Last Nightmare

Station Square, 8:25 PM October 31

"Run!" Sonic shouted, running as fast as he can, the others followed him and didn't stop running. Sonic was panicked, he was scared as well.

"What do they want from us? !" Amy shouted, keeping up with the group. Rouge was flying along with Cream, Tails, and Silver.

" 'What are they' is the better question, Amy!" Rouge shouted, looking behind her. She then turned her head and saw nothing from behind. "Okay, I think we lost them." The group stopped running and flying and looked behind them as well.

"Why are they here?" Cream asked, getting behind of Tails, "Did we do something wrong?" She was scared to death and was panting.

"I don't know, Cream." Sonic said to her, looking behind him, "C'mon we must move out or-"

"It's over, Faker." Shadow said, crossing his arms, "We lost. Were also dead. And this is all Eggman's fault!"

"Why do think is him?" Amy asked, staring at him, "Just because he's evil, doesn't mean that he'll do all of this."

"She's right." Blaze said, putting her back at a broken down wall, "We need to leave this place. Or not, we might as well die." All of then looked at her and they nodded.

"But, why?" Blaze asked, "Why did they attack us?"

Mystic Ruins, 2:53 PM October 29

"Hey Tails, are you done yet?" Sonic asked, slumping down to the couch and putting his hands around his head. He then looked at his companion who was building on something.

"Almost." He said, wiping a sweat from his face, "I hope this works." Sonic nodded and heard a knock on the door.

He got up from the couch and opened the door. Once he opened it, it showed a cheerful Amy and a nice Cream.

"Hi, Sonic." Cream said to him, waving as well, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi Cream." Sonic said, smiling at her, "How's your mom?"

"She's fine." Cream said to him, "Though right now she's making an Apple Pie." Sonic then had his mouth full of water.

"Your mom makes the best cooking yet." Sonic said, daydreaming on the food that Vanilla made.

"So anyways, can we come in?" Amy asked, smiling at him. Sonic nodded and they both went in.

"Done!" Tails shouted, putting the contraption down, "This is one of my best work yet!"

Cream and Amy overheard him and they went to where Tails is.

"Hey Tails!" Cream said nicely. Tails heard her and looked at her. He then blushed and shook his head by making his blushes go away.

"H-hey Cream!" Tails exclaimed and stammering, "How is y-your day?" Cream giggled and looked at his new machine.

"It's fine." Cream said, smiling at him, "Though it was getting a bit boring." Tails nodded to her and looked at his new creation.

"So Amy, are you ready for moving?" Tails asked to her. Amy nodded to him and grabbed a pear from the refrigerator.

"Yeah," Amy answered to him, "Though I'm going to miss you guys." Sonic heard the answer and raced down to the kitchen.

"What do you mean 'Miss you guys'?" Sonic asked to her, "Your... your moving?" Amy nodded to him slowly and bitted the pear.

"Yes she is, Sonic." Cream said to him, "She's going overseas." Tails nodded to her.

"But why?" Sonic asked. Tails cleared his throat and didn't say anything.

"I'm going because I'm going to learn more about fighting." Amy told him, "Don't worry, Sonic. I'll still remember you." Sonic just shook his head.

"Does everybody know?" Sonic asked to her. Amy nodded again and bitted her pear again. He sighed and went back sitting on the couch.

Sonic sighed again and felt a pain come to his chest. Over the last few years, Amy Rose became more of a woman than a little girl. Like when she was 12, she always kept on bugging him by giving him her deadly hugs.

But now, she's 16 and he's 19. Over those years, the blue hedgehog had develop some feelings over Amy.

"Thank you for the information, Jack." The person on the television said, "Now let's have an interview from the famous scientist, Professor Skymaned!

"Huh. Wierd name." Sonic said to himself, looking at the screen.

"Thanks, Richard." The professor said, "It's a pleasure to be in your show."

"Your welcome, Professor." He said to him, "Now, how 'bout telling us about your new project, ZERO?"

"ZERO?" Sonic asked to himself again.

"Ah yes, ZERO. It actually stands for Zombified Execution Robotic Operation." He said to the millions of people who were seeing the program. "It's still on progress."

"Interesting," Richard said, "So, does it actually work?"

"Not exactly. The project ZERO is deadly and can cause damage to any human and animal being." The professor told him, "Right now I'm using it on plants and insects."

"So, do you put the zombified insects and plants where?"

"I put them in a container so the insects won't fly away and bite or touch someone." Skymaned said to him, "Though this project is hard. It will take months or even years to finish-" Sonic shut down to the TV and rolled his eyes.

"That was stupid." He said to himself, "There's no way that the project 'ZERO' is actually real."

"That's where your wrong." Someone said. Sonic flinched and turned his head where he heard the voice. It was Rouge, who was sitting on the top of the couch and was smirking right down at him.

"What's wrong? Blaze got your tongue?" Rouge asked. Sonic glared at her and got up from his seat.

"What do you want, Rouge?" Sonic asked to her, "Don't you see that I'm busy?"

"What? Getting scared from the project ZERO?" Rouge asked to him, "You know it is real, right?" Sonic shook his head and crossed his arms.

"No it's not." The blue hedgehog told her, getting up from his seat. "If it were, then how come I never heard of it until now?"

"ZERO's a project that is top-secret with GUN." Rouge said, crossing her arms, "This project isn't stable yet for the world to know."

"But why did he do it then?" Sonic asked, "Will he be arrested by GUN then?" Rouge shook her head and looked outside of the window.

"I don't know." She answered to him, "But be careful, I sense something bad is going to happen." Sonic looked at her and shook his head.

She then flew off of the window and Sonic looked at her fly. He sighed and shook his head.

"That's just a lie." He told to himself, clenching his fists, "There is no such thing, right?"

"Bye Tails!" Cream said, waving at him, "See you tomorrow!" Tails blushed lightly and waved to her back. The cream-colored rabbit giggled.

"Well anyways, thanks for showing us your new machine!" Amy said kindly, going to the front door, "I hope you some when I'm leaving." Tails nodded to her.

"Bye, Sonic." The pink hedgehog said, looking towards his direction, "See you tomorrow." Sonic looked at her and felt his cheeks burning up.

"Yeah, see you." He said, putting his hand over his head and smiling awkwardly. Amy smiled and giggled at the same time making Sonic blush more.

"C'mon Cream, were going now." Amy said to her. The cream-colored rabbit nodded and was outside of the door.

"Bye guys!" She said again, waving at them. They waved back and soon Amy and Cream were off to somewhere else.

When they were out of sight, Sonic slumped down to the couch and sighed. Tails looked at him confusingly and sat down next to him.

"What's wrong, Sonic?" Tails asked to him, "Are you still thinking about Amy moving?" Sonic to him and groaned.

"Why Tails? Why at a time like this?" He asked to him, "Why can't it be when she's younger?" Tails shrugged his shoulders and turned on the TV.

"Well, I think that's all I have to explain from this project." The professor kept on going, "Thanks again for interviewing me, Richard."

"You're welcome, Professor." Richard told him, "Now that's out if the way-" Tails flipped the channel and yawned.

"There's hardly anything to watch." Tails said to himself, "What do you want to see, Sonic?" The blue hedgehog looked at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea, Tails." Sonic answered to him. Tails nodded to him and flipped through the channels again.


GUN Headquarters, 8:45 PM October 29

"So Professor, do you think that it will work?" One of his assistance asked, "This isn't supposed to be touched, right?" Skymaned nodded to her and grabbed a pair of gloves.

"Of course not." He responded to her, "Is this is touched by someone or something, it will cause damage to the body and will turn you into the living the dead."

"Which in english means that you'll turn into a zombie?" Rouge asked, sitting near the window and looking down to him. Skymaned nodded to her and grabbed a green flower from his zip-lock bag.

"See? This is the flower that turned to the living dead." He explained to them, "If it were touched or even eaten, you'll turn into a zombie."

Rouge then flew over to him to see the flower closely. From close, it was a lime color that haded a few green spots over it.

"The appearance from it is almost the same as the animals." Skymaned told to everyone from the room. He then went to his computer and typed something in it.

"This is what a human looks like." He said, showing then the picture of the zombie. They all went to the computer and seeing the picture.

It showed a person with red bloody eyes and having their skin pale and green. It showed the person's clothes all torned up and having blood in its hands, legs, and face.

"Creepy..." Rouge said, "But this will never happen, right?" The professor didn't responded and looked down to the ground. Rouge turned her head and looked at him.

"That... I do not know..." He answered to her. His assistances turned their heads as well and looking at it.

"Is this project goes to a mistake, this planet will surely be over." He said, sitting down to a chair, "So please everybody, do NOT touch anything that has the ingredient, ZERO." They all nodded to him and soon Rouge flew up to where she was sitting.

"Don't worry," Rouge said, putting her hand on the window, "Nothing will happen to this project." She them looked down at him and smiled softly.

She then looked back at the window and saw her reflection.

"That's what I hope..." She whispered, looking down to the city of Station Square. She sighed and saw something on the window. She turned her head and looked at her reflection again.

This time, it showed her with red eyes and was smirking at her. Rouge gasped and wiped her eyes. When she looked again at the reflection, the different Rouge was gone.

'What the hell was that?' Rouge asked to herself. 'Can it be..? No, it can't...' She looked down to the group who was discussing about the project. She sighed again and looked up to the almost full moon.

A/N: Well, here you have it! The 1st chapter of Last Nightmare! I hope that it wasn't short or long... but almost...

Thank you for reading this story! The next chapter might be longer! Please review and fave! :) Thanks again.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog, all characters belong to SEGA
