Hello, Evi here

I didn't mean to just randomly upload something new but I've had this idea for a while now and I really didn't know how to start it then when I went on a trip with one of my best friends it just sort of hit me, so here it is!

I've never written Sladin before, and it's hard to wrap my head around Slade's character, so if you think he's too OOC please tell me.

anyway, back to the story~

I hope you like it, it was based off of the song Pet by a Perfect Circle. Some of the lyrics will show up, so if you know the song, keep an eye out ;)

He stood at the window of the cottage that he now called "home." It overlooked the country side and in the distance one could see the smoke rising and the flames bellowing from the once great Jump City. Titan tower was in shambles and the boy wondered what had become of the people that had once occupied it not more than a year ago. Sad, empty, sapphire blue eyes scanned the dark, midnight skies, searching for some sign that what was reality was only a nightmare. Life before this had been great. Life now was, or rather could be … enjoyable … for him anyway. But outside the walls of the cottage the boy knew it was hell on earth. But such thoughts only depressed him. He was always scolded about being upset. He was expected to be cordial, to take the stress away. That was his job, the expectations placed on to him. He was meant to be the one that would never leave him … couldn't leave him. At first he had tried to leave. God knew he had tried; he had given it his all and then some. But the other man was always a step ahead. One day, to deal with it all he had seriously considered suicide. But that was the coward's way out and as much as it sounded appealing, whatever shred was left of his pride wouldn't let him. He reached his hand out to the window, stopping when his pale fingers met the cold steel of the iron bars on the window, a result of one of his many escape attempts. Soon he had learned to just give up. It was good here, it was safe here. This was the only sanctuary left. He didn't want to remember his life from before. It hurt too much to think about it. About his friends, his family, even his enemies, it was all just too much. What had even become of them? What would become of him? His mind was made up. Enough fighting the inevitable, he would embrace his new life. He may not like it, but at the moment he was both the most well off person in the world and the worst in this time of chaos. The best because whatever material item he desired, he received. Not that he wanted anything form that man but what little he had asked for had been provided for him. But he was also the worst because the one thing he yearned for most, was constantly denied. He wanted his friends back. He wanted his life back … and most of all he wanted his freedom back. Because, while it was true that life outside the cottage was awful, the people out there at least had friends. They had family. They had a choice … they had freedom, even if only in the confines of their own minds it was still more than he himself had. He was a prisoner in every way, not even his thoughts were his own.

"Robin. I've told you Sadness doesn't become you. Are you still upset with me about the window?" came a deep baritone voice from behind him. That voice that sent chills up and down his spine of both pleasure and terror. It was a voice that instilled such white hot fury and yet gave him such undeniable comfort. The raven haired boy turned to the man, tears in his clouded blue eyes and a strained smile on his face.

"I'm sorry." He choked out, his voice scratchy and raw from screaming and then silence for what felt like an eternity but was probably more like a month or so. But then, what was time in this new world now anyway? Slade was the ruler of the world now, ruler of everything … even him. For him, for Robin, he had failed. He was nothing more than a caged bird now. He had become a prize, a trophy, something the mercenary had won, and would never throw away.

"Sorry? Care to elaborate Robin?"

"You've been patient and considerate with me since I arrived here & I've been … ungrateful. It's horrible out there and here I am complaining about the roof over my head and, the food in front of me, and even you; whereas the people outside these walls would kill for even a fraction of all this." Slade was confused, but was never a man to let his weakness show so, he went with it.

"I'm glad you finally see things my way." He smirked, Robin turned back to the window.

"They're all suffering … aren't they?" Robin whispered to himself but loud enough for the older man to hear his concern. Slade stepped closer to his broken bird and placed a hand on his shoulder. Robin looked up to him again, the tears in his cerulean eyes threatening to fall, ready to burst through the dam and pour down the young, former hero's face.

"Don't fret my precious bird. I'm here." He smirked, and started to pull Robin away from the window and back to his bed, expecting some resistance per usual, but was surprised to find the young man to be quite compliant. "Step away from the window, and go back to sleep." He shushed. The former Titans leader only nodded obediently and walked with Slade back to his double wide bed. He yawned and got under the navy blue sheets, laying his head back on the soft downy pillow.

"I truly am sorry for fighting you for so long … Master." Robin mumbled as he turned away from Slade to face the wall. He wasn't happy that he had to lower himself like that, but he was helpless; there was nothing else he could do so why fight it when things could be so much better? So Robin set aside what was left of his pride and dignity and chose the less physically painful path.

"It's fine, don't worry about outside Robin, all that matters is right here. So get some sleep." Slade answered, tucking the former hero into bed and walking out of the room, turning the lights off as he walked passed.