"I'm gonna puke," Santana groaned, pressing a hand to her stomach over the thick wool of her high-waist skirt.

"You won't," Blaine assured her, looking around as they walked down the street, "not here."

"I ate so many carbs…we'd better get out of here soon, or I'll be a heifer in a week…" Santana trailed off as an old man watering his lawn called out, "Good morning, Skip!" and Blaine waved and answered him.

"Oh, uh, good morning Mr. Jones!"

"You know that guy?"

Blaine nodded. "Mr. Jones. He's the Fabray's neighbor. Skip mows his lawn for ten cents." He smiled and waved one more time.

"Jesus," Santana muttered, tugging at her sweater, "you're actually enjoying this, aren't you? Right in your element. Big man on campus in this ridiculously bland and boring place. I already can't stand it."

An open-top car drove up beside them and slowed to a stop.

"Morning, Bobby-Jean, Skip!"

Santana glanced at the car. In the driver's seat sat a dopey-faced guy with dark hair wearing a letterman's jacket. He raised an arm to wave at her. Her gaze quickly slid to the passenger riding with him: a blonde girl who was smiling up at her. She had a sweet, innocent face, her hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail, and her long, lithe body was clad in what appeared to be an old-fashioned cheerleading outfit. A pair of pom-poms rested in her lap.

"M-morning," Santana stammered, caught off guard.

The guy driving spoke again. "Excited for the big game this weekend?"

"Sure…am," she muttered.

"Great! I hope I see you in the stands cheering us on!"

"Cheering can be hard," the blond girl said wisely, "but I can give you lessons."

"See you at school, Bobby-Jean!" The boy called as he drove away. The blond girl smiled and waved.

"Who is that?" Santana asked, staring as they drove away.

"Who? The girl or the boy?"

Santana whirled on Blaine. She didn't like his tone, like he knew something she didn't.

"The boy, obviously. He's…" She struggled to remember what he looked like. A big guy with dark hair…sitting next to a beautiful girl. "…cute."

"That's Finn Hudson. Quarterback of the football team and captain of the basketball team."

"So he's the real big man on campus," Santana mused as they started walking again. She pursed her lips. "Is he dating the girl he was with?"

"Nope. That's Brittany, his sister. Finn actually likes you. Well, he likes Bobby-Jean."

A smirk spread across Santana's face. "Of course he does."

Blaine stared around at his team mates, all dressed in old-fashioned short basketball shorts, high socks, and jerseys, as they ran around the gym during practice. Every lay-up, every drill was perfect. No one ever missed a shot. He bounced the ball in his hand easily, glancing around as he dribbled it to half court. With a casual loop of his arm, he tossed the ball, and it sailed into the hoop, nothing but net. It bounced back to him. Laughing a little, he turned so his back was facing the net and hurled it over his head. Through the hoop it went.

"Skip, hey, Skip!"

Finn bounded over to him eagerly, like a giant puppy, just as he was catching his ball again.

"Hello, Finn. How's practice?"

"Oh, just swell. I think we're all set for the big game on Saturday."

"Looks that way."

"Say, Skip…I wanted to talk to you about…Bobby-Jean." Finn scratched the back of his neck, scuffing his toe against the floorboards of the gymnasium.

"Bobby – oh, is that the episode we're in?"

Finn looked confused. "Huh?"

"Never mind," Blaine told him, scolding himself inwardly, "what did you want to talk about, Finn?"

"Well, I think Bobby-Jean is just…swell. She's pretty, and nice, and she has tons of school spirit. She…she's always at the games, cheering in the stands. I think she'd make a real swell cheerleader. I just think-"

"Finn," Blaine interrupted him, smiling to himself, "do you want to ask Bobby-Jean out?"

"Oh! Oh, well, I…" Finn looked down, bashful. "I was thinking of asking her to go with me to Hummel's after school today."

"Hummel's Diner! Ski – I work there as a soda jerk!"

Finn looked at him funny. "Yeah, Skip, I know. Anyway, I thought I'd talk to you first, seeing as you're her big brother. I know how big brothers like to look out for their sisters."

Blaine figured it was best to keep the plot moving. Hopefully it would please Sue and she'd let him and Santana return to the real world.

"Well, Finn, you and I are buds. And I know you're a nice fellow who will treat Bobby-Jean right. I'm sure she'd be glad to be your date."

Finn grinned. "Thanks, Skip!"

"Sure thing, Finn." As Finn walked away, Blaine kicked his basketball high in the air. It bounced off the bleachers and swished through the net once again.

Santana sat in geography class, examining her nails and trying very hard not to keep looking to her left, where Brittany sat two rows over, listening intently to the teacher.

"Class, now that we've talked about Baker Street, we're going to talk about Main Street," Miss Pillsbury said, using a yardstick to trace along the simple map she had drawn on the chalkboard, "Please pay close attention, as things are getting more complicated now!"

Several students wiggled in their seats at this, and Santana rolled her eyes when someone exclaimed, "Oh boy!" softly.

"Now, can anyone tell me one difference between Baker Street and Main Street?"

A boy with blond hair and a humongous mouth raised his hand.

"Yes, Sam?"

"Well, I live on Baker Street, and Jake lives on Main Street."

Miss Pillsbury smiled brightly. "Very good, Sam! Some people live on Baker Street, while different people live on Main Street. And we all live in Gleetown."

Santana stared in amazement at all the stupidity around her as several people clapped and the boy behind Sam patted him on the shoulder. Narrowing her eyes, she raised her hand.

"Yes, Bobby-Jean?"

"Yeah," Santana drawled, "what's outside of Gleetown?"

Everyone in the class turned to look at her. Miss Pillsbury blinked her giant bush-baby eyes in confusion. "I-I don't understand your question, Bobby-Jean."

"I mean, like…what's at the end of Main Street?"

People started to giggle. Miss Pillsbury smiled at her indulgently.

"Oh, Bobby-Jean." She traced her yardstick along Main Street. "Why, the end of Main Street is the beginning of Baker Street!"

Santana fought the urge to march up and snap her yardstick in half as her classmates tittered. So much for pleasant and courteous.

When class let out, it took Santana a minute to realize someone was trying to get her attention.

"Bobby-Jean! Bobby-Jean!"

Santana looked over her shoulder and stopped in her tracks. Brittany was running towards her, her curly pony tail bouncing and her cheerleading skirt swishing around her calves.

"Oh, hi, Brittany," Santana said, hugging her books to her chest as Brittany fell into step beside her with a smile.

"I just wanted to say I thought you were really brave to ask your question in class today. I get confused sometimes, too. Geography is hard. And sometimes when I say things, people laugh at me, too."

"Well, they shouldn't," Santana snapped, ignoring the fact that she was a giant hypocrite, considering how often she mocked people at McKinley. "No one should be laughing at you. I thought people were supposed to be painfully nice around here."

"I don't mind. I like it when people are happy. Anyway, I thought we could study together for the geography test on Baker Street next week. Since we're both confused, we can help each other! You can come over to my house. How about tomorrow after school?"

"I…yes, that sounds nice, Brittany. Thanks for asking me," Santana murmured, feeling shy. She frowned. She never felt shy.

"Oh boy! It'll be swell, just you wait. Maybe my brother will even be home," Brittany said, and, with a nudge of her shoulder against Santana's, she skipped off.

Santana's eyes roved over her form as she bounced away. She swallowed, feeling her cheeks burning, and then looked away, shaking her head.

She spotted Brittany's brother – Fred? – a head taller than everyone else, staring at her from across the hall. Her lip curled up into half a smile as she squared her shoulders and made her way over to him. Not even an alternate reality was going to stop Santana Lopez from being Queen Bee.