Oh mah a god a new fanfic? I realize I have like, 50 fanfics that are unfinished, but the reason why is because halfway through most of them, I run out of ideas and inspiration. But I actually planned this one and HETA unleashed fully through, so I can finish them :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or Soul Eater.

Two Brothers, One Soul

"I'm telling you Mattie, the request said to come here." Alfred sighed as he walked. He had on a white t-shirt, khaki colored pants, black sneakers, and trademark bomber jacket. His brother had on khaki colored pants and a white shirt as well, but wore a white snow jacket and goggled on his head, even though he had glasses on.

"But this is the harbor…why would someone ask for help by a harbor? Unless we have to build a boat or something." Matthew looked around. The request had asked for help at this address, but it didn't clarify what the person needed or what they looked like.

"Well, don't worry Mattie! I'm sure it'll be worth the trouble to come all the way down here! After all, don't you wanna become the first Canadian Death scythe?" Alfred grinned. Matthew nodded and grinned back.

"Hey! Are you two students from DWMA?" They heard a shout. The two brothers turned and saw a boy running towards them. He had a blue uniform and blonde hair. He was wearing a white beret.

"Yeah, we're here for a request, did you send it?" Matthew replied, looking down at the younger boy. The boy nodded his head.

"My name's Tino and I work here. The reason I called was…well my dog Hanatamago ran into the warehouse at the end of the harbor and I'm too scared to go in…" Alfred face-palmed.

"Seriously? You called for a meister and weapon just to go get a dog from a warehouse?" Alfred scowled. Matthew nodded.

"Wait! The warehouse…I didn't want to go in because whenever people go in, they don't come out! I'm worried but I don't want to go in by myself." Tino admitted. Matthew gave Alfred a look.

"No. No way. We are not dog-finders or babysitters." Alfred argued. Matthew sighed.

"Don't do it Mattie." Alfred warned. But it was too late. Matthew used his secret weapon: His puppy dog eyes. Alfred tried not to look but Matthew moved wherever he turned his head.

"Don't you wanna be a Hero Al?" Matthew asked innocently. Alfred sighed and threw up his hands.

"FINE we can go save the dog! Just stop with the eyes!" Alfred finally said. Matthew grinned and Tino smiled.

"Great! Let's go! The warehouse is just down there." Tino led the duo down to the warehouse. As they walked, Matthew was thinking.

"What happened to your friend Berwald?" He asked. Tino frowned.

"Well, you see…

A week ago…

"Come on Berwald! Boss says he needs the fish from in here!" Tino called as he ran into the warehouse, the taller man behind him. They reached the fish and began to lift them when there was a noise. They heard Hanatamago growling and barking. Tino and Berwald exchanged looks before setting down the fish and searching for their dog.

"What was that?!" Tino asked as a loud noise came from the upper level. Berwald shrugged.

"Stay here." He ordered before walking upstairs. Tino waited, but then, he saw something. It terrified him and he dashed out of the warehouse.

"That's what happened. It's my fault! I left him!" Tino was close to tears.

It looked abandoned.

"HANATAMAGO!" Alfred called, the boys splitting up to look for the dog.

"Hanatamago? Here boy!" Matthew called. Matthew went to search the upper level.

"Sheesh. It's so dusty here." Alfred brushed away a cobweb and kept searching.

"AL! I found him!" He heard Matthew call. Alfred grinned. He turned to go to his brother when he tripped.

"OW! Hey what's this…holy crap." Alfred gaped at what he tripped over. A skeleton. Alfred frowned as he searched the skeleton, looking for some sort of ID. He found one, a small nametag was underneath the skeleton.

"'Berwald Oxenstierna' Wait…Berwald? Wasn't that Tino's friend?" Alfred looked up and gasped. There were a lot more skeletons, all with nametags.

"Mathias Densen, Erik and Emil Steilsson, damn how many people died here?" Then, Alfred saw something terrifying.

"No way."


"AL! I found him!" Matthew called, finding the white puppy behind some boxes. The puppy yipped and skipped over. Suddenly, Hanatamago froze and started growling.

"What's wrong boy?" Matthew turned and saw Tino standing there.

"Oh hey Tino! I found Hanatamago!" The dog barked and kept growling. Matthew looked at the dog, confused.

"Hanatamago what's wrong? It's your owner!" Matthew stared at the dog, then at Tino.

"I was getting lonely, since Hanatamago won't play with me anymore. How about it, why don't you play with me Matthew?" Tino cocked his head. Matthew stood up and backed away.

"Tino? What…" "Hey you!" Tino turned and they both saw Alfred, glaring at Tino. Matthew recognized that look.

"You nearly had us Tino. But, now we know your act." Tino scowled, obviously furious.

"In the name of Lord Death, prepared to be cleansed, demon." Alfred glanced at Matthew and nodded. Matthew knew this plan. Tino roared and both teens jumped.

"You think you're so smart, just because you figured out my little act. I thought if I killed a meister and weapon, then I'd finally become a Kishin! I was going to make it nice and short too! But now, now you're going to be in a world of pain." Tino growled. He began to change and Matthew dashed forward, jumping over him. He transformed and Alfred caught him, now in weapon form, a scythe with a white handle and red blade. As Tino finished transforming, he turned to where Matthew was and was shocked. Frankly, so was Alfred and Matthew. Tino now was all black with a mask that covered half his face, which stayed human. His arms were long and he turned, roaring.

"Al! We have no room in here!" Matthew pointed out. Alfred nodded and dodged Tino's punch.

"But we can't threaten the sailors outside!" Alfred pointed out. The two brothers faced the demon, who laughed.

"Is it too cramped for you? Here, let me help!" He swung his arm and smacked Alfred straight through one of the walls. He ended up outside, rolling a few times before coming to a stop on his feet, using one hand to hold himself up. Tino followed them outside as the warehouse collapsed.

"Al! You okay?" Matthew asked, concerned. Alfred grinned and straightened.

"You kidding? We haven't had a real challenge in forever!" Matthew laughed.

"I thought so." Alfred charged the demon, who smirked and punched where Alfred was on the ground, leaving a huge crater in the ground. He raised his hand and stared at it, confused. There was no body or soul for him to eat.

"Hey ugly! Up here!" The demon turned towards Alfred taunting voice. Alfred had jumped and was in the air.

"See ya!" Alfred grinned and brought down the scythe, slicing straight through Tino. His body disappears and all that remains is his soul: red and tainted.

"Crap! Get it Mattie!" Alfred threw the scythe towards the soul, which was entering the ground. They were too late, and Matthew hit the ground as the soul was just out of reach.

"Damn it! So close." Alfred swore. Matthew stood up, rubbing his head where he had hit it.

"Ow. I can't believe we missed another one! That's the third time this month Al!" Matthew complained as the two began to walk back towards their motorcycles.

"Don't worry Mattie! It's just a minor setback. We'll- OW! Kumajirou!" Alfred scowled as the polar bear bit his foot.

"Kuma! Don't bite people it's not nice!" Matthew scolded as he carefully released Alfred's foot from the bear's mouth.

"Pancakes." Kumajirou said. Matthew sighed as he put the bear in the passenger car attached to his bike, buckling him in.

"Oooo Pancakes sound really good bro!" Alfred grinned as he got on his bike.

"Fine! I'll make some when we get back." Matthew sighed. The two brothers rode off, heading back to DWMA.

Death Weapon and Meister Academy

"You lost the soul again? That's the third time this month!" the brothers flinched under their teacher's scolding.

"Well, we didn't even know there'd be a demon in the first place Mr. Beilschmidt!" Alfred protested. Matthew nodded. Alfher Beilschmidt sighed, running his hand through his blonde hair.

"That's true, this was only a 1-star mission that should've been ranked higher. But that's no excuse! As the meister of a possible future Death Scythe, you need to be more-" "HEY ALFHER!" Alfher was interrupted by the other teacher, Gino, who entered the classroom.

"Gino not now!" Alfher hissed. Gino laughed.

"Don't you think them losing the soul is bad enough? Just let them go! Anyways, I came to tell you that Ludwig and Gilbert are heading off on their mission. Better hurry or you'll miss them." Alfher scowled and ran off. Gino winked at the twins, who left the classroom.

"Geez. Sorry Mattie, guess I'm still not very good at this meister-stuff." Alfred sighed. Matthew shook his head.

"Hey, we have 25 souls! That's ¼ of the way there Al! We'll get there, don't worry!" Alfred grinned.

"So…does this mean we can go get pancakes?!" Matthew laughed.

"Yes Al, we can go get Pancakes." Alfred grinned and grabbed Matthew's hand, pulling him back to their dorm.

Random Forest in Heilbronn, Germany

"Ah it's good to be home! Of course, I didn't think we'd be hunting demons but it's nice to be back!" Gilbert grinned as he walked by his younger brother, Ludwig. Gilbert had white hair and red eyes, both of which were covered by a black hoodie and black sunglasses. He also wore black jeans and converse. Ludwig had slicked back blonde hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a black tank-top and dark green pants under black boots.

"True. So, who are we looking for again?" Ludwig asked. Gilbert took out the request form.

"Let's see…some chick called the 'Phantom of Heilbronn' or 'Woman without a face'. Apparently she's killed 6 people, including a police officer, and left another one in a coma. Our job is to well, get rid of her." Gilbert folded up the paper and put it in his pocket.

"Don't you think we should've told Vatti we were leaving? He's going to be mad that we didn't." Ludwig sighed as they walked through the forest. Gilbert shrugged.

"He's always mad at me for something. Besides, he would've gone through the checklist again. Did you really want to wait around for that?" Gilbert laughed. Ludwig chuckled.

"True. So we need to find this phantom and head to the store to buy Beer and Wurst so that when we go back we have a way to calm him down quickly." Ludwig grinned. Gilbert nodded.

"Please! Someone help me!" They heard someone scream. They exchanged looks and ran towards the sound.

"No way, Lizzie?" Gilbert bent down by the woman who screamed. She had long brown hair and was wearing jeans and a green tank-top. She looked up, shocked.

"Gil? What are you…I thought you were at DWMA!" Elizaveta stood up, brushing off her jeans.

"We're doing a request that happened to bring us here. Was that you who screamed?" Gilbert asked. Elizaveta nodded.

"S-someone was following me and Roderich. I don't know where he went but we got separated. I'm worried!" Elizaveta grabbed Gilbert's arm. Gilbert gave Ludwig an apologetic look.

"Please Gil? You have to help me find him! I know we aren't supposed to be here in the first place but it's the quickest way to get to school!" Elizaveta pleaded. Ludwig sighed.

"Sure thing Lizzie. We can't leave Roddy out here by himself, the prince would wet himself." Gilbert smirked. Elizaveta grinned and grabbed Gilbert's hand.

"Come on! I last saw him over here." Gilbert and Ludwig was led deeper into the forest. Elizaveta was a close friend, one of the few who accepted Gilbert despite him being a weapon. Roderich was another, Elizaveta's boyfriend and Gilbert's friend.

"So, should we split up or something?" Gilbert asked, looking around. There were two paths other than the one we came from.

"No need. Me and Roddy were walking down that path. The only other way he could've gone was this path!" Elizaveta led them down the left path. Soon, they reached a clearing.

"S-Stay away from me!" They heard a cry. The trio exchanged glances before running towards the voice. They saw Roderich, wearing a white shirt with a black tie and black pants, on the ground, crawling away from a demon. It had long brown hair and a red bow. It also was a giant freaking spider.

"Holy shit!" Gilbert gaped.

"RODERICH!" Elizaveta ran over to her boyfriend.

"LIZZIE! Aw shit!" Gilbert and Ludwig ran after her. The spider turned towards the newcomers. Roderich took the chance and got up, running towards the trio.

"You two, get out of here! Gilbert, let's go." Ludwig ordered. Elizaveta and Roderich nodded and ran away, holding hands. Gilbert smirked.

"So, may I suggest an AK-47? Or should we go pistol? Maybe shotgun?" Gilbert suggested. Ludwig smirked.

"How about…machine pistol?" Gilbert laughed with joy and transformed. Ludwig caught the weapon and spun it.

"Don't show off West. Let's dust this bitch!" Gilbert grinned. Ludwig nodded. The spider roared.

"You think you can kill me? I've killed meisters before. Remember the police woman? That bitch was easy. Of course, her weapon got away with just a coma, but no matter." The spider hissed. Ludwig scowled.

"Phantom of Heilbronn, in the name of Lord Death prepare to have your soul cleansed." Ludwig recited from memory. He sprang into action. The Phantom lifted one of it's legs and crashed it down to where Ludwig was standing. Ludwig swore and rolled out of the way, shooting at the knee. The spider roared, but seemed unaffected. It kept trying to smash Ludwig with it's legs.

"West this is not working!" Gilbert shouted. Ludwig dodged another leg.

"You think I don't realize that!? What should we do then?!" Ludwig asked.

"I don't know…HOLY SHIT!" Gilbert screamed as the spider spat silk, hitting the gun and pulling it away from Ludwig.

"GILBERT!" Ludwig shouted. The spider silk sparked and Gilbert screamed with pain, reverting back to human form.

"BRUDER!" Ludwig was hit with a spider leg, that swept him to the side, into a tree.

"Shit." Gilbert struggled weakly to get out of the silk. The spider dropped the silk and Gilbert fell to the ground, still tangled.

"I'll be back for you." The spider walked over to Ludwig.

"Shit. WEST GET UP! FOR FUCK'S SAKE GET UP AND RUN!" Gilbert shouted. Ludwig stood up, putting a hand on the tree for support. He looked up and swore. His instincts kicked in and he dove underneath the spider as it crushed the tree. He rolled out from underneath and dashed towards the silk covered Gilbert.

"Sup bro. Lovely weather we're having." Gilbert said sarcastically. Ludwig scowled.

"Less joking, more fighting." He managed do untangle Gilbert enough for Gilbert to get out.

"Sniper." Ludwig instructed. Gilbert grinned and transformed. Ludwig held the gun as he was trained. He aimed at the spider's head.

"Better take the shot bro." Gilbert said.

"If you just give me a second to concentrate-""She's gonna come and kill us bro."

"I get it I'm lining up the-"

"You're going to miss it."

"Just be quiet and let me-"

"Hey West! Hey! Hey West!" There was a loud bang as Ludwig took the shot, hitting the spider in the forehead.

"THERE! I TOOK THE FUCKING SHOT! SHE'S DEAD, THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE! ARE YOU HAPPY?!" Ludwig shouted, throwing the sniper on the ground. Gilbert transformed, rubbing his head.

"Ow dude! Not cool. Now, excuse me." He turned and grabbed the red soul as it floated down. He grinned and licked his lips.

"Lasst uns essen!" He sang and he shoved the soul in his mouth. Gilbert swallowed and grinned.

"Awesome! What's that, number 30? Only 69 humans and 1 witch to go West!" Gilbert grinned and jogged to catch up with his brother.

"Did you have to irritate me to take the shot Gil?" Ludwig asked. Gilbert laughed.

"You and me both know you wouldn't have taken the shot otherwise. You're too picky! Who cares how messy it dies, it all disappears in the end anyways!" Gilbert grinned. Ludwig smacked him on the back of the head.

"Let's just go back to DWMA. It looks like Elizaveta and Roderich left us anyways."


"So, how was your mission?" Alfred asked, opening the door to the dorm they shared with the brothers.

"Success. Of course, the awesome me had to convince West to take the shot again but- OW! Gott Verdammt! BIRDIE! YOUR STUPID BEAR BIT ME AGAIN!" Gilbert shouted. Kumajirou was hanging from his arm. Matthew ran up, getting the bear to release Gilbert.

"Why is he here?" The bear asked. Matthew sighed.

"He's our roomate Kuma! Now be nice!" Kumajirou scowled at Gilbert as Matthew carried him away.

"Ludwig couldn't take the shot again?" Alfred grinned. Ludwig scowled as they walked in.

"Shut it. All that matters is that Gilbert got the soul. How was your mission?" Ludwig asked. Alfred sighed.

"Don't tell me you lost the soul again…" Gilbert sat down on the couch. Alfred grinned sheepishly.

"In our defense, we didn't know there would be a demon in the first place." Alfred argued. Ludwig rolled his eyes.

"You need to try harder Alfred! Think of how this is affecting Matthew." He scolded. Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Save it, your dad already gave us the speech. Speaking of which, you should go find it before he kicks open the door." the brothers exchanged a glance before running out of the dorm. Alfred sighed and took a bite of his pancake. Just another typical day at DWMA.

Epicness just happened! If you're confused:

Gilbert and Matthew are weapons, Alfred and Ludwig are meisters.

Alfred is partners with Matthew, Ludwig is partners with Gilbert.

Gilbert can turn into any gun, Matthew is a scythe (lack of idea)

Demons are trying to become Kishin by eating human souls.

Tino ate Berwald's, Mathias', Emil's, and Erik's souls.

Hanatamago is a dog, so he can sense demons and ghosts and stuff.


REVIEW FOR EPIC NEW FANFIC! And pancakes. Canadian pancakes.

Alfred- America




Alfher Beilschmidt- Germania

Gino Vargas- Rome

Tino- Finland

Berwald- Sweden

Mathias- Denmark

Emil- Iceland

Erik- Norway

Elizaveta- Hungary

Roderich- Austria

Phantom of Heilbronn- actual murderer: never caught. Basically 6 people were killed, one of which was a police officer and the officer's partner was put in a coma and woke up with no memory of the whole thing.