Ziva looked out the window, as the mid winter rain pelted the pavement and the newely planted garden. She frowned, disappointed. She was getting bigger, day by day, and her dear husband was busy investigating murders. Death never really bothered her before; really it was all she knew. But ever since she and Tony became one, ever since she fell pregnant, death was retreating from her mind. For the first time, it was life ruling her thoughts, not death. She finally realised this when she heard her own child's heart beat for the first time. When that moment occurred, everything changed. Death was overshadowed by life, the darkness suddenly brightened. She had similar thoughts when she married Tony, yet not as strongly. Like a candle being lit, followed by a light switch being turned on. Death still held it's presence in her life though, she had to investigate it on a daily basis. But she realised now it was a lot better than delivering it herself. She reflected then, on her days in Mossad. Death consumed her- months and months of planning just to deliver three bullets into a man's chest? Or close combat, that left her with the blood of usually more than one person on her hands? No, for her mental state, NCIS was much better for her. A less brutal approach to her work, and to her life, gradually let life and peace creep back in. Of course, because she was so fragile, after she went though a bad experience, even on American soil, death would storm it's way in, and bring her down to the pits of darkness. Yet, a lot of that changed when she and Tony married. Dark thoughts weren't as likely, or they would go away quicker than before. Sometimes, she would have flashbacks. Of Somalia, and of some of the more brutal missions with the Israelis. Even when she was sleeping with Tony, sometimes it would just be too much. But when the two decided to conceive, Ziva surprisingly had no issues at all. She was ready and she enjoyed it. Because well, she said to herself, who wouldn't enjoy sex with Tony! She laughed to herself, and the little one inside her kicked. It seemed happy. The rain had gradually cleared, and a tiny glimpse of sunshine was teasing the garden that she and Tony had planted together. She smiled to herself as she heard the front door gradually squeak open.

"I brought cookies!