Normal P.O.V

Mai inhaled sharply as she looked at the unmoving figure in front of her, however she wasn't surprised when it launched for her. Mai's eyes narrowed as she dodged the attack before the figure launched at her again, she didn't have time to move out the way, but she didn't need to. For a big black animal with beady red eyes had tackled the figure to the ground. It pounced away as Mai drew a knife from her pocket; she threw it, hit the target and waited as the screaming died down.

Smirking to herself Mai walked over to her knife, the blade now blue with another soul of the dead inside of it. The four legged figure walked over to Mai before nudging her hand. Maid raised her hand as she rested it on the animals head.

"You did good Jihoki, you save me again, thank you," Mai whispered as she looked around her surroundings. Somehow, someway, they had ended up in the park near the SPR building. The sound of three women laughing reached Jihoki's ears, the animal growled slightly, but not threateningly.

Mai knew the growl he used before she and Jihoki hid in the bushes, right before Masako, Ayako and Madoka walked passed. A frown overcame Mai's features as she watched them walk, she knew they would find out sooner or later, they all would, however, she would rather have it be later.

"Let's go home," Mai whispered as she hopped up onto Jihoki's back, the animal ran through the deserted streets of the city. People either still being at work, home, or partying. It was between the hours of people only just getting into their late shifts, while other would be at bars until the events of the evening started.

"If only they knew what dangers lurk in the world," Mai muttered as Jihoki stopped outside her apartment building. Mai nodded as the animal sized down before jumping onto her shoulder, with that Mai walked up the stairs to her apartment.

Once she entered, she saw a figure in the room, she didn't hesitate as she set her knife down before bowing on her left knee, she also bowed her head.

"Noburu-sama, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mai asked, she never once looked up off the ground; the figure in front of her stepped out from the shadows, though it was still too dark to see him.

"Rise Taniyama-san," he ordered, Mai did as told as she stood to her feet, "You know the rules, Taniyama-san, you must never fight where people are likely to see you."

"I know Noburu-sama, my apologies, but I did not see where we were going, I was caught up in trying to defeat the demon," Mai answered as she bowed her head a little in shame, the figure in front of her gave her a stern look. Jihoki jumped from Mai's shoulders onto the ground as he watched the scene before him.

"You still refer to them as demons, yet you are one yourself," Noburu stated, Mai looked at him this time, her eyes pierced into his blood red ones.

"There is a difference between being a demon and being an angel of darkness," Mai answered as she clenched her fists once before unclenching them.

"Yes, however, you were still almost seen, if it happens again, I will have no choice but to punish you, is that understood?" Noburu asked, Mai sighed as she nodded her head.

"It is understood, Noburu-sama," Mai answered as she looked at the figure, Noburu nodded his head once.

"Good, I will give you your next assignment tomorrow night, also, you have a message on your answering machine," Noburu stated as he looked at the phone, Mai sighed as she walked over to it. She pressed a button to listen to the message.

"Hey Mai, it's Monk, look Naru's got his hands full tomorrow with a lot of stuff, we're all coming in to help, we also have a few clients coming in, so we hope to see you tomorrow, sorry to ruin your day off like," Monk's voice played through the speakers, Mai sighed, she was meant to spend the day researching where hell holes could open up, or where demons were hiding, but now she had to work.

"Well, this certainly will be interesting, I will have Ayami try to cover for you, but I'm not sure if she's meant to be one of your clients. It's either her or Chiyo," Noburu mused aloud as he looked around the dark room.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Mai muttered to herself, Noburu looked at her with anger in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" he asked, Mai sighed.

"Nothing Noburu-sama, but, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave, it's been a long night," Mai stated as she looked at the clock, which was nearing eleven at night, she had been hunting since sunset, which had been at five thirty considering the winter had arrived. Not to mention the clothes she was wearing weren't the best for a winter hunt, a simple black tank top along with black leggings with black trainers for grip. She had been cold for over five hours; all she wanted now, was to sleep.

"Of course Taniyama-san, I will see you tomorrow," Noburu stated before he left, not giving Mai the chance to reply to him. Jihoki barked once, indicating he was hungry. Mai sighed as she walked towards the kitchen; she opened up a cabinet before drawing, what looked like, normal dog food out. Once she opened it though, one could see the bones, blood and guts hidden within it, as well as smell it.

Jihoki eagerly jumped at his bowl as he began gulping down the slop. Mai sighed as she ran a hand through her hair before two black feathered wings appeared on her back, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't see why I have to keep these hidden on hunts," Mai muttered as she shook her head, a knock on the door caught her attention. Jihoki sniffed the air around him as the scent of who it was caught his nose, he immediately ran to hid somewhere in Mai's room. As Mai watched this, she knew whoever was at the door, was not someone who knew about her or Jihoki.

Reluctantly Mai drew her feathered wings back into her back as she walked to the door. She sniffed the air once before running to a closed window, getting the smell of Jihoki's food out the room. A knock came again, louder this time, Mai rolled her eyes.

"JUST A SECOND!" she called as she walked passed various objects that lie on the ground of her apartment. She grabbed her knife for protection as she slid it into the back of her pants. Finally she reached the door, she opened it and sighed at who she saw, but was also a bit pissed off at who she saw, the whole SPR gang, including Lin and Naru.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mai asked as she stepped aside, SPR walked into her apartment as they looked around.

"You have a dog?" Ayako asked as she looked at Jihoki's empty bowl, Mai gulped, having been so stupid as to leave it out.

"Watching him for a friend," Mai stated as she walked over to the bedroom, she made a shush noise as she closed the door, Jihoki barked once but remained silent after that.

"What's he called?" Monk asked as he walked over to the answering machine, "You got my message?" he asked, Mai nodded her head.

"Yeah, and his name's Jihoki, he's a softy around people he knows. So what brings you here?" Mai asked as she sat on the couch, in between Lin and Naru, Masako sat with Ayako and Madoka on another sofa, while John, Monk and Yasu sat on the floor.

"I called you six times, we even came to your apartment earlier, but you weren't in," Monk stated as he looked around the apartment, "You know, I don't think we've ever actually just sat in here and talked," Monk smiled as he looked at a few pictures dotted around the room.

"And I'd like to keep it that way," Mai muttered before she looked at the door, "I was out, I had to get a few things," Mai answered, Ayako raised and eye brow at her, "What?" Mai asked, Madoka frowned.

"Your cell was turned off as well," she stated, Mai just shrugged.

"Battery went dead," she answered, "Come to think of it, where did I put my phone?" Mai muttered as she began moving papers on the table in front of her, a picture caught her eyes, as well as SPR's.

"Who's this?" Madoka asked as she looked at the picture.

"Can I turn a light on?" Monk asked as he flipped a light, Mai closed her eyes for a second; she never had her apartment so bright.

"It's me, Ayami and Chiyo," Mai answered as she looked at the picture before setting it on a set of draws in the room. Mai's apartment wasn't so big, yet it wasn't so small either, to her it was just right, for both her and Jihoki.

Another bark came from the bedroom; Mai could tell Jihoki wouldn't stay in there much longer. She sighed as she stood to her feet before walking to the bedroom; everyone's eyes followed her as she walked. She opened the door and Jihoki came bouncing out as he looked at everyone in SPR he growled, low and threateningly. Mai shook her head as she petted the animal.

"It's ok Jihoki, they won't hurt us," Mai smiled as Jihoki licked her hand before settling on the floor in front of where she sat on the sofa.

"Well, we better get going, see you at work tomorrow Mai," Yasu smiled, Mai nodded as she showed the others out the apartment.

"Night Mai," they all chorused, Mai smiled for the first time in six and a half hours.

"Night guys, be safe," Mai smiled as she closed the door. She walked towards where her kitchen was stationed before looking out the window, she watched as Lin, Naru, Madoka and John drove off in the van, while Ayako, Monk and Masako drove off in Monk's car.

Mai sighed as she released her black feathered wings once again. She frowned as she walked around the apartment to her room, Jihoki following her.

"Someday I'll tell them, just not any time soon," Mai muttered as she grabbed a pair of blue silk pyjamas, specific ones needed if you sleep with your wings out. Mai walked to the bathroom and closed the door, five minutes later she came back out, fully dressed in her pyjamas.

Jihoki sat on the floor waiting for Mai to climb into bed before he jumped on at the foot of it. When he did jump on Mai set her alarm clock.

"Please don't let me sleep in," Mai whispered to herself as she placed her hands behind her head. She closed her eyes, but couldn't sleep. Mai sighed as she petted Jihoki's head, the animal didn't object.

"For a hellhound Jihoks, you're the only one that's really ever there for me," Mai muttered, the hellhound looked up towards his master and best friend. Mai never liked to think of her as his master, she always liked to think Jihoki was free to do anything he ever wanted, but he always stayed with her, and for that she was grateful.

"I'm not, you have your friends too," Jihoki answered as he rested his head on Mai's legs, Mai chuckled a little. Jihoki no matter when he barked, or spoke human, she could always understand him.

"But they don't know the real me, and if they did…they'd be ashamed," Mai sighed as she spoke the last three words; Jihoki cocked his head a little to the right.

"Then, they're not really your friends, are they?" he asked, Mai smiled slightly.

"I guess, not, you always know what to say Jihoks, you know that?" Mai asked, Jihoki just showed her his teeth in a smile sort of way.

"Well, I know what'll make you feel better. You're my best friend Mai," Jihoki answered, Mai smiled.

"As are you mine, Jihoki," Mai muttered as she closed her eyes. Jihoki watched as he saw Mai fall into a deep sleep, he stayed awake for an hour after she had fallen asleep, just to be sure everything was safe and no one would hurt her. When he was sure of it, Jihoki himself drifted off to dream land.

Well, that's the first chapter done, hope you all liked it, I don't own Ghost Hunt, since there was nothing to put at the top I put it here, please REVIEW and I'll get the second chapter up soon, REVIEW :D