
Shifting about the mattress, causing for the helplessly aged springs below to whine in protest, Izaya Orihara found himself to be rather restless this evening, something that his partner did not appreciate in the slightest.

"Will you stop tossing and turning already?" Shizuo Heiwajima groaned warily, pushing at Izaya's shoulder to halt his disruptive movements.

"But I can't sleep, Shizu-chan," he huffed in response, an obvious annoyance lingering in his tone.

"Can't sleep? Why not?" Shizuo asked, flipping over so that he was facing his raven-haired lover.

"I just can't."

"That's a stupid answer," Shizuo chuckled lightly, reaching out to brush a few stray hairs out of Izaya's face. "Do you feel sick?"

"No, I just can't sleep," Izaya breathed, closing his eyes at Shizuo's surprisingly soft touch.

"Mind elaborating?"

"Sleep eludes me," he drew out sarcastically.

Sighing, Shizuo rested his body weight up on one elbow. He scratched the back of his head, before aimlessly playing with Izaya's hair once more. "Do you have a lot on your mind?"


"You're so difficult," Shizuo scoffed, giving up on what seemed hopeless and flipping over.

"No—" Izaya said suddenly, grabbing Shizuo by his nightshirt.

"Hmm? Do you want me to hold you until you fall asleep, or something? I thought you weren't into girly things like that."

A distinct silence blossomed over the room. Shizuo turned to look back over his shoulder to see if Izaya had fallen asleep, but instead, with his hand still clasped onto his lover's shirt, Izaya was busy trying to hide the very faint blush that dusted over his cheeks.

Laughing softly, but holding no malice to his chorus of chuckles, Shizuo pulled his partner close to his chest. Stroking at the back of Izaya's silky hair, Shizuo whispered, "You know, if this is what you had wanted all along, you could have just said something."

"Shut up…" the raven-haired man hissed in response, the action only deepening his embarrassment.

"Mmm, make me," Shizuo breathed, pressing a loving kiss to the top of Izaya's head. But of course, there was no making of anything that night, because before Shizuo knew it, he had a little raven that was very fast asleep within his arms.

"Goodnight, Izaya."

Hello! Chappy once again!

This drabble was a little on the short side, I know, but I thought some fluff was needed after two days of bickering. XD

I hope you've enjoyed!

- Chappy

P.S. I wasn't able to keep my promise about writing this yesterday, and I apologize for that, but it's here now! :D