Hello. This is my second story and I hope you all enjoy. I kind of made this for my personal pleasure. I will update as I see certain topics occur in my classes: World History, English, ect. You probably will learn a few things as the story progresses. So I warn you. See? I'm fair.

We aren't normal. As a matter of fact, no human is normal. But that doesn't help our case because we aren't human any more. No. We have never been human. I don't know what we are anymore, but we are definitely not "normal" or human. We are… monsters living in their world. A world filled with the blessed and tainted with the damned.

That's what we are: damned. According to the man that created us, we are not among the living. Nor are we among the dead. We reside between the two. We are immortal creatures created by no "normal" human.

We were created by a doctor to be the ultimate life forms long, long ago. Back in those days, we sought to kill and taint the world with our immortal blood. Back in those days, sins were our friends and God was our enemy. Back in those days, we were naïve and young. But things have changed.

Now we live to cleanse the world of the "doctor's" sins and evil deeds. We seek to purify it through our new master's ideals by God. Now we are wise beyond our preferred years.

What are we? Well, you could call us monsters. You could call us the Devil's spawns. You could even call us nothing. But only you could, because you know us. But to the world, we are just your normal, everyday citizens who just happen to have been seen all throughout history. To them, we are "normal."

"NEEEEEEJJJIIIII!" A pretty young girl (about the age of 10) came zooming down the populated streets of Konoha City at an alarming rate. "Get out of the way! I can't stop my skates!" The girl yelled as she swerved through the throng of people who hurriedly moved aside.

At the bottom of the hill, outside of an abandoned warehouse, stood a handsome young gentleman and his beautiful girlfriend. Both were conversing amongst themselves while obliviously standing in the exact direction the small girl was coming to.

"Neji, do you want to go see that new movie? Sakura and Ino went and said it was really good!" The female was about a head and a half shorter than her boyfriend. Her chocolate brown hair was held in twin buns at the top of her head, matching her deliciously brown eyes. Her sun kissed skin, long legs, and well toned body added to her foreign beauty. She dawned a pair of denim shorts and black ankle boots. On her top she wore a red tube top (looks good on her) and black, leather jacket.

"Maybe. Ino and Sakura aren't the best people to get movie advice from." The gentleman said as he laced his arms around the woman's waste. Handsome, a word saved for the truly beautiful men, could be used to describe this marvel. His cocoa brown hair fell below is lower back in a low plat. His pale skin and well muscled body gave him the appearance of a true alien to these lands and their normally darker skinned inhabitants. His eyes, if not enough, were such a gray that one would think he was blind far before he was conceived. Yet his facial structure made him that much more attractive. Said man wore a pair of gray jeans and a white t-shirt.

"I suppose you are right. We don't want a repeat of the last time." The woman smiled up to the man who shuddered at the thought.

"That was a horrible movie, Tenten. Never again." Neji hissed as he was kissed by the woman.

"Of course not, my love. That would be just horrible." Tenten winked as she hugged her lover back, enjoying every moment. "God forbid us having to flee the country due to someone destroying the theater… again."

"Hey, was it my fault they didn't have my anymore popcorn." Neji smirked down to her.

Tenten pulled away laughing. "Oh no! You're right! Popcorn is a much better reason for killing hundreds. You had better be lucky the big guy decided to spare our lives." She winked.

"Of course. Not that it would've been easy for him to track us." Neji said as he glanced down at his watch. "They're late."

A flash of worry crossed Tenten's face. Horrible things happened when her friends were late. Either they were being held hostage by some of the doctor's men, or they were in a fight with some of the locals. Not a good thing for the latter, seeing as each of her friends were immortal beings with "super human" powers. "I hope they are alright." She worried aloud.

As if on cue, the small girl zoomed towards the duo. She then stopped by levitating herself above the ground. Her long, brown hair and matching gray eyes would catch any onlooker by surprise. Especially when they see her zooming by on those rollerblades and flying in the air. "Neji, Tenten! There you two are!"

Neji immediately pushed the girl to the ground, halting her floating act. "Where are the others, Hanabi?" Neji asked his younger cousin.

"They are waiting on you two!" Hanabi shouted up to the much taller man. "We were worried about you guys when you didn't show up at the warehouse." Hanabi explained.

"How do they expect us to know which warehouse when there are so many of the bloody things around here?" Neji growled out as he grabbed Tenten's hand and turned to Hanabi. "Lead the way!"

Hanabi jumped before setting to skate at a more "normal" pace. "No need to yell, grouch. Just trying to help you."

"And you did a fine job, Hanabi." Tenten smiled down to the younger girl. "Neji is just mad that he got the directions wrong… again."

"I didn't get them wrong. I never get them wrong." Neji said. "People just give them wrong." Both Tenten and Hanabi scoffed before laughing, causing Neji to growl yet again. To Neji, he was anything but wrong (not that anyone ever argued with the "quick to intimidate" man). Besides, Neji hardly ever was wrong. He was normally spot on. Except when arguing with Shikamaru, who in turn was always right.

When the trio finally made it to the other warehouse (that Neji swore looked exactly the same as the one they just came from) Hanabi was the first to enter the worn down building. "We're here!" She shouted to the group of waiting people. Each person in the room wore a mixture of worry, irritation, and relief.

"What took you two so long?" A voice asked from the greeting crowd, accompanied by a loud bark.

"We got lost." Tenten smiled and waved to their group of irritated friends. "Neji led us to the wrong warehouse."

"I wasn't wrong." Neji said once again. "Each of these damn things look exactly alike."

"To the blind." Hanabi mumbled under her breath. She then ran away from Neji's approaching figure and hid behind her sister's body, sticking her tongue out to the seething elder Hyuuga.

"Hyuuga! Lets go before the day is up. I want to get this done before Friday." Sasuke Uchiha, resident badass and supreme sex god, said to his alternate rival. Sasuke Uchiha is a very handsome man, known throughout the lands as the most sought after male in the world (or at least to most people who have seen him). He had raven colored hair that was styled in a chicken butt's fashion. He had on his normal black skin tight shirt. He wore his dark gray jeans with a chain running through the belt loops.

"Hold your horses, Uchiha! I'm coming." Neji shouted to the brooding male.

He then turned to Tenten's heart stopping gaze. "Come back to me in one piece, okay Neji? I don't want you missing a leg."

Neji grabbed her face in his hands and stared into her beautiful eyes. They then shared an intimate kiss before stopping to regain their breath. "Don't worry so much, Tenten. I will be back in two days."

Tenten nuzzled her head against her lover's warm hands. "Promise?"

"I promise." Neji kissed her again.

"Those two are really something." Hanabi said to her sister as she sat on a wooden crate, legs swinging.

"Yes. I envy their love and devotion for one another." Hinata smiled as she took off Hanabi's helmet and skates. She then took out a new case of bandages and placed them on the younger girl's small cuts. "It's rather beautiful really."

"It's gross." Hanabi scowled as they resumed their "spit swapping" (as Hanabi liked to call it). "If they keep this up, I won't have room for you cakes, Hinata."

"I'm sure you will. You always do." Hinata smirk at the younger girl as she began brush her long locks. Said girl began squirming under the brush. "Please hold still, Hanabi. I can't get done if you keep moving."

"But it huuuurrrtts!" Hanabi whined as she moved more.

"Let me brush her hair, Hinata." A female voice said to the elder sister. "Hanabi likes it better when I do it anyway."

It was Ino Yakamono, resident Aphrodite in the group of friends. Ino was a lovely bleach blond, normally kept in a high plat, with sky blue eyes. She normally wore the most expensive and modern clothing on the face of the Earth, but recently she had been wearing rather… "normal" clothing. "I am bringing the old school clothes back to the world." Was her explanation for her clothing declaration (that rhymed). So now, the model worthy woman wore camouflage, cargo pants with matching black combat boots. For a top she wore a tight, black muscle shirt.

"Thanks Ino." Both girls smiled to the beauty.

"What's taking Neji so long?" Sasuke asked to his best friend, Naruto Uzamaki.

"He's in a lip lock with Tenten." Naruto smirked as Sasuke scowled. He knew his best friend better than anyone. "Don't get jealous because Neji is making out with Tenten while you make out with your pillow."

Sasuke blushed a deep crimson before baring his teeth. "Look here, idiot! I don't kiss my pillow. And I am not jealous! I don't get jealous!" He shouted.

"Yeah yeah." Naruto shrugged off Sasuke like water. "Just go ask Sakura out and you can finally get some." Naruto winked.

Sasuke rolled his eyes before both boys went into an empty room to retrieve their belongings. "Why would I do that?"

Naruto stopped and turned to his friend in shock. "Uh… because she's hot, single, and smart! You would be crazy not to go for her. I mean, what more do you want?!" He then paused before backing away dramatically and gasping for air. "You're not gay, are you?" He immediately corrected himself. "Not that I have anything wrong with gay people. I'm just saying that you should've told me, your best-!"

Sasuke smacked the back of Naruto's head. "Idiot! I'm not gay!" He growled out. "Besides, I don't see you going after her if you're so crazy about her."

"News flash: I did." Naruto smiled. "She turned me down flat like twenty times. So I moved on and fell for a much… larger catch, if you catch my drift." Naruto winked as he motioned at his chest with his hands.

"Neji would kill you if he heard what you just said about his cousin." Sasuke shook his head.

"What did you say about Hinata this time, Naruto?" Neji asked as he came into the room and grabbed his already prepared, black duffle bag. Naruto immediately began sweating and turned white as a sheet, to Sasuke amusement. "Well?"

"I see you finally finished your tongue war with Tenten. Who won?" Sasuke asked as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Who do you think?" Neji asked as the trio exited the room and made their way to the back exit of the warehouse. "So what were you talking about, Naruto?" Neji then turned to the pale and sweating Naruto.

"I-I-" Naruto couldn't seem to form the words. Unfortunately, Sasuke could.

"He was talking about Hinata's huge rack again. You know, boasting about how much he gets to touch them. The usual." Sasuke laughed in his head as he saw Neji change from a look of calm to one of irritation. "You know he forces her, don't you?" Sasuke just couldn't resist; and now his best friend (soon to be dead) was in a chokehold by Neji gasping for air.

"N-Neji!" Naruto choked out as he slowly slid into unconsciousness. With his last bit of energy, he turned to Sasuke with pleading eyes. "Help me, teme!"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know I did. I am sorry in advance for any spelling errors. I kind of did this in a hurry just to test some things. I enjoyed this, though. :D