Sharp Edges: Chapter 1

Characters: Yayoi Nakayama and Agito Wanijima.

Yayoi's life is full of twist and turns. Now becoming Agito's tuner, she must endure the challenges that comes with it. Will she keep her emotions tact while managing to keep up a good job.

I don't own Air Gear nor the characters.

1 month later after Trick: 357.

"Damn, this screw won't budge."

"Yayoi, you need a power screw driver. Screws that neared the core tend to be pretty tight. And be carefully not to touch the wires on that. They are very hard to readjust once moved. " Kururu explained.

"I'll keep that in mind next. Thanks."

"I'll come back when you need me." She walked the hallway to the mainroom.

It has been 3 weeks since I joined Tool Toul To as a trainee. I'm not yet a member since I still have a lot of catching to do; but luckily, Kururu tutors me on the technology and the basics and is a patient mentor. She is also a great friend to be around just like Emily.

"Yayoi, it's already 9pm. You should get going." Kana's monotone voice unearths over my personal divider.

Kana has grown attached to me these past few weeks. Maybe, it was comforting for her to have someone like me for a change. We, two, enjoyed the silence more than anything and right now we talk to each other only when deemed necessary. Not to mention that fact that our Kings, in a certain way, are absurdly similar to each other. Both let on far less than they actually mean and both, too, are too arrogant for their own good.

"Be right there after I finish this."

I was finishing on the newest design of the Fang Regalia. It took a lot of convincing before Agito finally agreed with my terms. In my opinion, the Fang Regalia's output may be at 80% but I want to it to reach its full potential. The events of last month made it a little harder for me to get a chance to enhance the Regalia due to its excessive need. I always wonder what happened to Sora though. Ringo says that he is exiled to a small rural island south of Okinawa but no one really know what actually happened to him. I was shocked that Rika- neesan got the strength to forgive him but those are the things people do for love

"Better hurry it up. Kururu wants to keep the place to herself tonight." Kana explained.

She was obviously excited for the newly opened Thai fast food just 2 blocks from the headquarters but tends to hide it behind a cool mask.

"Okay. All right. Geesh! I just need to clean up." Shit, I was just finishing the core. I hated to not finish this as early as possible. This will only mean that Agito can't have his AT's for one more day. This also means, I would have an earful of him tonight.

I quickly arranged my tools to my newly bought toolbox and cleaned my designated area. After all that is done, I carefully got the AT's and placed it on its very expensive safe box. "Agito really owes me a hella lot of money." I thought to myself. I slinged everything onto my back then went out my station to Kana.

"What took you so late, Yoi? I am starving here." Kana lets out walloping cry of starvation. I giggled after seeing the hot pink blush on her doll face.

"Got some work with the Regalia. Sorry."

"Judging from your worry, Agito will not be happy about this."

"No Shit Sherlock!" I humored her while tangling her abyss hair. It will always be good advantage to be taller than her.

"*Hmmmpphhh." She looked frustrated but nonetheless, cute. Damn, I wish I have a sister like her.

"Better get going. I'm hugry too myself." I stretched my muscles while entering the mainframe room. It was a spectacle to see. The grandeur of interloping wires and beeping softwares made this place the center of our entire operations. We walked through the room to the exit door in the opposite corner of the dome.

"Bye, guys!" I waved goodbye to the other tuners we were also busy cleaning up. I warmed up to the other members in due time since we are all in the same boat anyways.

"Bye, Kana! Bye, Yoi!" Konomi yelled from the bottom of the Tool Toul To mainframe. She was obviously fixing the motherboard. Kururu really has some strange habits sometimes. I, as a newcomer, am not yet trusted by it and Kana was not really interested in those things.

Right after we exited the building, we walked two blocks east to the new Thai fast food which Kana was so excited about. We quickly ordered our food and decided to take them out for the walk home. We did our usual commute to the train station where Kana would ride the train to the south part of the city.

Halfway to the station, we greeted by a familiar presence.


I jerked to the sound of Nue's voice above the nearest electric post. Kana seems unfazed by it. I was wondering this will be a regular thing to me as a tuner. If it is then I should better learn from this as a headstart.

"What is it now, Nue?" Kana continued eating her lettuce rolls above her fried rice.

"The wires got tangled up again." Kana instantly gave Nue a deathstare.

"How many times did I told you to not to let the children play with it while I'm repairing the recoils?" Kana said with great firmness.

"Apparently, you did not tell me that it wasn't repaired yet." Nue replied monotonely.

"Did you not hear the part where I said that shipment will not arrive till tomorrow?" Kana reminded.

The next few seconds were utterly bizarre to me. The two exchange stares while changing their facial features. It was like they were talking telepathically. The act was short- lived after Kana gave out a sigh and faced me.

"I will be going with Nue for a while. Can you walk home yourself?" She apologetically explained.

"Sure. I'll alright." I let out a convincing smile to reassure the girl.

"Thanks." She seems half-bought the smile I gave her.

Kana hurried finish her dinner and search for the nearest garbage can. That was when Nue dropped down and scooped her oh-so naturally into a bridal position.

"I'm sorry for the bother, Nakayama-san." Nue spoke directly to me for the first time.

"Bye, Yoi." Kana waved as they disappeared to the night sky.

I waved back until I could no longer see them through the blackness. I guess the trip home would a little more boring today. My walk home was a mere 8 blocks southeast of the headquarters so I followed to the routine and walked home in deep silence.

Two blocks pass, I started reminiscing of the time that I became Agito's tuner. At that time, it was Lind that took control of the body. The images of a desperate Lind echo through my memories. I was never really sure of tuning nor the tech itself but that spontaneous made me realize that my body was in control of the moment. The act, itself, was intimate enough but the so-called kiss underwater really threw off the roof.

I stopped at a tiny paddle in the road to see a reflection of myself. I was red as radish.

I shook off the thoughts out to take the time to clear my head. As a Link tuner, I must separate my feelings from the job. Not only will I jeopardize the whole ordeal but I will also get a huge nag from the master.

I continued walking down my path. Now with only two blocks to go, I slowed my steps to relax to the residential area. The road was practically empty so I decided to close my eyes to listen to the surroundings.

Suddenly, I was greeted by a pair of heavy footsteps that was trying their best to stealth through the pavement. So much for my peaceful walk. I speeded up to escape this ordeal. Step by step, I increased momentum. Worst-case scenario, I would run like hell but the heavy backpack is keeping me from doing so.

As the footsteps move in closer, I doubled my current speed. Apparently, it was no use since the creep still got to grab hold of my left arm. I tried to escape but his grip was too hard to nudge off quickly. I turned to face this deranged man.

All I saw was a middle-aged neet. Judging from the clothes he is wearing, an old stained shirt and tattered pants, he was kicked out by his parents. And judging from the redness of his eyes and weird compulsion, this guy is high on drugs. I panicked and struggled to release myself but ended up a fail attempt. His strength was overwhelming even for someone who is clearly not productive in life.

"Hey, girly. Wanna go with me tonight?" He asked like the outrageous lunatic that he is.

"In your wildest dreams!" My mouth reached for the hand and bit it until the creep lets go. Then right away, I dashed for my life to my house.


He is now catching up with me. Now, even my track field abilities were useless because of the heavy cargo I'm carrying. I ran as fast as I could. I mutter some screams in hopes for someone to hear but I was also careful enough to not wake the whole neighborhood.

I felt a touch on my left wrist and I was jerked back by the pull. "Shit! He caught me!"

"Tag you're it!" His smile was sinister.

Now, cold sweat drops from the corners of my face. I could feel my legs going numb with fear. I attempted to punch him with my other hand but ended up an epic fail since he easily grabbed it with his other hand.

"We have a feisty one, eh?" I found it so repulsive the way he bit his lower lip. That sends shivers down my spine.

"AGHHRRR!" I screamed and this time with the plan of waking up the whole neighborhood.

Upon losing his patience, the sadistic psycho kicked me in the stomach which hurt a significant much and threw me off the losing me breaths. He tore part of my shirt off while struggle to stop what he's doing. He continued kicking me all around until the time that I was on the verge of losing my consciousness. I took swallows breaths as blood poured out my mouth. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. I felt my knees crumble and my will break. I felt the world swirling out of control. I close my eyes and felt the ground hit my face. I waited for the worst to come.

"Ahhh, the little birdie could take it. Now what to do-"A kick came from nowhere which leaves him not finishing his sentence. Then was followed a series of painful strikes that caused the "creep" to fret and judging from the distance of the cry, the kick also caused him to fly off his position. The creep staggered for breaths from that unforeseen event.

Someone actually came and rescued me. The hopes that died inside me suddenly erupted. And right around this time, I was already seeing myself in a ditch somewhere. Raped and murdered are never good things to help people remember you by.

The sudden turn of events gave the strength to open my eyes. My vision was quickly adjusted to the figures in front of me. Suddenly, a wave of emotions descended upon me,

"FUCKING SICK BASTARD!" Agito's voice deafened me.

He began kicking the creep, who was now crouching in the pavement holding on to dear life.

"Stop it! I'm begging you." The person cried out in desperation.

"Don't you know how pissed I am right now?!" *kick

"Do you know how much shitholes like you annoy me?" *kick

"Do you know much I want to kill you right now?" *kick

I feared the person in front of me. It wasn't Agito. It was a whole different person. It was that side of him that I always pray I never see.

I gathered my remaining strength in focusing on getting up. Pain erupts everywhere as bruises started to darken and muscles ache. I use my arms as leverage and forced my legs to lift up my body. With deep breaths, I continued a very painful ascend upward until I was on my feet. It didn't take long for me to move my legs forward. One in front of the other, I was drawing the distance between me and Agito.

I stretch my arms from side to side and embraced it around Agito's back. With my head lying on his back, I started.

"Stop it."

"Are you FUCKING seriously? Did you forget what this guy did to you?"

"I know but Agito you are better than this. Please I'm begging you to stop."

"SHIT." Agito curled both his hands to fists until his knuckles turns white to the bone. I could sense that this was conflicting him but his very nature rallies him to do more harm than good. I bare myself for his reply but I was greeted by silence. Agito was silent for a short while. It was too long to be normal. After a while, I could feel his muscles loosen up and his arms drop to his side. I freed him from my embrace. This gave him the chance to turn and face me. I looked up to see his face.

"FUCK. What the hell is wrong with you?" He obviously was still mad.

"That creep already cold in the pavement. There is no need for anything more."

He took one more look at the maniac and looked back at me. I could still feel his need to beat up the lunatic but I couldn't stand being here anymore. He shed his Kogarasumaru jacket and placed it in my shoulders since I was underdressed.

"Fuck. Why you have to be so annoying?"

"Can we just call the cops and get away from here?"

I turned to unsling my backpack to get my phone which still secured in my back. Then suddenly, a sharp pain from my side triggers which caused me to recoil back. I grinded my teeth while my knees buckled down. Agito lend out a hand which I took to keep myself from falling down to cold ground again.

"Let's just get you home first or would you rather go to a nearby clinic?"

"Just take me home." He looped my arm around his shoulders to support me.

We walked to my house in silence. With only one block to go, we made our way to my front gate in a few short minutes.

"Where are the keys?" Agito broke the silence.

"On the left side pocket of my backpack."

He helped me lean on the gate wall and took my backpack. He, now, went on scavenging my belongings. When he found the keys, he quickly opened the gates and doors and led me inside my house. We, then, climbed the stairs and walked to my room.I opened the door and tottered across the room thus leaving Agito outside my room. I placed my belongings in the table on the corner without further requiring Agito's help. I drop my body to my bed and crush over the covers.

"Should I call Ringo for you?" Agito asked from outside.

"That would be nice." I muffled under the covers. I obviously need the care since it would take time for me to heal my bruises.

As he turned to walk out on the hallway, I stopped him his tracks.

"Thanks for everything today, Agito. I don't know what would happened if you weren't there." I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes. I honestly was bottling up my emotions from ordeal. Now that my voice it breaking, I magically decided to crack the shell.

"But I was there. You don't need to think any other way."

I managed to smile at the goofed off knowledge. There was no need for me to contemplate on anything else right now.

"Either way, Thank you."

When he finally got the chance to walk out, he was then repelled back at my door with a gleaming question.

"Does this also mean that I can't get to use my AT's soon?"

"I guess so. I'm sorry."

"You owe me bigtime." He growled, closed my door and hurriedly walked out my house.

It was such a bad day for me today. I was about to do a Link Tune today for the final adjustment but I guess that will just wait till my body heals.

As Ringo arrived, she decided to enter my window since it was quicker.

"Agito told me what happened. Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Agito beat the creep before he even did anything worse."

She hugged me and cried for my sake. I can't help but also shed the tears that I was holding in for so long.

"I was so worried about you."

She thought it as best for me to rest and ask the questions tomorrow. She quickly applied hot compresses and bandages to help prevent the swelling and slowly returned me to my bed.I slowly close my eyes and finally drifted to sleep.

Author's note: Since this is my first fanfiction, it was still a little off. I know I change a little of Agito's and Yayoi's personalities. I was hoping to make them more compatible since their original personalities were so hard to depict and not so compatible with each other. I will still be maintaining their tsunadere side with a twist.

Hopefully, you guys love this. Please reviews. I really need constructive criticism.