person.

"We should bring him down with long range attacks." Robin pointed out and Franky, Usopp and Zoro nodded.

"Usopp!" Franky said, Usopp glance at him oddly first but he later grinned as he understood. He started to look for the correct ammunition in his bag when he found it. He grinned more as he brought out his Kuro Kabuto along with the necessary pellet, readied it to shoot.

"Tokuyo," he yelled as he pulled back the thread. "Aura," he let lose the thread and fire. "Boshi!" he shouted as he watches the three pellets roar through the sky toward his target. Seen his cue, Franky takes a deep breath preparing his attack.

"Franky Fireball!" the cyborg shouted igniting Ussop's attack on the process creating a giant Fire-bird in the process.

"Super Size Hi no Tori Boshi!"

They watch as their attack merges and roared through the sky toward their enemy. This earns them an 'awesome' comment from the reindeer and both grinned in satisfaction.

As the attack came closer, the fog person just moved to the left side, avoiding completely their attacks. "Too slow," he said in a bored fashion as the attack continues toward the thick wall mist. Said attack pass the wall mist, burned it in the process but as quick it was burned, it regenerates once again. This happens, however, without going unnoticed by the navigator.

The enemy, however, was taken by surprise as the green-haired man has leaped into the air a hand on his sword ready to attack. "Sanbyakurokuju Pound ho!" he shouted as he swings his sword in a powerful air compressed projectile attack toward his foe.

Being too close to dodge and how fast the attack was coming, he wasn't given much an option a received the attack head on. Given the power behind the attack, he was unable to focus and keep himself flying, and he plummets toward the ship, landing harshly on the desk. However, he was able to maintain the mist surrounding him and his appearance was still unrevealed. "Damn it," the person cursed as he rubbed his sore lower back. He quickly regains his composure and dose some back-flip gaining some space among him and the pirates. "This just started."

"You are correct."

Surprise goes on his face as someone was able to sneak behind him without him noticed it. He turned around to meet non other that the captain himself. His entire skin was slightly pink and shiny and there was a lot of steam coming off of him. The captain threw a quick punch toward him but he was able to evade it and counter it with a powerful haki-enhanced side kick to his rig cage and actually manages to hurt him.

Taken aback by the power behind the kick, Luffy gritted his teeth as he throws his own kick aiming for his neck. His enemy blocks it by crossing his arm. Taking the opportunity, Luffy jumped high in the air a does a roundhouse kick aiming, for this time, for his foe's head. Once again, his enemy dodges it but being to concentrate on dodging he forgot to reinforce his mist wall and by the wind of Luffy's last attack some of his mist lifts up and showed a little of his appearance. This shocked Luffy as his eyes widen in acknowledgement. "You're..."

Taking the opportunity of the pirate's distraction, and being angry for his discovery, he does a handstand a give him a kick to the side sending him crashing to the ship's side, almost making him fall into the deep ocean if it wasn't for him sending one of his rubber hand on the railing.

The cook narrowed his eyes at the mysterious person. "Bastard!" he growled as he started to walk to join the fight and show this person some manners.

"Wait Sanji-kun!" a familiar voice called from behind him. He turned around to meet with his lovely navigator. He gives her a questioned look when she smiled in a confident ways and added. "I got a plan."

Seen her confident, Sanji's eyes turned to hearts, despite the situation they were, and does his doodle dance. "Nami-san is so beautiful when she has a plan!" he cooed.

The navigator rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Franky, Ussop!" she called gaining their attention. "I'll need your help too," she informed them and they nodded in understanding as they walk toward her to hear her plan. "This is what I need you to do." she said as she started to explain her plan as the battle around them continues.

"Kung Fu Points!" the little reindeer yelled as he changes form. "Hiya~!" he shouted as he launched himself toward hi foe to fight. He engages a hand-to-hand combat with him. At first gaining the upper hand but later was hit with a haki-enhanced kick on his rib sending him flying away, coughing blood.

The mist person was going to continue his assault on the poor reindeer when he felt someone coming above him. He looked up to see the attacker this time to be the skeleton.

"Swallow Bond en Avent!" Brook yelled as he lunge himself toward the enemy. Unfortunately for him, the enemy saw him coming and move aside, making him thrust himself down on the ship's desk and making him miss him.

Taking the opportunity as the enemy gives him his back, Luffy dash toward him in his still Gear Second mode and prepare again another attack. "Busoshoku Koka!" he said as both of his arms turned a nice shade of black and extended both of them behind him. "Gomu Gomu no..."

Knowing well what was coming next, the mist person makes a move to evade it when he found it something impossible to do. He gazes down to find two pairs of hands holding him in place. He raised his head and from the corner of his eyes he saw a black-haired woman with his arm crossed in front of her and a smirk upon her face. He was going to use his ability to make her release her hold on him when he received a powerful haki-enhanced attack on his abdomen. Making him double-over and cough a lot of blood.


The fog person was released of his hold and by the recoil of the attack was sent flying and crashed in the mast, coughing more blood. He slid down from the mast and fall to the lawn desk. He started to slowly stand up but wasn't given the opportunity.

"Franky Fireball!"

Another attack came, engulfing him in flame. He gasped knowing well what they were trying to do. How did they...? He didn't much thought of it and tried to find an exit for the attack knowing well he was in danger. He hisses in pain as the fire started to enter his protecting wall. He runs in a random direction a hopping to find the escape route of the flame. To his luck he found one and took a deep fresh air.

"Fire Bird Star!"

He was, once again, not given the opportunity to recuperate when he was hit by another fire attack. He cried in pain as he was sent tumbling through the desk by the impact. The fire started to take effect as the fog surrounding him started to disappear.

"As I thought, you're using the temperature of this island—being a hot one, along with your ability to create low temperature and mix them to create this thick fog covering you. Also, you used the right amount of cold and mixing them with the heat of the environment creating this mist and cut our visibility a lot to your advantaged." Nami said. "You also have the power to create a cyclone in here by using your ability in the right way," she later added, knowing her hypothesis was correct. "What you didn't calculate is that abort this ship was someone able to also detect small thing and the weather suddenly changes."

Robin nodded in understanding. "I see, that should explain a lot."

The mist person only growled in response as he was on his knee pushing himself up to continue to fight. He no longer keeps up his misty wall and it started to disappear completely earning surprising gasp from the crew.

"Collier Strike!"

He turned around just in time to see a black leg coming toward him, in flame. To shocked and hurt to move, he closed his eyes waiting for the pain to come but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes to see the leg just some centimeter away from his neck and not longer in fire, he gazes up to see the blonde-haired man with a shocked expression upon his face.

Sanji's shocked expression was understanding. They would all think—him included, they were fighting from the start a guy. But now that the fog has disappeared, he was able to see his enemy's face and noted it wasn't a guy but instead a girl, and a beautiful one too. Not being able to suppress anymore, his eyes turned into hearts. "Mellorine!"

Seeing as he has just dropped down his guard, she held his leg— now cold, and used for support to do a handstand a deliver a haki-enhanced kick to the face of the pervert man, sending him crashing on the mast. She stood up and dusted herself clean, and shot a hard glare at the pirate crew who now was surrounding her.

Now standing up, the crew got a better view of her and her appearance. She was a short yet a slender woman with her long, wavy hair reaching her lower back. She wore a short, light blue kimono with a dragon pattern, a white sash around her waist and black, high heeled boots. Her clothes were a little worn out by now and in some part burn out by the fight.

"What is your purpose?" the archaeologist asked, watching her closely.

Being asked this, the girl gazes at each member of the pirate crew, in some longer than in other, until her blue ocean eyes landed on Lufffy. "I'm here," she started in a cold yet a hard voice that send you shivers up and down in your spine. "To stop you!" as she once again dashes toward Luffy, with his fist readied to attack him.

The sounds of footstep could be heard through the dark corridor. As a person walked toward his destination. He stopped short, however, as a big door blocked the place where he wished to go. He reaches it and pushed it open to enter. When he enters, he was greeted with four people standing at the side; a fifth one was sitting on a big fancy chair, with shadow covering his appearance. He walked forward until he stood in the middle of the dark room and felt everyone's gazes on him and he made a small bow to the person in the chair in show of respect.

"...I got news."

"What kind of news?" a voice asked.

"He arrived."

This got the attention of everyone. They all gazes to their boss waiting him to say anything. He was silent for a while, when he speaks up.

"The key has finally arrived, with that we can finally move to the second part of the plan."

"What is your plan, master?"

Before he could answer, the first voice speaks up again. "She is fighting them."

"Hehhehhehhehheh, so Commander Mizuiro has engaged in battle?" a new voice speaks up.

"It seems so and it seems she is trying to interfere with our plan."

"...That may be trouble."

"What do you plan to do, master?"

"She is troubled and more is she tell him. But, it can be beneficial to us too."

"...I see."

"Anance and Thanathos, go to the north temple a wait order in there."

"Of course, master."

"Yes sir."

Said that, both of them disappear in the shadow.

"Psyche and Salacia, you go and welcome our guess."

"Yes sir."

The master watches them disappear and relaxed in his big chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's see, who is the key. Strawhats pirates."


A/N: You should all love this chapter, after all is over 7000+ words so is kind of a sorry chapter for the long time without update. I plan to keep the chapter up to 5000+ so you're lucky my dear reader, next chapter should come soon since I'm half way already. You didn't know how much trouble I had with this chapter, everything I write something my computer SHUT DOWN and I lost it a lot of time. It was depressing. And the fact I tend to forget stuff, didn't help me much. So I hope it wouldn't happen with the next chapter.

*From this point onwards is unbeta, Angelle is still re-reading it. When is done I will upload it.

For this chapter onward I will respond every review. So adios amigos~!