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Hope you enjoy this one-shot.

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Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight.

Wipe Your Eyes

Tonight before you fall asleep

I run my thumb across your cheek

Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes

I know I made you feel this way

You gotta breathe, we'll be okay

Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes…


Two weeks had passed since we moved to Seattle, my daughter and I.

I considered going here as a new start and life. Kate, my fiancée, and I separated a month ago because I caught her talking to her friend that she was only marrying me because of my money. I trusted her so much and that was what she was giving me back? How pathetic.

My relationship with my daughter was on the rocks. She loathes me for getting her away from her mother. I tried telling her that her mother was in the hospital because she was ill, but she didn't believe me. She kept saying to me that Kate was the reason her mom wasn't around. Well, it was true.

Regret filled every vein of my body when I realized that Kate was never better than Bella, that I ruined my relationship with my wife because of a gold digger.

When Bella became mentally ill, I was very lonely. I could barely talk properly to her; it was like she was always in a faraway land. I was craving for the attention that she wasn't able to give me. Kate was there to comfort me, emotionally and physically. She was very beautiful. Strawberry blonde hair, full lips, tall and she had a body of a model. She was also very enticing and carefree. Time came when I thought my feelings for Bella had faded away and that I loved Kate.

I was so foolish to believe that I could ever love anyone more than I loved Bella.

I told Kate all about my feelings for her, and she said she was feeling the same. I couldn't be happier. She suggested that I divorce Bella, to send her to a mental institution so that we could live without any obstruction. Again, another stupid act, I agreed.

Processing the divorce was quite easy because of my reasons. I told them that Bella wasn't capable of taking care of herself and the same goes to me and my daughter.

When the divorce was official, I was also granted the full custody to our daughter. Just after three days, Bella was brought to a mental hospital.

My family was very angry at me for that. They said that the time where I was processing the divorce, should've been spent helping Bella recover, not adding stress to her. They only stopped ignoring me recently when I was awake from the truth that Kate was only using me.

I have no clue on where Bella was now. Her family hated us for what I did to her. They refused to talk to us except from Nessie. The only thing I knew was that she transferred somewhere very far, out of my reach so I couldn't hurt her again. She was innocent, beautiful, and captivating. And I was a bastard. I failed to take good care of her as I promised her parents and God. I was the monster.

Bella loved me, I knew that. I felt it, but I always knew that I didn't deserve such unconditional love. She caught my eye and heart when I first saw her. She was talking to someone on her phone in the grocery when I first caught a glimpse of her. She was all smiles and she was just so breathtaking. Her chocolate-brown hair was cascading like a water fall on her back and shoulders, her eyes were of an innocent doe, her lips naturally pink and her cheeks with a tint of red.

The day that she was brought to the mental hospital was forever engraved on my mind. All she was screaming was my name as she was being dragged to the ambulance. What did I do? I just watched her struggle with my arm draped around Kate's shoulder.

I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, ever.

If only I knew where Bella was right now, I'd be on my knees, begging for her forgiveness. I'd ask her to come home with me because it was really very lonely there. The house was just a house without her.

I was working as a freelance photographer at the moment. I finished a degree in medicine; I became a doctor for three years until I decided that I couldn't watch any more sufferings. The hospital wasn't really for me though it felt good saving lives. I couldn't sleep at night because all I could think about were those faces distorted in pain.

On my way home, I thought of buying Nessie something in hopes that she would warm up to me again. She was nine when it all happened. It had been three years since we had a real conversation. Three years since I screwed everything up.

Stuffs that my mom doesn't allow her to eat would make her happy. The first thing that I thought was fast-food. She had always loved McDonald's. She secretly goes there after school.

It started raining half an hour ago and I was glad that I have an umbrella in my bag. With the bags of foods in left hand and the umbrella on the right, I waited for a cab to pass by. I hadn't yet purchased a car. My Volvo finally gave up on me three months ago and up until now, I couldn't decide what car to buy. I should go talk to Jasper, Emmett, or even better, Rosalie.

And then I heard a hauntingly beautiful voice singing a very familiar lullaby.

Impossible. I thought.

I felt a pang of pain and guilt in my chest. Hundreds of thoughts assaulted my mind.

What if it was her, wandering alone here in the rainy streets of Seattle?

No, just impossible. She couldn't be here. I couldn't just think of any reason on why she would be here.

A cab was already in front of me, but I didn't notice. A man who was rushing entered and then the car was gone. I'd have to wait again for another one.

The voice continued to sing and it was coming from my right. I glanced at that direction and saw a couple of people crowding her. Her face couldn't be seen from where I was, but I could see that she was sitting on the ground and the people were handing her alms.

One side of me thinks that I should go there and look at her and another thinks that I should ignore her because she couldn't be Bella, and that I needed to go home because it was getting late.

The first side won.

When some of the people dispersed, I walked my way to the girl who had a very beautiful voice. I pulled a few dollars from my pocket, if it really wasn't Bella. I didn't want to be embarrassed.

I was taken aback with what I saw. She was wearing a worn out jacket, thin and dirty t-shirt and faded jeans. She was drenched with the rain and shivering, but she was still singing. So many people passed, but nobody even bothered to help her. They gave her money, but what was she going to do with that in this situation?

"Bella," I called her, almost inaudible but I knew she heard me because she looked up at me.

Her eyes were red-rimmed and blank. She looked sad and exhausted. Her face was dirty, sullen and very pale. Her lips were almost blue from the cold. I was afraid that she would pass out any moment.

What have I done?

I fell on my knees in front of her, our eyes were still connected.

I still had the nerve to ask her if she was okay, but she didn't respond. She stopped singing, though.

Couldn't she recognize me? The man who hurt her?

There was no way in hell that I was going to leave her here. What if somebody took advantage of her?

What if somebody has already has? God knows how long she'd been here.

The food and the umbrella forgotten, I scooped her into my arms. Unexpectedly, she started screaming and thrashing. I almost lost my hold on her.

"Shh…Bella, love, it's me, Edward," I said gently, like I used to do to my former patients.

She suddenly stopped, looked at me and melted in my arms. I couldn't feel any more guiltier. After all that I'd done to her, she still wanted me like this? She should be cursing me and praying that I go to hell. If she only knew, she wouldn't be able to forgive me. Call me selfish, but I found this an opportunity to make up to her.

Thankfully, it was easier to hail a cab this time. In no time, we were inside the car. I told the driver my address as he looked at Bella with disgust. I know what he was thinking, that Bella was making his car dirty.

Bella was quiet all throughout the ride. Her head was still on my chest and I noticed that she was fast asleep. Her hands gripping tightly on my jacket, like she never wanted to let me go.

In no time, we were in front of the door of my apartment. I punched the security code to the door and it opened with a clicking sound.

Inside, Nessie was nowhere to be found. She was inside her room again. It was always like this. She would grab any opportunity to ignore me and hide from me.

While still carrying Bella, I brought her to the living room. She should definitely get cleaned and I must look at her if she had wounds or anything.

I brought her to the couch and laid her carefully there. She was instantly awake. She grabbed my wrist and there was a pleading look in her eyes. She didn't want me to leave.

"I'll just fill the tub, you must get cleaned," I said in an oh-so-tender way.

"Don't leave," she mumbled, tears forming in her eyes.

I decided to just bring her to the bathroom with me. I helped her stand in her wobbly legs. She could walk properly; she was just shivering from her wet clothes.

Her stare was burning on me as I filled the tub with warm water. When it was filled, I poured a generous amount of soap in it and made a bubble bath. The soap was Nessie's. I don't bubble bath, but I knew Bella loved it.

It was very awkward undressing her. I'd done it before, but never like this. It was like she was a very fragile child and I was careful not to hurt her. There was no sign of shyness from her, not even the slightest tinge of blush.

I guided her as she entered the tub. She almost slipped, but I was there to catch her. She was still clumsy as ever. Some things just never change, just like what I was feeling for her.

After the bath, I dressed her with one of my shirts which was too big for her and my boxers. I couldn't think of anything she could wear in here, it was too late to buy outside.

As I dressed her, I noticed that she had lost a great amount of weight and that she had some scratches and bruises on her legs and arms, there was no damage on her face and I was thankful for that. Aside from those, there were no any other injuries. I would have to bring her to the hospital for further examinations, though. God knows what she was eating out there.

Food. She must be starving. I want her to gain all the weight that she lost, she looked malnourished.

I held her hand as we headed to the kitchen. I pulled a seat for her and then I went to look at the refrigerator for something to cook. Unfortunately, all the items there were for a breakfast meal. They would do, at the moment.

So I cooked mushroom soup, bacon, eggs and sausages. They were too much for just the two of us.

When I served the food in front of her, I noticed that she inhaled deeply and licked her lips. She was really, really hungry. She was about to reach for a strip of bacon with her hand, but I told her that I was going to get plates for us. She just nodded, this time, blushing.

There was my Bella.

I could only watch as she ate the food I cooked. My appetite was lost, guilt washes my whole being.

She was eating was too fast and I even had to ask her to slow down because she might choke.

"How long had it been since you last ate?" I asked anxiously.

She froze and looked at me, her mouth still full.


She chewed her food and then took a gulp of her glass of water.

"Two days, I think," she said lowly.

Two days?! She would've died of hunger if I didn't see her.

I wanted to ask her many things but I was afraid that she would be overwhelmed. It was good that she was still responding to some of my questions, not like before that she was just staring to nothingness.

One last question, I promised myself.

"Bella, how did you get in this place?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I…I escaped from the hospital. I don't like it there, I'm always alone and they are hurting me. I don't really know where this place is, all I wanted was to go away from there—"

Her voice became frantic and tears poured from her eyes. "Please, don't bring me back there."

"Never," I swore with all of my heart.

I stood from my seat and kneeled at her side. I wiped the tears from her beautiful innocent eyes and kissed her forehead. For the first time after three years, I saw her smile though it was small.

If I only knew that my foolish decision would result to this, for her to be hurt, I wouldn't have done it. I wasn't thinking, I became very selfish; she was the one who suffered all this time, not me. I would have to know the name of the hospital where she'd been last; they would pay for what she did for Bella and the other patients who experienced the same.

Bella and Nessie's reunion would have to waituntil tomorrow morning, Bella had to rest. From the dark circles around her eyes, I knew it had been too long since she had a peaceful sleep. Who could sleep properly on the streets?

When she finished eating, I got her a spare toothbrush and after that, I tucked her on my bed. I stayed with her on the bed until she finally fell asleep.

She almost looked normal while she was sleeping. She was still talking in her sleep. I heard her mumble Nessie's name, same as mine. She was dreaming of us.

Tomorrow, I promise, I will tell her all that happened. She might not even know that we were already divorced. If she would forgive me, I would make it up to her. I would do everything just so she would get back to normal, healthy in all aspects. All those wasted years would be forgotten and we would start anew as a family.

I'm so nervous with this story... What do you think about it?

Thank you for reading!

-ishi :)

P.S. Do you want another chap?