Alright, I have some serious apologies to make in regards to this and my other ongoing works. I'm afraid all I have to offer are excuses. My last year at university was excruciatingly busy, and come summer I was working full time in order to save for my trip to Japan, where I'm currently studying at. I have been in Japan for just over a month now, and as things have started to settle down, I believe and hope that I will have more time free to contribute to these fics.

Sadly, my being busy is not the only reason I have failed to write more for MJSB and WA, my two in progress VK fics. Truthfully, while I did not loose interest in the fics nor truly come up against real writers block, I was distracted by new ideas for new stories and such. I'm afraid these multiple new stories I foolishly started stole away much of my attention. I will attempt to manage my time between each story better, and focus on the ones I'm currently publishing, rather than the new ones I'm not.

Once again I apologize and hope this has not deterred you from reading further. For those of you who took the time to read this missive, I thank you for you time. And without further adue, Chapter 7

Pale eyes blinked open slowly, dulled by pain and ill health they still shown in the candlelit quarters. "How do you feel?" a soft voice asked from his left. Slowly Zero let his head fall towards the sound of the familiar voice.

"Well enough." He answered just as softly. His body felt heavy and his head swam. Still he forced himself to remain calm lest his heart speed up again. Focusing on the brunette sitting beside him rather than the soft rocking of the ship Zero breathed deep, slow breaths.

"You are ill." Kaname murmured. Zero nodded in agreement. "How long?"

The pale teen sighed, moving his head to stare back up at the canopy. "For as long as I have breathed." He murmured. "It did not begin to show until a year after the crossing, but I had been sick all along."

"I see." Kaname replied, once again images of the child the teen had once been flitted through his mind. "And your brother?"

Shuddering Zero fisted his hand around the locket he wore. "Ichiru, he passed long ago. The sickness took him much earlier."

The brunette nodded, the teens earlier pause and moment of grief making itself all the more clearer. "Aido is the one who looked over you. He specializes in medicine. He believes the stress may have triggered this, bout of ill health."

"Perhaps. I let myself get carried away. My heart did not take kindly to it." He smiled softly. "Out of everything that happened tonight, a boat is what has me most ill." He said turning his head back to face the young man next to him.

"A boat?"

"I have not set foot on a vessel of any kind since the crossing." He admitted. "I have never been able to bring myself to do so." Struggling in his weakened state, zero carefully unclasped his locket, opening the pendant to look at the painting inside. "Not after Ichiru passed." He choked out.

"He died on the crossing?" Kaname asked, shocked and hurting for the injured sole laying in the bed.

Zero nodded, eyes fixed on the locket. "I had promised him when he got better, we would go on a ship. Just the two of us. And I would teach him everything I had learned." He smiled softly, offering the locket to the wine eyed man. "He, passed, just three days after you departed." He choked out.

Kaname took the locket briefly, staring at the miniature painting of two, pale babes with vivid lavender eyes and soft strands of silver hair. "I am sorry, for your loss. I cannot imagine what it must have felt like, what it still feels like." He said softly, handing the gold back.

"Thank you. But it is not so terrible anymore." Zero smiled. "Only sometimes. But it is manageable."

Kaname nodded. He longed to offer more words of condolence. Only he knew that often such things caused more harm than good. Re-opening old wounds was not something the silver teen needed, and Circe forbid he do anything that could hurt the boy in front of him even more.

Zero's eyes slipped to half mast, too tired and weak to keep them fully open. Seeing this Kaname stood. "Aido will need to look over you briefly."

The teen nodded, and he turned to fetch the ice blond genius. "Wait," a soft voice called. Turing back with worried eyes he watched the teen struggle. He watched as the boy pulled a small silver chain from around his neck. "Here, this belongs to you." He murmured, holding his hand out shakily. Delicate fingers fell open, reveling a medium sized medallion.

Kaname stared for a moment. A strange sense of happiness fled through him at the sight of the trinket. Shaking his head he reached out and closed the silverette's fingers back over the medallion. "No. You've taken such care of it all these years. It belongs with you."

A shaky smile was all he received in return, as the others hand fell heavily back to the boy's chest. "I'll be back." he whispered in a fierce promise.


"You should have gotten me the moment he awoke." the aggravated blond doctor growled with a glare. Poking and prodding the sickly teen, he ignored the warning signs sent from the first mate. "Bloody foolish of you. It is not to happen again."

"Aido." Takuma finally barked in that quiet, commanding tone of his. the blond looked up, meeting the glare head on and snarling slightly in response.

"No, friend." Kaname said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "He has right. I admit to being at fault here. That is why I have allowed his tirade."

"Very well." Takuma nodded, turning to face his captain. "We are three days off from first port."

"How are the supplies?"

"Full enough. We could easily make way to the next mark without the stop."

"Ay, what says you then?" Kaname murdered, a smile upon his lips.

"The only probable cause to bring 'er in would be to the benefit of the boy. I hardly think he had the time to pack a set of clothes. Poor lad has nothing but his sleepwear and that locket." Takuma chuckled. "However, as time be of the essence, I would stay the course and leave the port behind us. We can surely russle up something for the boy to wear in the mean time."

"And the crew? What says they?"

"I know Ruka fancies a new dress, and Akatsuki needs a new knife for his collection. However you are captain and they would surely manage without for a bit more."

"Then stay the course and make way. If we can get him to the lake sooner, it is all the better."

"Will you offer the boy a choice?"

"Ay, I will not decide for him. However the lake can help him, even if he does not chose the same path as the rest of us. After all, he is no pirate."

"If you two are done," a cool voice cut in. The two friends turned to face the blond who offered them a brief glare and a crossing of the arms. "He is stable. So long as he should avoid strenuous activity he should remain so." Turning the blond began to pack up his instruments. "He may get out of bed for short bouts. I am sure he will appreciate a bath, and I see no reason to refuse, so long as someone supervises in the event he relapses."

"Of course." Kaname murmured. "Very well, thank you, Aido."

"Yes, well he should be waking soon. Have a light soup prepared, and give him plenty of water. At least a flask within the hour. The last we need is having him dehydrate."

"I will see to it immediately." Takuma smiled, heading to the door.

"I'll be along in a moment." Kaname said. "It's time I confront the crew."


"Hand me the black thread."

Takuma hummed in acquiescence, grabbing the spool of black thread from the basket on the desk. "Here, luv."

"Thank you." the red haired man smiled, quickly threading the needle and setting to work. "How is the captain?"

"He's well enough. A bit on edge." Takuma sighed, laying back on the nearest cot.

"Things will turn out well enough."

"How do you know? Aido says the boy should have died long ago. And the sickly do not last long on the sea."

"Some things you just know." the red head said with a small smile.

"Shiki," Takuma said accusingly, leaning up on his arms and looking at the man across from him. "You know something." The redhead kept sewing, neither admitting nor denying the accusation. "As First Mate I demand you tell me what you know, for the good of the crew." Takuma tried.

He was met with an icy glare and a threatening needle. "Don't you dare try to pull rank on me." The red head threatened. "You should well remember what happened last time."

Nodding and laughing shakily Takuma laid back down. The last time he had pulled rank on the small red head his hair and teeth had been turned black for a month via ink in his tea and soap. He had no desires to repeat that debacle, or something worse.

"I do hope these will fit the lad. Do you think I shortened them too much?"

Takuma sat up to regard the newly altered pants. "They look about right." he shrugged.

"You know this would be a lot easier if I had been able to take his measurements. Instead all I have is 'a bit shorter than the captain.'" frowned.

"Well you've seen him, it was you who brought him back." Takuma shrugged again. "Most of the time I've seen the boy he's been under covers."

"Yes, well it was dark and he wasn't exactly standing straight let alone holding still. Poor boy. I fear perhaps Akatsuki and I were not gentle enough in our retrieval of him. Almost had a heart attack when Akatsuki pulled him into the trees."

"You did what you could under the circumstances, I'm sure of it." Takuma smiled. "And if the pants don't fit perfectly it won't be the end of the world. Its only temporarily anyways."

"You're right, I know. Still, They need to fit none the less. I'll take in the waist just a bit. and hand me one of those long sleeved shirts in the chest. I'll need to do some minor alterations on that as well."

"Long sleeved? Won't he be too hot?"

"Nonsense. He's a royal, you've seen what all they wear. Besides, its not like he'll be scrubbing the deck or anything strenuous like that." smiling he took the shirt from Takuma as he laid down the finished trousers. "Thank you."

"We'll be passing first port and staying the course." Ichijo said after a moment.

Shiki made a noise of acknowledgment. "And the rest of the crew, do they know?"

"Not yet. I'll be informing them after I supervise Zero's bath."

"Hmm, some of the crew may be disappointed. Still, a life is worth more than a few trinkets and watery beers. Hand me the dyed linen in my chest please."

"Sure." the blond smiled, fetching the requested material. "I have to go and see to some things."

"Alright." the red head said, setting aside his work and standing. He went to a second chest and pulled out two packages. "Here."

"What are these?" the blond asked with a raised eye brow.

"Give them to Akastuki and Ruka. I know its not the latest fashion from England, but its much more practical for a woman of the sea. And Akatsuki should appreciate it even if its not the most dazzling of blades."

"You're perfect, you know that?"

"I had a feeling they'd come in handy. Now go, you've things to do."

"Thank you." Zero smiled, sitting against the headboard and accepting the bowl of steaming soup.

"There's no need for thanks." Kaname smiled, passing the teen a flask of water. "Aido says you should be regaining your strength better now. If you feel up to it he's permitted you to leave the bed to bathe and perhaps take a small walk upon the deck if you desire."

"That would be very much appreciated." The silver haired teen murmured, delicately spooning some of the soup into his mouth. "I am sorry for the inconvenience I am sure to have caused. And please, give Sir Aido my thanks."

Laughing Kaname shook his head. "Oh please, do not allow him to hear you call him that. The last thing we need is to have his ego inflated again." he smiled. "All joking aside though, how are you feeling."

"As you said, my health is improving. A little weak perhaps, but I am sure once I start moving I will be just fine."

"That is not what I meant." the captain said after a moment, resting his arms upon his lap and steepling his fingers.

"I know what you meant." Zero sighed, placing the spoon back into the bowl and setting it on his lap. "I feel, confused, perhaps. It has been an eventful few days for me, and I am not sure how I feel about these things."

"Would you like to talk about it? I did promise you answers."

"Very well." Zero nodded. "How long was I, asleep?"

"Three days. Today would have made the fourth."

"Hmm, then not to terrible." Zero mused. "Where are we going?"

"There is an island, known only in myth to many." Kaname murmured. "On the island is a lake, a lake with special qualities if you will."

"What kind of qualities?"

"It has the power to cure sickness, heal injuries, and offer the nearest I have ever heard of to imortality."

"Immortality?" Zero questioned, head tilting to the side as he waited patiently for further explanation.

"Nearly." Kaname sighed. "It slows the aging process significantly. And enhances the drinker's natural immunities to illness and their abilities. For example, if a marksman was prized for his good aim and precision, his abilities would increase to near perfection. Or a speedy runner may be able to run faster than any normal human should be permitted to."

"There's a catch, is there not?"

"Not as big a catch as some may think." Kaname smiled sadly, leaning back in his chair. "Unlike the stories of other paths to immortality, such as the fountain of youth, there is no sacrificing of another life, or summoning of ancient and dark spirits."

"But everything comes with a price." Zero said softly.

"Immortality is not as grand as some may imagine it to be. But the price depends on the person. The gains and opportunities offered by such a long extension of life could easily outweigh the price."

"Why are you bringing me to this island?"

"The waters in the lake could cure you of this illness, and give you a normal life." Kaname said softly.

"But I would have to choose immortality."

"Not necessarily. The change is not instantaneous. You could choose to drink just enough from the fountain to cure the disease. But the effects would not be permanent. At most a decade or two. And the effects could not be renewed."

Zero sat quietly for a few moments, eyes cast down and deep in thought. "You chose immortality, did you not? It is why you don't look a day older than when I first met you on the crossing." the teen stated, looking up at the older man. "I thought you an illusion when I saw you in the market place."

"Yes." Kaname nodded. "I chose the path to immortality. As did the crew."

"Do you regret it?" the teen asked softly. Kaname looked at his hands, contemplating the question.

"I do not yet know." he decided after a few minutes. "It has been ten years. Only time will tell." He sighed. "It is your choice. We will not force you to take the same path as we have. Takuma will be in shortly to show you to the bath." he said standing.

"Thank you." Zero nodded. He watched sadly as the wine eyed pirate left the cabin, closing the doors behind him.

Alright, there's what ended up being chapter 7. I'm sorry for any deviation in writing style or format that may have occurred. If you have any questions about anything that has happened in the tale so far, let me know and I'll do my best to explain what I'm trying to convey. I will have the next chapter up within a months time maximum hopefully. If it wasn't so late and I didn't have class in the morning I'd sit down and write it out now.

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