Teen Wolf – I'm not a Hero: A Stiles and Derek fanfic

His feet were taking him deeper into the dark forest. Before he knew it, his fingers were digging into the earths' ground, the dirt getting underneath his growing fingernails. But he kept going, either unaware or lacking seeing anything out of the ordinary. Through the forest he ran on all fours. He didn't stop until he saw a figure, illuminated only by the full moon above them. Skeptically, he paused for only a moment until the figure tilted his head back and howled.

That's when he woke up.

Stiles sat up in his bed alarmingly with sweat dripping from his face. I have got to stop reading about this shit before bed, he thought to himself as he picked up the book on Werewolves and Other Mythical Creatures that was laying haphazardly on the bed next to him. Wearily, he turned his head and looked over at the clock. The numbers shined in his eyes, causing him to squint and blink. Resting his head back down against his pillow, he was about to close his eyes when he heard the sound of a door closing.

Climbing out of bed, Stiles made his way out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. "Dad?" he asked.

"Hey son," Sheriff Stilinski sighed, taking a seat at the dinner table. He took off his hat and placed it next to him before resting his head in his hands.

"You okay? It's three in the morning." Stiles was normally curious when his dad came home late but over the course of the past few weeks, he had been even more curious and sometimes worried.

"It's nothing Stiles, really," the sheriff said. "What are you doing up anyways? As if I actually want to know."

"Oh, I just woke up and heard the door close." Stiles sat down across from his dad. "So, what was it, another dead body? Robbery?"

"It was nothing Stiles."

"Oh come on. Just tell me. I swear I won't tell Scott. You got to at least clue me in," said Stiles, trying to lighten up the conversation.

"Stiles for the last time it was nothing." It wasn't a yell, but Stiles fell silent. "I was just taking a drive."

"At three in the morning?"

"Yes, at three in the morning. Anything else you want to know?"

Stiles frowned and studied his father. Ever since the events leading up to and proceeding the last lacrosse game, Stiles had noticed a change in his fathers usual behavior and mood.

"No I guess that's it," Stiles whispered, standing up and heading back to the stairs.

"Stiles," his dad said right as he reached the base of the stairwell. Stiles turned around and looked at his father. "How's your face?"

Stiles bit his lip, remembering how he really got hurt after the game, rather than what he had told his dad. "It's fine," he lied before walking back to his room. The physical pain was gone, that part was true. But the emotional pain behind the scars and bruises was a different story. Stiles not only wished that he could tell his dad what really happened, but wished that he didn't have to. He was sick of people telling him that he was strong when he felt the exact opposite. He wanted to be a hero.

Chapter 2 up soon! Let me know what you think :)