The lift

Just a small fanfic that I came up with late at night. Hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Sadie pov

"Carter," I hissed. "Come on! Zia's waiting! You don't want to make your new girlfriend upset, do you?"

"I'm coming!" My brother called back to me. " Why are you so excited? I thought you didn't like Zia?"

"Hello! That was her shabti. We're actually good friends now. Infact, we have been talking for a while now."

"Y-you have?" Carter stuttered. " What about?"

"Don't worry. I didn't tell her that many emberasing stories about you." Carter's face paled.

"Oh, I'm teasing you. Now come on." We rushed into the elevator and hit the 27 button. As I looked around the elevator I noticed another couple in the elevator with us. They were wearing the oddest clothing (Well, maybe not the oddest seeing as I'm the girl who wears the linen pajamas). They were wearing what looked like armor. Of course, I wouldn't know what type of armor it was, you'd have to talk to my brother, the walking wikipeidia. He'd probably know. The girl had curly blond hair and stormy grey eyes while the boy had wind blown black hair and sea green eyes. They were both fairly tanned.

The boy leaned down and whispered something into the girl's ear, and in return, she nodded and smiled. I noticed the boy was playing with what looked like a ballpoint pen. The girl had her hand on... was that a dagger?! How in Ra's name did she get that past security? I decided to notify Carter so if she decided to attack, he could summon his kopesh from the duat.

"Carter." I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ow! What?" He hissed at me.

"Look. That girl's got a dagger!"


"So, I thought that you might want to know in case she decides to pull the knife on us. That way you can just be ready to summon your sword if you need it."

"Are you, Sadie Kane, actually thinking before doing?"

"Ha ha, very funny." I snarked " If she decide to pull that knife than I'm not protecting you. You're on your own."

Ding! The doors opened to reveal Zia Rashid standing with her staff and wand at the ready. We nodded politely to the other two people and hurried out of the elevator. The doors shut behind us, removing the couple from view.

"What was that about? You looked ready to run at a moments notice?" Zia said.

"Its a long story, and for once Sadie planned ahead!" Carter said, trying to get hher attention.

Zia gasped. "Well then, I must here this story. It sounds thrilling." And we told her everything.