Hi guys! Long time, right? Sorry for the wait, a lot has been going on in the past few months. I had originally promised to upload a chapter on my summer break, but... yeah. ANYWHO! Please enjoy this chapter, and the next should be posted shortly. ^_^ Until then... happy reading!

(With Naruto and the gang…)

"How long before we make it to Asia?" Naruto whined as he slowed his pace in the air.

"Sigh. Maybe another two hours, Naruto." Neji spoke up from his side of the boy.

"Ugh! I really wish those ground troops hadn't blown up our jet." Naruto whined again. Neji just growled in annoyance. All morning Naruto had been whining nonstop about having to fly the three of them all the way to Asia, and eventually down into Africa. Every time he spoke, Neji found himself grinding his teeth. "You guys are too damn heavy and annoying to be flying around. I feel bad for that jet." Neji rolled his eyes.

"This wouldn't be so bad if someone would just shut up!" Sasuke growled from Naruto's back.

"Well excuse me!" Naruto shouted. "At least I'm not the one who is stuck riding his best friend!"

An awkward silence fell among the group of friends. "That sounded so wrong in so many ways, dude." Sasuke pointed out.

(At the warehouse…)

Tenten sauntered into the warehouse facility wearing her pajamas. Her hair was held in a messy bun at the back of her head. "Okay, so what was so important that I immediately had to come down here to see?" She yawned as she took the closest seat to the wall, and farthest from Sakura.

Sakura, who had been reading one of her many medical textbooks, looked up in surprise. "Good morning, Tenten!" She smiled. She then looked down at her watch. "You got here fast! In under ten minutes, none the less."

"Cut the crap, Sakura." Tenten sighed as she pushed some of her fallen bangs back. "You don't call unless it's something important, so spill!"

Sakura smiled at the woman. "Tenten was always straight forward." Sakura reminisced. It had been weeks since Sakura had seen any of her friends. Ever since she left for Brazil on a "medical expedition," contact had been rather slim. "Well, can't we wait until the others get here?" She asked.

Nodding, Tenten sighed before slumping into her seat, eyes slowly closing with every passing second.

Ino and Kiba sauntered into the warehouse. Both, of whom, were wearing their fair share of annoyance and drowsiness. "Wow," Sakura spoke as she placed a tray of coffee on a nearby crate, "for people who don't need nearly as much sleep as humans, you guys sure look tired."

Ino rolled her eyes and thought, "It's too damn early for Sakura to be this peppy." She then turned her attention to the tray of coffee, immediately taking a mug and sipping the concoction. She then took a seat opposite Sakura in one of the more lavish chairs.

Kiba followed suit. "It isn't Hinata's herbal tea, but it will do." He said with a sigh before gulping down a mug.

"Now we are just waiting on Shikamaru." Sakura thought aloud.

"What are we waiting on him for?"

"Shikamaru," Ino began, "is coming to split us into units for the next two weeks."

At this, Tenten lifted her head. "Units? As in teams?"

Ino again rolled her eyes. "No Tenten, not units as in teams. Units as in numbers."

Glaring, Tenten flipped Ino off before slumping against the seat again. "Oh shut up, Ino." Tenten said.

"Yeah Ino, you don't have to be so mean to Tenten." Sakura spoke up, causing both girls to turn their death glares onto her.

"No one asked you, Sakura!" Ino yelled.

"Yeah, mind your own damn business." Tenten bit out. "I don't need you defending me."

"Hey, I was just trying to help!" Sakura said, now angered and confused.

Turning her head away, Tenten muttered, "Well no one asked you to," under her breath. "What was that?!" Sakura asked. After that, all hell broke loose. The girls were shouting back and forth among themselves like, in Kiba's opinion, dogs with rather annoying barks.

Kiba cautiously glanced between the trio of females. What the hell just happened? They were just as cool as cucumbers, and now all of a sudden they were at each other's throats. "Did I miss something?" Kiba asked himself as he scratched his head. "I wish Shikamaru would get here so that he can diffuse the situation before they draw their claws."

As if on cue, the spiky haired man stepped into the warehouse followed by both Hinata and Hanabi. "What's going on in here?" Shikamaru asked lazily. Hinata and Hanabi also were at a loss.

"I don't even know." Kiba said exasperatedly.

Hanabi watched her seniors bicker among themselves with newfound interest. "Wow," She gawked. "I've never seen Sakura, Ino, and Tenten fight before. Neat!"

Hinata had half a mind to physically reprimand her younger sibling. "Hanabi, that is not a good thing." She said down to the young girl. "Friends do not fight."

"They sure don't look like friends to me."

Shikamaru yawned as he watched the women fight on. Then, right as Ino took a breath to voice her opinion (in very unkind words), Shikamaru gave a sharp whistle.

All three females turned to him. "What is all of this?" He asked, motioning to the trio.

"Nothing." Tenten glared.

"Sure doesn't look link "nothing" to me!" His voice rose in an intimidating manner, somewhat like a drill sergeant. Each female slightly lowered her head. "Were you seriously arguing at a time like this?" No one said anything. "We don't have time for this bullshit, so someone explain to me what happened!" Again, no one said anything. "Answer me, dammit!" He then, surprisingly, punched a nearby cemented wall, forcing it to cave in. "Now!"

"Note to self, don't wake Shikamaru up this early in the morning." Both Kiba and Hanabi thought. Hinata simply looked away in shame.

"We're sorry, Shikamaru." Sakura said as she stepped a little forward. "Our weariness got the better of us."

Tenten nodded, "Yeah. It got a little out of hand. I'm sorry."

"Same here." Ino sighed. Forgetting her anger, Ino turned to her friends. "Sorry guys, I didn't mean to get so mad. My rage got out of hand."

"It's okay, Ino-pig." Sakura smiled at the blond. Tenten nodded and gave a smile of her own. "We're still friends."

"Totally," Tenten smiled wider.

"Aw! Thanks guys!" Ino laughed as they all did a group hug.

Hinata stood off to the side, watching her best friends make up. A small smile graced her features.

"Hinata," Shikamaru whispered so only that she could hear, "Did you get all of that?"

A small clicking noise was given off from the woman. "Yeah, I will immediately send it to Kurenai after they leave."

"Good." Shikamaru said. He then yawned and clapped his hands together, drawing everyone's attention again. "Now that you all have made up, we can get down to business. Let's go to HQ and I will brief you on this new mission."

Ever since Konoha was built, there always stood a group of warehouses located on either ends outside of the town. Sure, the warehouses didn't look in anyway beautiful or desirable, but they had been in Konoha for as long as anyone can remember. Many residents have petitioned the destruction of the seemingly uninhabited buildings for generations. It would seem, however, that the mayors of Konoha never truly could come to destroying the ancient architecture. "They're a piece of Konoha history." One had said, "There is no way I can demolish such important evidence of our history!"

It was after that announcement, did a group of foreign individuals offer to purchase the many decaying structures. Every newspaper in Konoha immediately jumped on the amazing piece of news with headings like: "Warehouses SOLD," "Konoha's History Stays," "One Man's Trash is Another Man's Home," and etc.

Meanwhile, the several new residents of Konoha happily purchased the deeds to the warehouses. Construction crews immediately went to work on the warehouses, coming in and out of Konoha regularly. It wasn't until one year later that the crews were done. All of Konoha, to say the least, was disappointed when they noticed that the warehouses looked exactly the same as before. Nothing on the outside had changed.

Several news reporters scheduled interviews with a Neji Hyuuga and Shikamaru Nara, two contributors in the purchase of Konoha's warehouses. Graciously, the duo allowed the reporters to tour their property. "Surprisingly," as one news reporter had stated, "the warehouse was rundown and rather smelly. Not much had changed." The smells were gone, many of the old crates and their contents were given to the city, and all were replaced with random selections of furniture. "It was cleaned, but nothing worthy of a construction crew was seen."

All of Konoha was oblivious to the real work put into the warehouses.

(With Naruto and the gang…)

"I need a break!" Naruto practically shouted as he landed in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Neji let go of his younger friend and dusted his clothes. "Talk about a bumpy ride."

"More like annoying," Sasuke spoke under his breath. "No time to rest, Naruto. Quickly scan the area and tell me where we are."

"Kazakhstan." Naruto spoke as his eyes tented over.

"We've still got a long way to go until we get to Egypt." Neji sighed.

"Better get ready, Naruto." Sasuke smirked.

"Don't tell me…" Naruto groaned.

"You're about to get ridden all the way up the Nile." Sasuke joked.

"That sounded so wrong." Naruto laughed.

"Sounds like you're in…de Nile!"

"Okay, haha."

"At least we're not sailing up the Nile without a paddle, if you know what I mean."

"Okay Sasuke. That's enough."

"WELL! I guess it's time to rent a boat because the Nile be calling!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Naruto punched Sasuke, knocking the man out.

Neji: O.O

Naruto: O.o

Sasuke: X_X

"Oh shit," Naruto cried, "I killed Sasuke!"

"You bastard!" Neji cried back.

Well? How was it, yo? Again, I apologize for the late update. I will try for a closer date next time. Oh, and check out this new story I was working on. Please check it out if you're into a different spin of Pokemon. A lot of "Bromance" in that particular story. It's on my page. At any rate...

Please R&R! Gracias!