"I made my decision," he said sternly. "I'm out of the group." He strides confidently to the door. "What? Are you insane?" Bree cried in so much frustration it made her voice go at least an octave higher. She puts her hands up in disbelief. Her yellow boots stomp their way to Adam, who appears to be apathetic to this whole thing. Bree's pace reminds me of Tasha and her motherly ways. Adam stops, throwing his head back. I follow Bree. "Adam, you can't leave us. We can't do the missions without you," I say as serene as I possibly can. Adam snorted. "Uh, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine." He glances momentarily then focuses on tucking his mission suit away in a plastic bag he picked up from a closet. The zipper gets stuck, aggravating him. The clear plastic rips open as his large Hulk-esque hands jerk apart. He sighs, struggling to calm down. "You'll be fine," he repeats as if we didn't hear him the first time. Bree is fuming. Her hands are folded above her chest and her hands are balled into bony, veiny fists. "For once Adam, act like the bigger person. And I mean that in the most ironic way possible because despite your masculine exterior, you're the one who's got the guts to walk away!" Adam's head shots up and his brows furrow. He turns around, looking directly at Bree. He might as well blast her with red hot lasers. "Yeah, maybe. But what if I wanted to do things other than this shit?"

Honestly, I'm too stunned to even respond. Knowing me, I would take the lead. I would stand between the two to break up the fight, narrate a beautiful speech about family, and then come up with a brilliant agreement. Let's just say it's not quite my day. For the first time in a long while, I have decided to take a step back and actually be the baby in the family.

It wasn't always this way. He was happy with our situation, constant exposure to near death experiences are inclusive. Until now. He's practically not himself.

"Do you not think that I want that too?" Bree was furious now. I've never seen her this mad since... well, forever actually. "Of course I'd want that for myself. I want to travel, celebrate, get married. But guess what, that's not happening." She stopped. I thought she ran out of sappy things to say, but she started sobbing. She's right. None of that is going to happen. Not if you're half robot. "I get that now. I do. I think it's time for you to do the same, Adam." I gently put my hand on Bree's shoulder as my subtle way of reminding her that I understand where all of this is coming from. Not everyone understands you, so once you find one that will, keep tabs on him or her. I can't tell you how safe it feels to have these type of people as your siblings.

"I know I'm not ordinary. You don't have to rub it in." He sighs, collapsing onto the nearest chair. He throws the plastic bag down to the floor with force that made the rips larger. His elbow rests on the arm as his hand supports his head like he's having a headache. He leans back as if contented, allowing his shoulders to ease off the tension. "There's so much out there. You gotta see it, Bree." He smirks. "I mean, the people..." Her arms slowly unknot and drop in exhaustion. "These people need you. There won't be much of a world once it's drowning in evil, will there?" Adam stares into space. He thinks that once he stops talking and zones out, people would just leave him alone. When I was around the age of six, we decided to throw Davenport a surprise birthday party. We had decorations planned and everything. Then, Bree made the wrong choice of entrusting Adam with the food department. I was about to put up these colourful banners I drew myself, but I couldn't reach the hooks so I went to the kitchen to ask Adam for help. There he was, meticulously cooking the steaks away... with his heat vision. The next thing I knew, the steaks were in these enormous flames. It looked enormous to six-year-old me, at least. We had to call Davenport. He was furious upon knowing that Adam used his heat vision recklessly. Bree tried helping him out, though. "Davenport, it's fine. As soon as Chase called me, I put the fire off immediately with my super speed," she explained. That only got her in trouble instead of the other way around. Davenport barked out words like 'irresponsible', 'trouble', and 'up to no good'. He was zoning out during the whole lecture, just like how he does most of the time. Davenport was referring to all of us, but we know that Adam got hit the worst. It seemed like he didn't care at all, but I heard him quietly sobbing in his capsule during the night. That's when I realized that strong, carefree Adam did care. Not just about the failed surprised party, but also him being a bionic.

So, yeah, he's zoning out again, but despite that, I know he's still listening. Bree gets down on her knees and looks straight at him with assurance. "Adam, we're superhumans. It's cliche, but we were created to save people. That's who we are." As the oldest of us three, I would think that he understood that out of all people. But I guess that as the person who had the most experience living this like this, you would be the first to give up. He sucks the inside of his cheeks. I could tell that he's drawing blood out. It's his way of not saying anything at all instead of saying something that could hurt Bree. If there is one person he wouldn't hurt even it would land him a fortune, it's her. She reaches out for his hand and surprisingly, he swats it away from him. I catch her as she staggers and nearly drops to the floor. Adam stands up and briskly walks away, leaving Bree crying once again. It must hurt him a lot to cause Bree's tears to fall twice in a day. The automatic doors, ever so loyal, open without reluctance as he walks toward it. At least the doors are still on his side. I helped her stand up, but instead she let herself sit on the floor, so I sat by her. She rests her head on her palms, completely defeated. Then, I wrap my arms around her, giving her the comfort only a brother could. Her head rests on my shoulder as she lets out quiet sobs. She stayed that way for a good minute. We stayed silent together, while I was thinking of the impossible. Maybe Adam was right. Human life is too good to pass up. There is so much joy I would be able to enjoy leisurely without the constant fear of losing time or the knowledge that I could die any second despite my superhuman abilities. If I had enough drive to do so, I could leave. I'm human too. I'm able to make choices. But the thing is, I'm not completely human. I can't just walk away without feeling the shame and knowing that I have the power to alleviate suffering. I just cannot allow that, no matter how it terribly pains me to ground myself to this thought. Out of nowhere, I felt a drop fall on the back of my hand. My vision becomes cloudy and soon enough, my cheeks felt warm. However, teardrops were able to cool me down. I thought I've accepted it, but I know in my heart that I have not completely. Just this time, I'll allow myself to obliterate my walls. And after this, I promise there will be no crying. There won't be any call-backs. I will be able to say it aloud. I'm not normal.

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