Chapter 23- This is it!

Stiles wandered into his room on his first day home, his father trailing behind him. "I have to go back to the station. Please stay here and out of trouble. I should be home before eleven."

"You can count on me, dad. Scott said he would come over and hang out while I'm on house arrest."

The sheriff rolled his eyes. "You're not on house arrest. You just need to stay in, doctors orders."

"I feel fine." Stiles said, wincing as he climbed on top of his bed. "Besides feeling like I just went sky diving without a parachute."

"Call me if you need anything."

"Dad?" Stiles asked just as the sheriff left the room.

The sheriff tipped his head back in. "Yeah?"

"Thanks." Stiles smiled and his father smiled back before heading out. Stiles could hear his father go downstairs and out to his car. Once he heard the police car leave the driveway, he called Scott and ended up having to leave a message. "Scott, it's me. I'm home and bored out of my mind. Give me a call or just show up. You know where the spare is." Stiles hung up and rested his head on his pillow, not planning on falling asleep but doing so.

Stiles rolled over on top of Derek, laying his head on Derek's chest. "You know, one of these days, you're going to have to say it."

Derek traced a finger around Stiles' bare back. "Say what?"

"You know what," Stiles replied. Lifting his head, he closed his eyes and moved towards Derek's face for a kiss. Dereks lips were chapped but inviting just how Stiles liked it. When he opened his eyes, he pulled back in confusion.

"You okay babe?" Lydia asked. She was lying right where Stiles could have sworn Derek Hale was.

"Yeah," Stiles replied leaning in for another kiss. Lydia's lips were softer and more delicate than Dereks and for some reason, Stiles didn't enjoy it. Lydia could tell when their kiss broke.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Nothing, I swear."

"Stiles, you're lying to me. I know when you're lying," Lydia nagged. Stiles felt himself sitting up and turning away from the naked love of his life in his bed next to him. "Stiles, Stiles, Stiles."


Stiles' eyes burst open to see Scott, laughing at something. Stiles yawned and sat up in his bed. "Hey, welcome back to earth."

Stiles frowned and ran his hands across his face. "Ugh, you would not believe the dream I just had. Derek Hale was," Stiles stopped when he looked around his room and saw Derek sitting at his desk. "In my room, right now. What the hell."

"Look, I told you I was going to make you," Scott started before Stiles stopped him.

"Believe that you are a werewolf. Right. Well, impress me." Stiles crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. Scott looked over at Derek who nodded.

"Please don't freak out," Scott said.

"Yeah, okay. Like I'm going to," Stiles' jaw dropped when he saw Scott's eyes turn bright gold and in an instant, had turned. "Holy shit, you're a werewolf! Dude, I can't fucking believe it. I'm sorry I didn't believe you." Stiles practically jumped out of his bed. "But you can uh, change back any time because no offense but you're kind of ugly." Scott turned back. "How could I not remember that my best friend is a freaking werewolf."

"Told you."

Stiles then looked over at Derek. "So, you one too?" Derek growled, his razor sharp teeth shining in the light. "I'll take that as a yes. So now what?"

"Derek has a plan that might be able to get your memory back."
"How much have I missed?"
Derek stood up and walked over to Scott and Stiles. "Quite a lot actually."

Scott got a knowing look from Derek and nodded. "Well, this has been fun but Alison is waiting for me so, I'm going to go."

"Wait, so you're just going to leave me here with him?" Stiles asked, panicked. "What if he kills me?"

"Trust me, he's not going to kill you." Scott walked over to the window and opened it. "Have fun you too," he said as he hopped out, closing the window behind him.

"Front doors are too mainstream for werewolves?" Stiles joked. Derek looked down at him. "Sorry." Stiles moved his legs so Derek could sit down. "So, um, I guess we know each other."

"Yeah, you could say that."

Stiles nodded in the uncomfortable silence. "I'm um, sorry I don't remember anything. Thanks for saving my life. That's what everyone told me you did, I guess." Derek only stared at Stiles. "You don't like to talk much, do you?"

"I have my moments."

"So, Scott said that you knew a possible way of getting my memory back?"


"Alright. So what is it? Some weird voodoo werewolf magic or something?"

Derek let out a small, almost inaudible laugh. "Something like that." Derek breathed out before continuing. "I don't know what you've been told about," he hesitated, "us, but we started to get pretty serious."

Stiles knit his brows in confusion. "What do you mean, serious?"

Derek knew this was going to be impossible to explain so instead he rolled his neck and leaned in to kiss Stiles, who was in complete shock. The kiss wasn't long but lingered just enough to have Stiles wanting more.

"Woah," Stiles whispered when the kiss broke. "That was um, unexpected. I mean no offense, I don't remember it. So were we like dating or something?" Stiles broke into a sly grin.

"Not officially." Derek said, his neutral, expressionless face showing again like normal.

"Okay, so does my dad know?"


"He's okay with it?"


Stiles' eyes widened. "Sorry, bare with me, this is a lot to take in. So wow. You and me."

"I can leave if this is too much for you." Derek began to stand up but Stiles grabbed a hold of his arm and stopped him.

"No," Stiles almost begged. "I mean, sorry, no this is fine." Derek sat back down.

"So what do you have to do to get my memory back?"

"I uh, have to mate with you."

"Like mate mate? Like-" Stiles began to ask with concern.


"Oh. Okay. I was expecting something a little less...physical."

"Me too, but it might be the only way."

"So uh how does it work? I mean the memory thing. Like what makes it different from uh regular stuff?" Stiles blushed as he clarified his question.

Derek himself almost blushed when he explained. "When I reach my climax, I have to turn and a chemical will be released that will stimulate certain parts of your brain." Stiles smirked at how clear it was that that was almost painful for Derek to explain.

"How do you know it will work?"

"I don't."

"Oh. And this would mean that I'm your mate. For life?"

Derek closed his eyes. "Yes," he said, almost ready to take everything back. "Look Stiles, I know that this must be a lot for you to handle but we don't have to-"

"I want to," Stiles interrupted.


"I don't know what it is, but I can like feel like it's the right thing to do. I can just tell that I'm missing out on a lot of important things."

"Stuff you wouldn't believe if we just told you," Derek added.

"Well," Stiles took a deep breath in and let it out. "Let's do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You do still kind of scare the hell out of me but I believe you so far." Stiles shifted his body upward. "Just, go easy on me. This hasn't really been my strongest week."

Derek nodded and leaned in, kissing Stiles' lips softly. He pulled back just a little before Stiles pushed forward and their lips met again. Cautiously, Derek brought his hands around to cup Stiles' face. As he did so, Stiles tugged on Dereks' shirt, pulling him all the way onto the bed and practically on top of him. Stiles let his hands explore Dereks muscular body.

"I can't believe I don't remember this," Stiles moaned as Derek began to move his lips down Stiles' neck, nipping at bit of skin sticking out from the neck of his shirt. Stiles brought his hands back to his own body and began to strip off his shirt. Derek sat up and watched Stiles. When the shirt was fully discarded, Derek began to take his own off too.

Stiles was nervous but excited. His blood was rushing through his veins, his heart beating fast. This was actually happening. What struck Stiles the most was that he knew this wasn't the first time either, and probably wouldn't be the last, even though it felt brand new.

It didn't take much longer before both boys were completely naked. Slowly, Derek took Stiles' legs and brought them up over his shoulders.

"Ready? I promise to go slow," Derek looked Stiles in the eyes.

"I'm ready," Stiles replied softly.

The first thrust was slow but Stiles still cried out. "You okay?" Derek asked, concerned. "I can stop if I'm hurting you."

"Keep going," Stiles groaned.

Dereks' hips sped up slowly but he made sure not to hurt Stiles. Leaning down, he kissed Stiles hungrily, their tongues clashing sloppily together. Derek pushed into Stiles over and over, Stiles moaning with pleasure. Sure he was in some pain but it didn't matter to him anymore.

"Okay, Stiles, I really, hope, this works," Derek gasped between pants. Stiles closed his eyes in anticipation for pain but none came. He opened his eyes wide when he saw Derek in his werewolf state but in almost an instant was blinded by a wave of energy, flooding his brain.

And suddenly it all came back to him. Every last detail about everything that had happened to him. "I remember," were the only two words that Stiles could express, breathing heavily. Derek, for one of the first times that Stiles could think of, smiled brightly with relief. He pulled out of Stiles and quickly pressed their sticky sweat covered bodies together, smashing their lips together.

"God I love you, Stiles," Derek said, surprising Stiles. "I'm sorry I couldn't say it before. You truly are a hero, my hero."

For the first time, Stiles didn't question it. He was a hero. Derek's hero. And that was more perfect than he could ever ask for.

The end :D I really hope everyone liked it! I had so much fun writing this! Thank you so much for all the great reviews and words of encouragement to continue writing! It really means a lot to me! All that's left is praying that something like this actually happens on the show! So thank you again!