
Most people will tell you Spencer Reid is a genius.

About that at least they are right his intelligence is undeniable, however the remarks about being a computer are far from accurate. Were you to get a good look in his mind you wouldn't find gears or circuits, no you would find a desert a vast ever shifting desert. Thats always the same and always changing, each grain of sand in that desert is just another idea or fact that the good doctor came across one way or another. While the blazing sun of logic over head reveals them for what they are.

Whether the idea in question is a particularly interesting equation or and obscure star trek reference there is room for them all here no matter how seemingly irrelevant they are.

"And all around is the desert a corner of the mournful kingdom of sand" Pierre Loti


First of all I would like to thank anyone who's actually reading my random musing and especially anyone who bothers to review I would also like to thank Nienna Telrunya whose truly brilliant fic Natural Disasters inspired this